Weight gain body fat fight

Hi there i am currently bulking and my weight is up one day and down another. Eating clean carbs most of the time is this my muscle and body fat fighting each other.Any help would be helpful.I do feel as my eating is more than enough to be surplus of calories.


  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hey man! Like Miss Sardelsa stated, weight fluctuation is normal and perception | reality can be two different things. I agree with both and here is why:

    1. On the weight fluctuation point, you really need to know your maintenance Caloric Intake to best determine if you are actually in a surplus. First and foremost. Secondly, if you are logging your caloric intake you will be able to see EXACTLY what you are indeed consuming. Thirdly, we humans generally fluctuate in weight all day long.

    2. On the perception | reality point, again, you really need to know your maintenance Caloric Intake. This is a very general comment - but lots of people have a very ignorant idea of what their maintenance calories are. Not saying that you don't know, but - in my experience - most people really don't know.

    Are you logging your food intake? Are you eating the same things every day (I do.....but I am a creature of habit and really enjoy the few things that I do eat....most people prefer variety...)? What type of fluctuations are we talking about here? Are you tracking your weight everyday? And, is there an upward trend? Is the trend flat? Is the trend downwards?

    And, I am going to make the assumption - so please correct me if I am incorrect - that you are weighing yourself every day, on the same scale, at the same time, correct?

    Does this make sense?
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    You really need to figure out your calorie intake. If I ate what my body feels like I need - I actually lose weight. My appetite will only support a 180 pound man.... and I weight 240. lol
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    edited November 2017
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    You really need to figure out your calorie intake. If I ate what my body feels like I need - I actually lose weight. My appetite will only support a 180 pound man.... and I weight 240. lol

    I also have the appetite of a 180 lb man...and I'm a 130 lb woman LOL

    Touché! ;)
  • 93pear93
    93pear93 Posts: 48 Member
    Do not weight yourself everyday its pointless.
    It is much better to observe your body in the mirror and watch changes(once a week weight).
    Surely you need to set and count your daily calories intake.
    What's your currently BF?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    93pear93 wrote: »
    Do not weight yourself everyday its pointless.
    It is much better to observe your body in the mirror and watch changes(once a week weight).
    Surely you need to set and count your daily calories intake.
    What's your currently BF?

    It's not pointless to someone (like myself) who tracks their weight trends.
  • Johncalvinfields
    Johncalvinfields Posts: 179 Member
    I been allowing 60% protein 20%carbs and 20% fats. I’m bulking but also getting lean. Slow go considering I’m 50 years old but I’m getting there. And stay hydrated , drink plenty water
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    I been allowing 60% protein 20%carbs and 20% fats. I’m bulking but also getting lean. Slow go considering I’m 50 years old but I’m getting there. And stay hydrated , drink plenty water

    Protein is unnecessarily high in my opinion and you are not "bulking but also getting lean" as they are mutually exclusive.