Threw up my calories? Fast answer please?



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited November 2017
    You know, I'm guessing someone has probably already said this somewhere in this thread but I'm going to say it myself as well.

    If your diet is such that small variations in your daily routine cause you to literally vomit then I think the question isn't "what do I do when I vomit?" the question is "what can I change in my diet so I'm not constantly on the verge of vomitting?".

    Sounds to me like you are being far to hard on your body with whatever routine you are attempting to establish and you'd benefit from backing off yourself a bit, either by eating more or exercising less or getting adequate sleep. Vomiting is a sign from your body that something is should listen to it.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited November 2017

    This will be my last reply to this post. Again, the problem is solved, and no one needs to read about my puke anymore. Is there a way to get an admin to close this?

    I promise I am not being snippy in saying this (and there probably is a way to close a thread here), but...when you post on a public forum to thousands of people, your words are out there, hon. They're out there forever, now.

    You can't really control a public thing that technically, you yourself don't own, to your preferences in shutting people down (or shutting them up! :) ) barring TOS violations, usually...because you've put it out there of your own volition, and it is now a discussion, and that discussion may have valuable information and good points...whether you like those points or not.

    There are some good points in this thread, IMO. But if you want to close the thread, contact an admin and ask. And my advice (just my $.02) would be that next time, if you don't want people to answer from their own POV or have a full conversation that's not 100% under your personal scrutiny and control, then a public internet forum with thousands of users is probably not the place you want to do it.

    I have to guess that you must have already known, before posting, that pretty much your entire question was going to elicit a "what?" response...from wanting scalded skin to the vomiting reaction to describing the vomit. I can't be surprised that we all had more questions than answers (for the most part).

    I hope, anyway, that at least some of the answers gave you what you wanted.

  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member

    This will be my last reply to this post. Again, the problem is solved, and no one needs to read about my puke anymore. Is there a way to get an admin to close this?

    Click on Flag at the bottom of your post and select Report. It gives you the option to report your own thread and request for it to be deleted.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I do not know about others, but when I was younger, I would have scorching hot baths so I would sweat a lot and weigh less. I was in the grips of Anorexia at the time, however, and obviously realise now what a stupid thing it was to do. I can tolerate neither too hot nor too cold when it comes to baths and showers these days.
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    Generally a person can absorb anywhere from 33%-75% of calories before vomiting, it's why bulimics generally aren't underweight.