When doing exercise DVDs in your house on carpeting..



  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I wear shoes because I don't want my feet to hurt afterwards. I love and cherish my feet....so much so that I wear my shoes when I workout in the living room, even though I can't stand shoes on the carpet!!
  • vicki915
    vicki915 Posts: 38 Member
    I wear socks & my Asics running shoes. It puts me in an exercising calorie burning frame of mind. (but I do hate doing Zumba on carpet w/shoes)
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    Barefoot but I have plain wooden floor its even uneven :)
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    I use EA Sports Active and I do wear shoes & socks inside. My only reasoning is I get into the mindset of "Workout time!" when I put on my tennis shoes... because I have a pair of shoes that are strictly for working out. My other tennis shoes are for work. Other than that, I wear flip-flops. So putting on my workout shoes is the same as putting on my workout clothes... it's just getting me into the mindset.
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    Whenever I exercise, unless it's yoga, I get in full gear. To me, it's a mind thing, it helps me focus. I feel like I work harder when I'm dressed for it.
  • ieatstickers
    ieatstickers Posts: 51 Member
    When I lived in my old apartment that had carpeting I use to go barefoot, but then I messed up my ankles so I started wearing sneakers. It helped me do the moves easier, too. Especially like jumping jacks.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I've been wearing socks the entire time did the 30DS.
    The one day i wanted to see how it was with shoes on.. I ended up re-spraining my ankle.
    Least to say I've stuck to wearing socks and having my ankle wrapped for the rest of the days..
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I go barefoot because I hate shoes and socks, so never wear them indoors.
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    I've been wearing no shoes on a wooden floor.2 weeks in and my ankles were killing me. Been almost 3 weeks now. I'd feel weird wearing shoes indoors plus it would be noisy as I get up early. Might get an exercise mat and see how that helps. Be careful cause my ankles hurt even sitting!
  • determinedcrystal
    determinedcrystal Posts: 75 Member
    i think it depends on what kind of exercise your doing.
    for me i use gym shoes when im going to do something that involves jumping
    because if your barefoot you have a higher chance of injury
    but when i do yoga or pilates no shoes
  • corymomma
    corymomma Posts: 405 Member
    I use shoes and socks generally...I can't stand my carpet (I rent so changing it isn't an option) and how it feels on my feet. So I wear socks at least, and if my body is aching (like it has been) I go ahead and put on my shoes so I have some extra cushioning...also been wearing my ankle/foot brace for the extra support...
  • marquesajen
    I wear my skate shoes. Running shoes catch on the rug too much. Bare feet hurts after doing some of the workouts.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I've been working out barefoot since I started my new lifstyle, but have recently bought some trainers to wear for indoors...as we don't wear shoes in the house...and i'm finding it really useful. I don't slip as I used to and it also gives me good support, so glad I bought them!
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I don't wear shoes inside ever, so I don't put them on for working out. And it's odd, but the extra step to put on shoes and socks was a deterrant to me rather than just getting the DVD in and starting the workout.
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    I tried working out to JM 30 DS in just socks but they slip off and I slip all over the place!! Shoes just makes it soo much easier for me.
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I do them barefoot even though sometimes I feel like the workout would be easier to do with my shoes on D: but we don't wear shoes in the house and I'm NOT going to sweat to the 80s or whatever in my backyard so shoeless it is!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    I usually wear my sneakers...BUT for Zumba at home, I have to take off my shoes with all that twisting and turning or I will fall (I'm ridiculously uncoordinated!)
  • JeanWalker109
    I was just thinking about posting a similar thought. ROFL! For real.

    Anyway, I exercise on carpet and I do not use shoes. That's just me. Why not? Well, the sneakers just aren't able to glide the way I want them too & socks glide too much. I'd end up wipin' out if I wore socks. So, barefoot works for me. I do a lot of walking DVDs, and dancing DVDs.

    I say, no matter what others say/think, do what works for you.

    I wish you well!


  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Barefoot. I always prefer to be barefoot if I can. If I could walk everywhere barefoot I would..
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It depends. If I'm doing a lot of hopping, I'll wear shoes for shock absorption. Otherwise, socks. I have a recumbent bike that I only wear socks for, but if I walk on the treadmill, I wear shoes.