Complete waste of calories

I'm going to assume other people have experienced this but the feeling when you make yourself something - or grab something to go - and you're eating it and it just does not fufill the expectations of the meal? I find that moment to be almost infuriating. I have literally thrown away food after two or three bites because it is ... well. gross... which is not something I would have done six months ago. Pizza for instance - pizza is my achilles heel. Before my overhaul, I would not have walked away from a slice of pizza, regardless of how not awesome it was. Now? No question. Is this gross? Then I'm not eating it.

I was talking about this feeling recently with a friend, how something so disappointing was a complete waste of calories because I only get so many a day, so I'm not going to waste them on something that doesn't cut it. It's pretty much a budget.

Which goes in line with the other part of my mental overhaul on food: food is 10% entertainment (holidays, parties, going out with friends) and 90% energy source.

Anyway. Today it was the salad. Some kind of chipolte ranch dressing, cheese, and the whole thing tasted like plastic. four bites in and tossed in favor of pinapple. I love salad. I was trying this new brand of prepped salad because I didn't have a chance to make my meals today. Never again.

What have you felt like was a waste of calories?


  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    i have a friend who makes cauliflower pizza and i found myself liking that! It's not the same, but it didn't suck.

    i seriously love homemade pizza. my favorite is with goat cheese and papadew topping. mmmmm.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I do remember during past diets that I discovered I didn't like things I would normally have eaten without thinking too much about it. The only thing I remember is potato chips. I still don't eat them. Every once in awhile someone will bring a bag into the house and I'll taste one just to verify that I still don't like them. Same with cigarettes come to think of it; I don't even need a puff to verify anymore. Why did I ever smoke? Those things are nasty!

    Sometimes taste buds change what they like with no apparent reason. I used to love, now hate brussels sprouts, asparagus, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon.

  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    There have been several things for me, for months I have been on a very restricted diet due to gallstones, I had my op 3 weeks ago and for 2 weeks now I have been trying in small amounts or on cheat days foods I have craved or really wanted to try but could not eat and a lot have been very disappointing, most I finished but won't get again but 1 thing I did throw away were these cheese topped flat bread bite type things bit like crackers, for months I was eyeing them up at my local supermarket as they were situated at the tills, I finally got them and was so excited and I ate 2, gagged and threw them out, they had a vomit after taste and tasted greasy and nasty I was so disappointed, also nuts, I got some and the calories are insane just for a tiny amount took me all week just to finish a tiny bag and not very satisfying so now I just steal 1 or 2 off the fella haha, its strange the things I would have just shovelled down without thinking before now I am quite fussy if its too high in calories I will either not have it or wait till cheat day hehe and yes candy don't get me started, I like to suck on a mint humbug or another minty candy to help with curbing my eating sometimes and 8 humbugs are like 200 calories I was like whaaaat? the other day I must of had about 4 and didn't think to log as those 4 were throughout the day so annoying.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    A while back I renamed two of my meals "ok but it was worth it" - where I log stuff that's high in calories but I like it, and another one "wish I hadn't" for the type of stuff you describe. The "wish I hadn't" one has taught me to sometimes pitch things, like you describe. and other times to check in advance what the nutrition info is, especially in restaurants. I don't often need to log things there anymore!
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited November 2017
    nuts and soda always leave me feeling disappointed. The servings depress me too. The biggest waste of calories I've had was on an awful greasy sandwich I ordered at a cajun restaurant. I asked the waitress if it was a 'dry rub' seasoning and if there was anything really oily on the sandwich, to which she said "nope! Just dry seasonings and peppers!" When I got it the peppers weren't whole peppers they were finely chopped into a pesto thing with tons of oil. I was with out my mother so I wanted to be polite and I finished it anyway, but oh my goodness. I felt so sick afterwards because I haven't eaten that kind of thing in forever. It didn't taste that great too.
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 355 Member
    edited November 2017
    A terrible tasting burger from a restaurant. If I planned for that burger, I want that thing to taste like heaven. I've had times where it just doesn't own up to the expectation and I leave with the attitude that I could have lived without it. One example of this is a 5 guys burger. It was so not worth the hype.