Girlfriend broke up with me/panic mode



  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    Hang in there, I know it s tough. We have all been there at one time or another. However...this could be good opportunity for you. I also like to look at the positive in the situation. This is great time to meet new people, try new things, its summertime!! Join a fitness group, gym, sport, or many activities you can do outside. Most important....dont be home and be sad. No person is worth that. She will be sorry when you are looking sexy with new GF on your arm!! You go get em tiger!!! Good Luck!! Sending you a hug now!
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Why don't you use this setback in a positive way and do it for yourself...

    or if it hurts too much right now...

    why don't you use it as extra motivation, to show her what she's missing on and what you can achieve when you put your head into something.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    A lot of people will tell you to calm down, don't let it bother you, and move on quickly. Don't do that. Let it feel how it feels. It sucks, but you have to let it hurt or it not to hurt, know what I mean? Sorry to hear that, just start to move on--slowly.

    I am pretty much in agreement with this. Sometimes I just like to feel like I wanna feel.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    gonna need you to not have pizza grease on your chin when you meet your next girlfriend....

  • MaruManic
    MaruManic Posts: 27 Member
    I'm going through the same issues right now. What I've done is turned all my bad emotions into excersize energy. It gives me something to focous on other then wanting to be with him, or take care of him, or anything to do with him. I find I get to focoused on pushing myself, and for a precious amount of time I don't feel the pain, or think of him at all.

    I don't know if that will help you, but I hope so. At the very least, if you do that you'll have the cals for the pizza.

    I know nothing would be worse to me then when I'm finally ready to see him again, and be friends again [or be forced to see him, due to the class we signed up for togeather] then for him to look at me and think "oh god. Look at what she's become. I can't believe I was with that." That curbs the emotional eating a bit too.

    Good luck.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Darlin'....I made it through a divorce. I was with the guy nearly 11 years (married for 7 of them) and we have a daughter. You can get through'll take some time. You'll go through all the 'stages of grief' and that's a good thing. If you want to wallow for a while then do so...just don't allow it to take over your life. Stay strong and positive! *HUGS*
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Ugh, I know how you feel. My bf (which was kinda my unofficial fiance) basically shoved me away to the point where I had to break it off with him 4 1/2 months ago. I was trying to get healthy for him and I just felt like I blew it, that I wasn't good enough for him. But the truth is, he wasn't good enough for me. I have found SO much self-worth and success after breaking up with him, it's unbelievable. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Use this situation to better yourself in every way possible and you'll make it through! Best wishes :flowerforyou:
  • agugino
    agugino Posts: 119
    Oooh, yumm. Gonna try that.
  • agugino
    agugino Posts: 119
    Oooh, yumm. Gonna try that.
  • allip722
    allip722 Posts: 17
    Im very sorry about your girlfriend. I have been through that my boyfriend cheated on me with a girl that was a *kitten* lol but it made me just want to be better and look even better then ever so he would know he made a mistake. Just push yourself or workout more maybe itll get your mind off of her. Although pizza and chocolate and ice cream are good heartbreak healers...its not a good idea for your body but...frozen yogurt is YUMALISIOUS! Lol Hope i helped!
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member

    Just remember the trick is to keep breathing.

    That is so true. It was hard for me to breathe after my previous relationship ended. It hurt just to fill my lungs, it was crazy

    Here are Tips:

    Keep exercising.....even if it is just walking, it will clear your emotions

    Read a book ( I love C.S. Lewis Narnia series...but that is me, you might like Michael Crichton or something) or watch a sappy movie like, Legends of the Fall.

    If you do eat...make sure it is a healthy splurge.. For example, Amy's Pizza's are healthy or get a single thin crust serving of a California pizza kitchen. If you want to binge, get some icecream or some fat-free popcorn with apple slices and go crazy!

    Spend time alone and write your feelings (don't force yourself to go out, stay in alone or with close friends who don't mind you crying silently in the corner)

    Have someone you can talk to and get emotional with (usually these people should be available to you at a moments notice). just went through an emotional train are very fragile. You are, like, in the ICU. I would take a day off from work if possible.

    Ummm, begging doesn't work... I've tried it....

    Most of all, realize, everyone has been through it. I might take you six months to feel normal again. However, we are proud of you, keep going! No one can take away what makes you special! Concentrate on what you want in your life. Some people are here for a season, a reason, or a lifetime.

    I hope you feel better. It will be okay.

  • KatiePanda25
    You have to remember what you're doing this for, to better YOU.
    As much as you would like to drown your sorrows in pizza, you know deep down that a) it only lasts until the pizza is gone and b) once it is gone, you're still depressed over your breakup, AND depressed at your attempted calorie suicide.

    The best revenge in any breakup isn't to lash out, or sabotage yourself, or beg for forgiveness etc. It's to better yourself, move forward, continue with your goals, and walk into a room she's in 6 months down the road a completely new person both on the inside and the outside.

    Stick with your goals. It's hard when you're upset, but at the end of the day, you'll be proud that you succeeded. Don't let a breakup get the best of you. Take control. You can't control the fact that she brokeup with you, but you CAN control how you react to that.

    Keep your head up, and put the pizza down :)

  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    U can do it! Show her what she lost! the right person is out there! keep up the good work!!
  • summernichole
    Instead of taking your sadness out by sitting around and eating unhealthy, take it out by exercising and eating right!- Sounds corney right? Well for me exercise and keeping my body healthy was always my "stress relief". Like today, I got frustrated and took it out on the machines at the gym. And guess what, For the two hours I was working my butt off, I wasn't thinking about the thing that hurt me earlier in the day, AND I went home feeling amazing. Like everyone else said, you trying to get in shape and be healthy may have started because you wanted to make her happy, but now its on YOU! She's gone, and that may hurt, but focus on getting in shape and finding something better on down the road! And you always have support on here!! Please don't let this discourage you!!
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    Go get the book It's Called A BreakUp Because it's Broken. It is amazing and can really help you get through this. Like what everyone else said, try to get exercise and stay busy but if you do dive head first into a pizza one day, forgive yourself the next and start fresh the next day. That book and a half pint got my through my old breakup but the next day I got back on track. But honestly, that book is life and dignity saving.
  • jemclean
    jemclean Posts: 10 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that.
    Getting in shape is something you have to do for yourself. Do it because it makes you look and feel good, and because you like the way you look and feel when you do it. Eating pizza MIGHT make you feel good for a few minutes, but afterward, you'll still be sad, and you'll be upset that you just ate a pizza.

    Give yourself time to grieve, lean on your good friends, and make working out and being healthy your gift to yourself.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    She might have been your inspiration to start, but you need to find an inspiration to keep going. Think about the next girl you might meet - how do you want to meet her? Do you want to be unhealthy after a month of eating badly and not exercising? Or do you want to impress her with your motivation?

    We had a motivational speaker at work a couple of years ago that taught the philosophy "SUMO" It means Shut Up and Move On. BUT the thing I liked about it most was that the first step in the process is allowing yourself to wallow. Give yourself a timeframe for this wallowing, and allow yourself to feel what you need to feel. If that is feeling a pizza in your tummy, then feel the pizza. After this time (give yourself a week, or a couple of days), it's time to Shut Up and Move On. SUMO. You've had your time to wallow, and now it's time to move on.

    SUMO got me through my recent breakup. I gave myself a week to do what I wanted food wise, and I didn't force myself to exercise. I did exercise though - punching bag works wonders....
  • thebiggreenmachine
    thebiggreenmachine Posts: 66 Member
    Dude, just go to a strip club, they always cheer me up even when I don't need cheering up :)
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    First off.... I'm very sorry for this stressful time in your life. Second off, I saw that you're from Dayton, and I am, too :) If you'd like to get together and walk somewhere, like the mall, Metropark, whatever, I'm here :) Like someone said, She may have been your inspiration to start.... but use yourself as the inspiration to keep going. That's what I'm doing..... I'm using myself as proof that I can do this!!!! I can keep going!!!!!!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    So sad, I've been through the wringer in my life and I always challenge myself and others to look for the silver lining. Believe it or not it is there with every situation, even if it is that you learnt something about yourself.

    Maybe the silver lining here is that you found MFP!

