How much did you gain during pregnancy?



  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I gained 7lbs during my pregnancy. I ended up with gestational diabetes, so I couldn't eat whatever or anything I had to eat strict and I did I followed it to a T. I had a 6lb 12oz, 19inch beautifully gorgeous baby girl :) Almost 3yrs ago
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    1st son in 1998:
    Started: 198
    9th month: 205
    Birthday: 225 (all swelling)
    Gained either 27 or 7 depending how you look at it.
    Day home from hospital: 190
    Baby: 6.15
    Weighed 250 by the time he was 18 months.

    2nd son in 2009:
    Started: 258
    Birthday: 266
    Gained: 8
    3 weeks after: 204
    Baby: 8.13
    Weighed 270 by his 2nd bday.
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    I gained 50lbs. with both pregnancies. My daughter was 8 lbs. and my son was 10 lbs. and I'm only 5'5"

    Best wishes
  • KenzieKidwell
    KenzieKidwell Posts: 77 Member
    About six mths after my husband and I moved in together we bought a scale and I weighed 210ish. I joined WW and got down to 180. Which was when I got pregnant and WW kicked me out. I took the pregnancy as a free pass and gained 52lbs which put me at 232 at 5'7''. I am down to 162 and have 20ish lbs left to lose before June when we are going to start trying for baby number two.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    1st: 47 pounds
    2nd: 34 pounds
    3rd: 22 pounds

    Granted, I weighed more to begin with with my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies!!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    #1 40lbs 5lb 15oz
    #2 40lbs 6lb 12 oz
    #3 47lbs 6lb 12.5oz

    But I breastfed them all for at least a year and weight melted right off.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    36 pounds in my first pregnancy.
    26 in the second. (I started off 10lb heavier.)

    Babies both born with identical measurements and a weight difference of 2 ounces.
  • I gained 16!
  • baby 1 - 50 ( 5 yrs old)
    baby 2 - 50 ( 4 yrs old)
    baby 3 - 60 (one month old)
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    I gained 45lbs. My face was HUGE! My daughter was 7lbs 9oz. 10 days after delivering I was down 30lbs. She is now 13 months old and I have the 15lbs from her plus I gained 15lbs more.
  • I started at 137(was really in shape) and gained 27 pounds, weighing in at is almost six months and I'm down to 130 now :) Baby JJ was born healthy at 7 pounds 8.8 ounces!

    Now getting strong and healthy and hoping to try for #2 early next year!
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    I think I gained around 35lbs during the pregnancy, but actually dropped the weight pretty quickly after my daughter was born. I easily fit into my old jeans just a few weeks after the birth. It was the transition to being a stay at home mom from an active full time teacher that caused a lot of my gain. I had access to snacks all day and a lot of time to bake, plus an addiction to reeces mini peanut butter cups.
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member

    With my 1st I ate EVERYTHING and didn't exercise. With my last I ran well into my 3rd trimester. I think my body has a weight it wants to be at when carrying a baby. I got the smallest and in the best shape of my life after I quit BFing #4. It can be done :)
    I've only had two pregnancies but I feel the same way. I gained around 25 with my first and around 35 with my second but was 10 pounds lighter before getting pregnant with the 2nd so my ending weight was right around the same (actual) number.

    I dropped the weight really quickly with very little effort both times. With my second I was very quickly back to pre-pregnancy weight but I had a really rough recovery that included PPD & anxiety and a whole other set of issues which basically meant I wasn't eating all that much. I was eating but also nursing and while my supply was fine, the weight dropped off. As soon as I got everything in order, went on anxiety meds, my appetite returned and I gained weight. I really wish I had been more careful at that time and maintained that weight instead of gaining 20 pounds.
  • I gained 65 lbs with my son birth weight was 7lbs 9 oz . Then I lost some of that right around 10 lbs over the course of 5 yrs :( pretty sad I now. Then got preg with my daughter and only gained 11 lbs her birth weight was 7lbs 11 oz My doc told me that when I was preg with my son they never tested me for hypo which I probably had 6 yrs prior to my diagnosis.

    I agree with whoever said that nursing it normally drops right back off unless you have the some conditions I do. I drop most of the weight with nursing and then when I quit nursing it all piled back on
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    So far I have gained between 20-25 lbs. I only have about 10 weeks to go so I'm hoping I don't pack on much more. I am REALLY watching my food intake though because I have gestational diabetes (on Insulin).
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    I gained 40 pounds with my son and he was born weighing 9lbs5ozs. He will be 7 months next week and I am 3 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. But I am still up an extra 25 pounds that I gained in the 2 years after getting married. My only regret was not starting excersising and eating right after he was born. Instead I didn't start until last month (him 6 months old), and waiting that long I gained back 10 pounds.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    2 stone first time, 1 1/2 second time.
  • I gained the recommended 30 lbs. and had a healthy, happy 8lb. 11oz. baby boy!!!!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    18lbs and my baby girl was 7lbs 8oz/21 1/2" long! :)
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Gained 28 lbs. Baby was 6 lb, 1 oz.