Burnin Thru Augus(Closed Group)



  • Windedhl
    Windedhl Posts: 17
    I would be Sailor Jupiter! She's tall with brown hair and intimidating and a little scary, but she's super nice and smart and is an awesome cook. plus she had a hard past which makes her appeciate her friends all the more.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I have a question for everybody:

    What is motivating you to be on MFP? Or in other words.... what was your motivation to lose weight?
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    I have a question for everybody:

    What is motivating you to be on MFP? Or in other words.... what was your motivation to lose weight?

    In the beginning it was just a matter of self loathing. I was slim when I met my fella and although he never uttered a word about it, i felt guilty and like a huge slob for letting myself go. Now the thing spurring me on is my competitiveness and also the constant compliments. Although someone said to me the other day - "DAMN! You've lost so much weight girl, you got aids or saink" lol dumbass!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    LMFAO @ SCC88.

    I have ALWAYS been overweight since i was a kid, mainly because of my thyroid n a lifetime of depression. In 2007 I worked for the state with caltrans, fire dept, dept of ag, ect.... & i finally for the first time ever lost a good amount of weight, witout even trying it just happened. Well wen I was close to what my goal weight is now I got pregnant. I got toxemia and gained 100lbs. I only lost like 15 of that when I had my son. Ive never been pushed to lose weight... my ex loved bigger girls so there was never any reason I felt I had to lose it. Well me and my ex are obviously not together anymore and I guess now im seeing more of myself and who I am, along with how unhealthy ive been and im just not happy with myself. It didnt help that a few days ago my son slapped my belly and it jiggled... he does it all the time and its insane that a 2 year old can make me feel self concious but he does. "/ I want to live a long healthy life for my son... and of course for myself... but my son pushes me harder every day.
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    I have a few reasons. 1. I'm in my 40's now and I know I need to do it for my health and so I can stick around for awhile because I'm loving life. II've never had a problem with weight until the last few years, I've been gaining about 10 lbs. a year, so I knew it was time to own up to it. 2. I had a first marriage of 21 years and he traded me in for a younger model. Not complaining, I came out way better but still a knock to your self-esteem. 3. Three years ago, I met the love of my life. He's truly my best friend and I've never been happier. He is so much fun, mischievious and loves to play. We bought the motorcycle three weeks ago and I am loving it. We are thinking about joining a club and as I was looking at the pictures of some of the women, I was like "Dang....some of these 40 somethings look hot on those bikes! I want to be like that!"

    So that's my good reason, my self-esteem reason and my vain reason!
  • Meg1077
    Meg1077 Posts: 11
    I have never been super skinny at my smallest I was a 6-8 and thats when I was 21 & met my husband.... I quickly gained 20 lbs when we started dating & then slowly gained another 30. I have 3 daughters ages 1, 2 & 3 & I have to admit I didn't gain alot of weight through out any of the pregnancies and am currently where I was when I got pregnant with baby #1 so I can't even try to use them a little bit... LOL all this baby fat is me.
    That being said.... I don't want to be 186 lbs any more. I want to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror & I want to be an example to my daughters. No more complaining about being fat!!
    SO I guess my big motivation is my 3 daughters & my husband, I want to be healthy so we can live a long life together.
    Oh & I want to look hot for my husband when we go places
  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    Staying under today-check

    Watching Arthur tonight...will catch up with ?'s tomorrow
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    Water complete
    Situps complete
    Food logged under complete
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Water - check
    Sit ups - check
    Food calories - check

    I'm losing weight because I'm getting close to the age that I may end up with diabetes if I do not lose it now. We have a new health care program at work, and part of it was getting tested and passing particular health indicators like cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. Well my results were an eye opener, and I decided I need to do this now, because it's only going to get harder later.
  • Meg1077
    Meg1077 Posts: 11
    Water - check
    Sit ups - check
    Food calories - check

    Stephanie my work recently changed their health care policy as well... Another reason to get in shape for sure.
  • Water - check
    Sit ups - check plus
    Food calories - check

    Woo Hooo!

    I'm in the same boat as our Captain. I have always been at least a little overweight. Looking back I'm pissed at myself that I loathed my body when I was actually pretty cute and didn't know it.

    When I met my husband I was slightly overweight and he didn't care. Then I started living his unhealthy lifestyle and putting my family first and career first and let myself get over 200. AGHHH!

    Now that I have a daughter of my own I have realized I don't want my self-esteem issues rubbing off on her and I want to be a good role model for her and my other kids. Also diabetes run in my family as well and I don't want that either.

    So that's my story and I love that I now have all of you helping me. My family isn't very supportive because they don't have weight problems, so all of you are a blessing to me!

  • dbgirl23
    dbgirl23 Posts: 32
    Water - check
    situps - check
    under calories- check

    The reason I want to lose weight is because I don't what I see when I look in the mirror. I feel skinnier than I actually am and it hurts to not see it that way. I have a 1, 2 and 3 year old too! (FUNNY MEG)!! and I gained A LOT of weight being pregnant during that time and haven't felt a need to lose it because, I too, have a man who likes bigger girls... BUT... I don't feel good about myself and that matters more than anything. The reason I continue to log in everyday on MFP because it is a support system! We all want to achieve the same goal and it's nice to be able to share our motivations, inspirations, and failures with others who understand. :) I am in it for the long run and I am really determined to live a healthier lifestyle for myself and my family. I want to bring HEALTHY BACK, lol!!!
  • completed everything for yesterday ( the 3rd ) !

    whats motivating me to lose weight is the fact that im just not happy at this size . I too used to think I was overweight all my life because i wasn't a thin as my friends during my childhood. I was always curvy , but healthy . As i got older , the weight just started coming on -_-
  • Windedhl
    Windedhl Posts: 17
    LOL brining healthy back, i like that :)

    Here's the skinny on my fat: I want to look and feel better.

    now here's the fat on my skinny:

    I've had a very low self esteem for a really long time. I'm very beautiful and inteligent and have an awesome body. though i feel average looking at best, constantly in a brain fog feeling like an idiot, and my clothes don't fit the way i think they should.

    I've been in more than a few destructive relationships and two failed marriages. my first baby put on 60 lbs that i eventually lost, and the second one added 80, that took even longer to lose. all the while my self esteem was getting lower and lower.

    My second marriage ended in february 2010, my awesome job ended in may2010 and shortly after i decided to surrender my life to the military. i let my boys step mother adopt them since i wasn't going to be able to care for them for the next three years. I got my weight down to 190 which was the lowest it's been since i was in middle school. I felt great and i was gaining self esteem by the ship load. then a month after i swore in to the national guard i found out i was pregnant and her father didn't(and still doesn't) beleive she was his. so hello again depression and another 40lbs.

    then i met John. John says i'm wasting my intelligence by working minimum wage jobs and should look for something more to my level. that makes me feel good. John always says i look nice when i need him too, and that makes me feel good. He says that i'm beautiful when i least expect it and that makes me feel good too. the more he compliments me the more self esteem i get.

    when i found out i was having a girl my perseption changed. I decided not to give her up for adoption and to get out of the military so i could raise her myself. that was probably the first sefless decision i've ever made in my entire life, and that made me feel good.

    I'm sick of loathing myself and making excuses and being selfish. i deserve to be loved and to have loving relationships with people that value me. I never want my daughter to think it's okay to ignore your own needs. She heeds to know that it's good to love yourself. And part of loving yourself is taking care of yourself. i wouldn't let my kid get this depressed and this over weight because i love her, so i'm not going to let myself do it either.

    i'm falling in love with myself and want to look hot for me :) it's just a great bonus that i get to look hot for my love, and set a great example for my baby love.

    MFP has been a key to keeping myself accountable and this challenge has given me people that i relate to and can draw strength from. I joined the team challenge looking for motivation and totally got it :)
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    Wow! That question certainly helped us all get to know each other more! :-)

    @captNetty: I was skinny in 2007 too! Good year ay! >:-(

    Today is the day of the 40 ups & downs! Anyone as scared as me? I'm gona go practice infront of a mirror for 10 mins before attempting it lol! What a way to spend your day off heehee.

    Good Luck everyone ^_^ xx
  • I'm a bit afraid. I need to look at the video one more time. Got 100 crunches in this morning and 10 oz of H2O already! I've only been up 30 minutes.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I did the crunches and was good on my water yesterday. My dairy was a bit of a fail.
  • Alright team I finished our challenge for today before breakfast! It's not easy but you can do it. I think I'm one of the biggest on the team and if I can do it anyone can. It's not easy on large chests lol fyi. I had so much energy from those I continued exercising for 15 more minutes to keep the adrenaline going.

    GO GO Go , I have faith in all of you!

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I know that was a good question to get to know everyone. I enjoyed reading everyone's background.

    <--- I am afraid of UP and DOWNS today
  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    ok, I did the cartoon--I am Bugs Bunny :)

    As far as losing weight, I wasn't overweight until I started working at a desk in 1997- I gained about 30 lbs then....Then I just added a little a year for awhile and then in 2001, my mother died at 53 and I met my husband and got married. It was the happiest and worst year of my life. I am an emotional eater. I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. If I was sad, I'd go buy a huge box of Godiva's and eat them in a day or two. My husband (also overweight) loves me like I am and would take me out to dinner all the time. We went out about 5 nights a week. Seriously! So, we started trying to have a baby and I found out I have all kinds of issues (one ovary, one fallopian tube that is blocked, PCOS) So, I was depressed.....I ate......then I started doing infertility treatments (hormones), IVF & more weight.....finally got pregnant (yay) 5 months in, I lost my little girl due to incompetent cervix...(another problem that nobody picked up on)...so I took a year off and ate myself silly....cried a lot and decided to get back on the horse (IVF) and try again, got pregnant, lost that one (it was early) and then FINALLY got pregnant with my daughter Rebecca and had her in March 2010. Needless to say, I am over the moon in love with her.

    Now, i worry about being here for her. My mom left my life at such an early age, she had heart disease. I know I need to take care of myself. I don't want to miss Rebecca getting married and being a grandmother.

    SO TMI but, I feels good to share sometimes.

    Thanks for listening...
