What made you finally get off your butt?



  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I had been trying for years but nothing worked until I quit drinking.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    My reason is a popular one I think, though no one has mentioned it yet. I'm just not happy. I hate catching a glance of myself in a window as I walk down the road. Most of all I hate hating the way I look. I am really, really, really looking forward to being a normal bra size. Being able to buy a bra off an actual shop and not off the internet is going to make me so, so happy.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I recognized that I was gradually gaining weight and doing nothing about it. I have too many friends who have just let it go and then are shocked when they wake up one day weighing over 200 pounds. So I stopped it in its tracks. My main goal was to become healthy as I have a lot of family medical history that isn't pretty. I now love working out!!

    This sounds like my story. I have a friend I haven't seen in awhile, and she got engaged, which is fantastic. She sent me a couple of her engagement photos and she had gained sooooo much. She was always a little bit of a bigger girl, but at this point, she is obese. And I just was like "Oh, no, not going to happen to me."
  • Natasha7t2
    Natasha7t2 Posts: 129
    Being told I was fat by a friend of the family. Unpleasant at the time but thank god they told me. It was a wake-up call and spurred me into action!
  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    at my fattest i was 194 lbs,now i'm 176.4lbs.it took me almost a year to lose 17lbs.of course,i could have done it way faster,but i just couldn't convince myself to eat less for a longer than two weeks.then i used to snap and stop dieting and put some weight back on.then i started dieting again,snapped again and so on.but at least i finally lost some weight.it's really hard to lose weight because overeating is like an addiction,and it's hard to overcome it .i'm new to this site and i really love it.hopefully it will help me.for now it has at least helped me to start doing some exercises,cause that's something i never do.maybe your family should try this site too.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I wanted to prove I could do it b/c so many people said I couldn't.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    aside from all of the health benefits that come with being fit, i was tired of un tagging photos of me my mother in law would post on an almost daily basis on facebook. she has no consideration for how terrible anyone looks in a picture and i didnt want to share that with people i havent seen in years. so i decided to fix it by getting back to a weight where im happy seeing myself and sharing it with others.

    and i couldnt fit into a damn thing i owned.

    but mostly my mother in law. and my stick thin sister in laws that i was always next to in the pictures making me look like an elephant.

    so do i thank her? or continue to be annoyed lol

    Well I can relate however it wasn't my mother-in-law instead it was just anyone who would post photos of me that looked TERRIBLE!!!
  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    I hit my highest weight ever and started to self pity myself until I finally just kicked myself for it and decided that I could keep waiting around for it to happen and it had to be me that got myself out of the rut I was stuck in, nobody else can do it, just me.
  • LizaMena
    LizaMena Posts: 47 Member
    I have always been chunky and always been "OK." I have never had any health problems so I never really stressed on my weight. I got pregnant in 2003 and from their on my weight just kept going up. My nickname is 'La Gorda" or fat in spanish because I have always been the chubbby one of the family. My co-workers are also obese so we would eat like crazy during our lunch and snack a lot!

    I finally said enough when I got on that scale and saw that it said 250! That only meant I was closer to 300 and it scared me! I have two beautiful girls which I want to be a role model for. I don't want them to be embarrased of me with their friends and most of all I don't want them to follow in my footsteps! Diabetes runs in my family and even though I've been healthy I want to take care of myself now before it's too late, why wait till there is something wrong with me? I am so happy I made the decision to get healty! I feel great and I'm taking to the finish line, I am making a lifestyle change!
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    I realized that I hit rock bottom in my life and I was about 287 lbs over weight. I had to change my life and the way I was living life. I was honestly killing myself and putting myself in danger.

  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    Hi LizMena How did you create your profile picture like that?
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I got very tired of hearing from so many people how fat I was, so I did something about it!
  • I was sick of dreading my military PT tests. I was sick of my husband seducing me yet I wouldn't want to give in because I felt so self concious. I started trying different diets and such for the last year when I got informed that I would have a harder time getting pregnant if I kept my weight up. But nothing worked because I was telling myself no too much. Not I tell myself yes-but in moderation. I work out everyday even if it's mowing the lawn or walking my dogs on the weekends. I have no set weight goal really, the only goal I have is to get a 90 on my next PT test and feel better when my husband comes home from his deployment so he can get what he deserves ;);)
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I was creeping towards 150 and felt disgusted with myself.
  • I was less than 5 pounds away from being "overweight" on the BMI scale. it made me sit back and think... wow... how did that happen so fast?

    So, I turned it around. I decided I was going to get back to being healthy before it got out of hand. I am 25, my metabolism is slowing down, and if I pulled that crap for any longer than it would have been REALLY hard to take the weight back off.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself with no neck, only chin. It really hit home that I needed to do something when even my necklaces stopped fitting. Grrrr.....
  • ab_shutterbug
    ab_shutterbug Posts: 203 Member
    A friend of mine lost a lot of weight on this program, and I figured if he could do it so could I. I tried writing down all the things I was eating (earlier) and estimating calories but it turned out that, without MFP, I was WAY off. No wonder I didn't lose any weight for years!

    I also had an incentive with a high school reunion coming up last summer. I lost about 10 lbs. before the reunion, and that got me excited to lose more. I'm at 28 # now and really want to lose the next 2 lbs. Plus if I can get twenty more after that, I will be back to normal-looking! I feel great though, and hope everyone else also finds success w/MFP.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    seeing old pics when i was 130 pounds skin and bone. then i quiet drinking put on a bunch of weight i hit my heaviest weight i was close to 250 pounds. but what hurt the most was my niece asked one day if i go out side with out a shirt. i of course said some times. she said you must scar the neighbors eye's. it hurt like hell show i decided to prove to them and myself i can do it. and i am it's been a year and a half now. i have type 2 diabetes and other health problems. but i'm in control now and forever
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    You guys are awesome! Good for all us for getting our lives on track!
  • Trig0r
    Trig0r Posts: 47
    I hit 15 stone at christmas and that for me was the point I called myself a fata$$..
    My aim it to get down to 13 by eatting better then I'll stop watching the scales as much and start training a bit more (P90 first) and get my old bike out (mountain, not the missus) and just see how it goes...