Im done.



  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    You are going to feel tired if you don't eat more, especially if you're exercising. You're also potentially going to be malnourished, since you don't sound like you're eating enough to meet your body's basic needs. Your posts make me concerned that you could be developing an eating disorder.

    Food is not bad. Your body needs food, and it needs at least a minimum number of calories per day. Eat the number of calories that MFP recommends for you, and not less than that number. That calorie goal will lead to weight loss.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I've just plugged this into the recipe tracker: and came up with 165 calories/serving. (Note that I weighed everything. So if your 2 cups of onion weren't 221 grams, your calories may not align.) Obviously, if you top with cheese, avocado, etc., there will be more calories, too.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Thanks Everyone for the comments. I have tried alot. So I was looking for the lowest calorie foods That will make me feel full, but not make me fat. Honestly the lower the calories I eat the better. I just don't want the hungry feeling.

    You keep saying lower calories, but you aren't giving a number. How many calories do you think you need to eat per day to reach your goal? I'm guessing you are eating way too few calories thinking it's the way to go. You're already experiencing the hunger, but you are also setting yourself up for fatigue, brain fog, fainting, lack of nutrition, and damage to your body.

    I understand not wanting to feel hungry - I'm a volume eater. But you need to get your macros (fat, protein, and carbs) and fuel your body. Your body isn't going to burn calories efficiently if it isn't getting enough food to do it's job.

    If you share your MFP calorie goal with us and your health/fitness goal, I bet people can help you come up with some meals and snacks that fit your goals. I'm having an awesome italian sausage soup for dinner tonight because it's cold here, and it fits right into my calories to still lose weight.
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    Thanks Everyone for the comments. I have tried alot. So I was looking for the lowest calorie foods That will make me feel full, but not make me fat. Honestly the lower the calories I eat the better. I just don't want the hungry feeling.

    no food on the planet makes you fat in a calorie deficit. eat anything.. In a slight caloric deficit. sure you want volume foods but I feel like overall concept is missing
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    You are not eating enough!
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Losing weight doesn't have to be a self-imposed exile from food.

    Check out this thread. It's great advice and I have no doubt it will get you where you want to go.
  • mrsharmon622
    mrsharmon622 Posts: 60 Member
    You've got some great advice about needing enough calories, so I won't add to it. However, I can answer your question about filling, low calorie foods, which I think is what you were asking about. Here are some of my quick and easy meals- not always using fresh ingredients though.

    I really like English Muffins- Thomas High Fiber ones are only 100 calories and have 8 grams fiber. I eat one with a fried egg. (fried with cooking spray, not butter to keep calories down) Quick, tasty breakfast for under 200 calories... more than your orange, but filling. If you have them on hand, saute (in water) mushrooms, onion, spinach, tomatoes, etc. Any veggies topped on the egg will be great.

    When I'm trying to cut out carbs, I just eat a fried egg with a tablespoon or so of shredded cheese for breakfast. It holds me pretty good from 6am-11am, although I get hungry around 9:30. I'm a teacher, so I have to wait until 11 to actually eat.

    Lunch or supper- any meat, not fried, will be filling and shouldn't be too high calorie unless you add sauces to it. Even a hamburger patty isn't high calorie. I buy 93% fat free, and it's great. More expensive, but much healthier. Check out frozen meats- Tyson grilled chicken, Gorton's grilled fish, tons of other choices that are easy to pop in the oven for a quick meal. Tuna is great also. I've recently started using the tuna in pouches instead of a can. I can take it to work and it doesn't stink up the fridge. :) You just open the pouch at lunch- no draining the can. :) I put a pouch on one of the English muffins yesterday for lunch, with mustard. First time having tuna with English muffin, but it was actually really good. There are salmon pouches also.

    I would definitely vary your veggies. Buy some Birds Eye steamables- I love the bullalo chicken flavored cauliflower. There are tons of veggies to choose from and you don't have to worry about trying to prepare them.

    I also love to cut up a ton of veggies- fill a frying pan- with squash, onion, broccoli, etc. Add water to cover the veggies. Add salt, pepper, any other seasoning. Then, let them cook until they are as soft as you like them. Some people like the veggies still kind of crunchy; others like them mushy.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • bee_bee8
    bee_bee8 Posts: 96 Member
    You still haven't shared your daily calorie goal, but I think it's safe to say the amount you're eating is much too little. I've lost quite a bit of weight this year, and something important I learned is that you do NOT have to feel hungry all the time. You might when you first start out, but your body will quickly adjust and feel satiated IF you consume enough calories.

    I really recommend looking up recipes online. Learning to make just a dozen different healthy meals has made a world of difference in my life. I've always loved food and I still love food; meals should be enjoyed in my opinion. I don't know what you like but some great, low-cal meals I like to make include sauteed asparagus/mushroom tacos with guacamole, shrimp ceviche, tuna salad with avocado instead of mayonnaise, and quinoa stir fry. I hadn't cooked anything more advanced than mac n cheese a year ago - if I can do it, you can do it. Best of luck.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    eat more.