
  • 3trees
    3trees Posts: 71 Member
    I ran relay races with my kindergartners today! More than a mile done and 80 ozs of water so far today. I am shooting for 110 ozs! I try to drink half my body weight in water! Everyone is doing a great job! The challenge today was hard because the heat index is 108 in Atlanta! Ugh it's a breath taking heat! :-(

    Wow! Nice job getting it done in the heat. I guess I shouldn't complain about 90's and high humidity in Ohio!
  • MiriF
    MiriF Posts: 21 Member
    I am also feeling motivated by the challenge - it came right after I joined so I had a couple days to get into the swing of things then I jumped right into the challenge. It's good because I'm not fighting my own complacency since this is sort of new to me, and that's great.

    I am wondering how I'll tackle some of the upcoming events this month - my MIL is getting married this weekend for example. And typically I just try to be sensible on those days but I don't usually track as it can be a PITA when you are not sure what you are really having. (IE: how much butter did the caterer use on these veggies? Etc) So this will be a challenge for me - tracking through these events AND trying not to go over!!
  • ashkas2
    ashkas2 Posts: 32
    Did my usual wii fit workout this morning (a short one though) then threw my baby girl in the stroller for a 20 min walk. Got it all done in time for work but somehow ran out of time for breakfast. Now I'm starving!!! and I need some protein! That's the greatest tip I've ever gotten from a trainer, make sure you have a protein rich snack or meal after your workout. Not only helps build muscle but it's also more filling because that's what your body is actually craving right then! woot!!! loving this team and this challenge!
  • ashkas2
    ashkas2 Posts: 32
    Did my usual wii fit workout this morning (a short one though) then threw my baby girl in the stroller for a 20 min walk. Got it all done in time for work but somehow ran out of time for breakfast. Now I'm starving!!! and I need some protein! That's the greatest tip I've ever gotten from a trainer, make sure you have a protein rich snack or meal after your workout. Not only helps build muscle but it's also more filling because that's what your body is actually craving right then! woot!!! loving this team and this challenge!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    So this will be a challenge for me - tracking through these events AND trying not to go over!!

    Don't forget to enjoy it!!! IMO, that's just as important as tracking everything.
  • I'm sorry I've been in and out. When I'm at work, I have no access to MFP. It's also that time of the month so I've been struggling with several things. I want to eat everything in sight... and particularly things that aren't good for me. I've been fatigued and having bad cramps. After working all day that KILLS my motivation to work out. I'll be much better next week!
  • We've successfully made it half way through week 1. GO TEAM!!! But it's not over yet! Thursday brings us an even greater challenge.

    40 up and downs... AHHH! What is an "up and down"? Glad you asked!
    Here's a video that breaks it down and shows you just how to do it.

    They are difficult to accomplish, but you only have to do 40!!! Do them in sets or all at once. They are a great workout! Keep up with the water and staying under your calorie goal. We've almost made it through the first week!

  • ashkas2
    ashkas2 Posts: 32
  • 3trees
    3trees Posts: 71 Member
    Katniss, I really like the august challenge. It helps me stay in focus. My eating has definitely been good this week. It's been good to have an extra motivator to drink lots of water, too.

    I've been doing p90x for about 5 weeks which includes an ab routine 3 or more times a week with over 300 moves. So, for today's challenge I figure I'll go old school and do bent-knee sit ups with my feet lightly tucked under the couch. No problem? Actually, this morning I did 25 no problem, but was starting to lose it. I finished up tonight with another 25 and I could already feel soreness in my abs. I guess it's a slightly different exercise than the p90x moves. So, to my surprise, that was a good extra burn for the day. I also got in a solid 3 mile run.

    Jill, thanks so much for the video link on the blog to in and outs. My only comment is that in p90x when we do that move tony always says 'step or jump to a push-up position'. In otherwords, once you put your hands on the ground it's ok to step your legs back to plank position and then step them back to squat position before standing up. It you can do the move as shown, and jump to position, great. But if you can't, then modify to make it work. We can do this! :-) Oh, and if you've got super powers, you can throw a push-up in there for good measure (saw that on another up and down utube vid). Bwa ha ha!

    Keep it up team!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    How's this for dedication--at 4 o'clock my hubby suggested going out for dinner, so I checked my remaining calories--I had a decent amount left for dinner at home, but not for eating out--so, I jumped on the elliptical for 20 mins, gave myself an extra 181 cals, ate well (even had a beer!) had a snack after I got home and finished the day with 24 cals left.

    If it hadn't been for this challenge, I wouldn't have thrown in the extra workout, I would have eaten much more at the restaurant and then I would have come home and binged since I would have felt like I blew it.

    This is the best ever!!!
  • Ok... I was a bad girl this morning... I never do this! I weighed myself mid-week! (yeah, I know.... slap me, go ahead!) I WAS UP 2 POUNDS! WTF?!?!?! I've been working out and under calories every day this week. But I figured with my OUTRAGEOUS sodium intake yesterday coupled with my "monthly gift", I'm retaining water...

    My goal for today is to drink lots of water!!! (i already do), do my usual afternoon workout (to burn out the sodium) and follow up with a Zumba class this evening. I'll have to fit my up and down in at some point, probably when I get home and before I pass out!!

    I turned my discouragement in motivation! I can't let the scale get the best of me. I've come too far!

    Good luck with the up and downs everyone! I'll be on later!!!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    hoteffinmess--that is a fantastic attitude!! good for you!!
  • 3trees
    3trees Posts: 71 Member
    Jill, One of my mfp friends just posted an article this week on why the scale lies:

    You've already got the right understanding, but the article might be a nice reinforcement.

    I actually like to weigh myself every day - that way if my weigh-in day has a spike I know it's just a spike and not my average weight.

    Keep it up (or down!).

    I hope everyone is enjoying those in and outs! I'm doing mine after I do a 6 mile run tonight.

  • Hey team! Doing good. Mad, mad, mad cravings lately but I'm fighting them off as best as I can. Drinking the water is still a struggle but I'm getting it down. I've already done half the ups and downs, 40 minutes of the Insanity workout, and resisted ice cream for a nice cold orange. I hope I can keep it up! Good luck to everyone.
  • Mmmm. A cold orange sounds good right now!! I'm hungry!!! Some baked Cheetos are my snack before Zumba. CURSE YOU MOTHER NATURE!!! After Zumba I'll be having chicken breast, black beans and brown rice. Up and downs coming soon!!!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    mmmmm, a cold orange sounds fabulous! and I have one in the frig--it's supposed to be for a soup I was going to make, but I have no idea when I'll get around to that and I wouldn't want the orange to go bad, would I?

    Just finished the 40 up downs, whew. Did half before my elliptical workout and half after--the first 20 were easier!

    Going out again tonight--the hubby is bringing me to a drive-in movie--cool or what?

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • ashkas2
    ashkas2 Posts: 32
    They just opened a drive in movie close to my home and I've been thinking about stealing my hubby away to it. Let me know how you like it! I had to take a cheat day, ladies. Had to desperately give my muscles a break. I've worked out every single day since I joined MFP 20-somethin days ago. That was from an average of 0 exercise. Had to eat lunch out because my sister opened up a new restaurant and she had the kitchen make my fav dessert because I was coming. I did the best I could by going with a gourmet slider with no mayo ( and that's super hard for a southern girl, I promise you) and no fries but then she told me that she had them make me a strawberry cake! I was super, everybody. She brought me a decent sized piece so I cut it in half and took the other half home for my husband. WTG me! I'm learning how to change, how to let myself be full, and how to be healthy without feeling like I'm being punished! Still came out of my day with 200+ cal to spare but somehow feeling like I cheated. lol!

    p.s. wow... I hate up and downs. lol.
  • I've been soooo bad with the sodium lately. It's really affecting my weight! AHH!!
  • Happy Friday team! For most of you that means the weekend off from work. Not for me! :(

    We tackled the up and downs yesterday and everyone is still coming in under calories and getting plenty of water! Way to go!!!

    For today, our challenge is to complete 25 push ups! Push ups aren't the easiest to do but there are a couple of modifications available. The original push up is done on your toes. Another variation the "lady" push up is done on your knees, same principle. The modification I use is against the wall. Stand in front of the wall a foot or so away, get up on your toes, and "push up" against the wall. you get the same muscle work out, just not as difficult. Today, I am going to challenge myself to do them on my knees. I haven't attempted push ups in quite some time but I'm stronger than yesterday so LET'S DO IT!!!
  • MiriF
    MiriF Posts: 21 Member
    Glad it's Friday! Yesterday I stayed under and did my up and downs, but I had to shorten my walking workout due to time constraints and I just ate garbage all day. :(

    I'm holding off my weigh in until tomorrow since i know all the bread and sodium yesterday probably did not help me. (But I don't want to weigh in after the wedding - ugh)

    Everyone is doing so well and it's really awesome to see! It's helping me stay on track because I know my teammates are working hard and the idea of being the failing link really is not appealing!! :D