Lost confidence after being called out in front of class

I am new here but thought I would attempt to join after reading how positive everyone is...
The last time I went to a fitness class is 2012 - 6 weeks ago I realized I was 40lbs overweight and completely out of shape. I really wanted to join the gym but have never been confident enough, so 6 weeks ago I started building my fitness at home, 3 weeks ago I felt confident enough to join the gym. I started to enjoy bodycombat and bodypump classes and although I am the least fit in the class I really was loving it and had great instructors and in 6 weeks I am down a dress size and feeling stronger.
Today I went to a body pump class whilst visiting a new city to try and keep up with my fitness - I went nervously into the class and set up, I told the instructor I am new to this class and relatively new to body bump she just said ok and continued talking to another member. During the class I couldn't keep up with everything and as other instructors have told me to do - I was missing out on a few reps and the instructor called me out in front of the class by whistling ( like I was a dog ) shouting 'hey' and said ' if you cant do this you shouldn't be here' a few other members laughed , others were shocked.
I left in tears because I had worked so hard to build up my confidence and felt so demoralized and embarrassed afterward. I did complain to the manager of the gym and he was great and told me this person has had multiple complaints already.
But for some reason I can't shake this - I don't want to go back to being so underconfident that I cant go back again to classes or the gym..:(
Thanks for reading


  • Tabbycat00
    Tabbycat00 Posts: 146 Member
    Wow! Totally uncalled for and inappropriate. I would have been fired on the spot for talking to someone like that when I was an instructor. Everyone should go at their own pace in a class. Showing up is half the battle. I am so sorry for your experience and I hope it doesn’t kill your joy or sense of accomplishment.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    @alveenar You are not being overly sensitive, what an awful, demoralising thing to happen. It is not the norm to treat people like that in class. It will be hard to put it behind you but you must, you can't let one despicable excuse for a human rob you of the fun you were having. Complain loudly to that Gym, that person should not be employed.
    When you get back to your regular gym tell them what happen... Im sure they'll make you feel comfortable again. :)
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    So sorry to hear this has happened to you. That is horrible. I would feel exactly like you did.

    Going by the names of those classes I am pretty sure we belong to the same company of gym. If I am correct it is a very big company and they need to know what kind of staff they have. Generally my experiences have been very positive there.

    I suggest putting together a well worded, detailed email in the feedback section on their website.
    This instructor should not be allowed to conduct themselves like that. It's so bad all around.

    Best of luck in your fitness journey. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • SoleTrainer60
    SoleTrainer60 Posts: 180 Member
    You keep up the good work. It is something that you love and you will be better and better with time. The way the instructor treated you was very uncalled for. Stay with the instructors where you feel confident. Don't give up what you love. :)
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I'm so sorry this happened to you. Remember that the instructor wasn't born able to do it any more than you were, she had to learn and struggle in the beginning too. She had no right to treat you that way, and hopefully she will have a long time to think about and learn from her behavior soon when she is fired.

    Stay strong, you are moving in the right direction.
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    I can't believe you didn't smack the instructor. Do not let someone else deter you, to heck with them.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,480 Member
    A jerk.

    Use this. You deserve to realize your goals. The only justification needed is it's what you decided to do. If you got a passable workout out of the class, the class, and no class instructor served their purpose.

    If you read this board, a couple of times per day you will find posts of people thrown for a loop by something someone said. Work on your program. Keep researching, experimenting and adjusting. With time you will learn the pinciples of weight loss and fitness as they apply to you. Pay others no mind. Whatever that fool was saying to you, it made sense to him somehow. He has his agenda, you've got yours.

    Go about your business doing your best to be kind to people you encounter. How they act in response is irrelevant. People will try to mistreat you sometime. Fat, thin, fit, unfit has nothing to do with it. When gym times comes up next, suck it up and go do your best. It will be great.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    don't give up on something you like. she a rotten teacher who shouldn't be employed. i'm naturally clumsy I loved doing Zumba but I was never good at it. but you shouldn't let that instructor win because you only get better by going to class
  • sssgilbe
    sssgilbe Posts: 89 Member
    "...had multiple complaints..." and that instructor is still teaching??? I'm glad you were only visiting that gym and never need to return. Neither the instructor nor the other students are what you deserve.
  • nhdocltret
    nhdocltret Posts: 5 Member
    Sounds like the instructor is a JERK. I wish you all the best in ypur journey to get in shape.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 776 Member
    So sorry this happened to you. Hopefully your complaint will be the last straw and will prevent anyone else from experiencing this behavior. I do not have the guts to try a class at this point. Good for you for going and I hope this doesn’t ruin it for you. You deserve to feel confident and amazing.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 776 Member
    aganey wrote: »
    As hard as it would be, you should try going back to that class and do it the way YOU do it. Show her that she can’t keep you down. If that a-hole says anything this time, just call her out in front of everyone. Say “why are you being rude and putting me down? Aren’t you supposed to be helping people instead of breaking their spirit?”

    ^^^ This is what needs to happen.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited November 2017
    If it were me I wouldn’t visit that gym again. Hang out with the positive instructors and make sure they know what a big difference they are making.

    I’m getting old. I have no patience for mean people or bad drivers. I like my skin and I like my heart. Both deserve protection.
  • ms_maruska
    ms_maruska Posts: 119 Member
    That's ridiculous!

    Don't let this jerk affect your goals and your determination. That's the only thing you should care about :) Not being able to keep up is a normal thing that happens when you start something new and the whole point is gradually building your abilities and skills up, learning the moves and what not. The instructor's comment says all about them, their ignorance and meanness and nothing about you.