Bootie Busters (closed group)



  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    8/1 – Completed exercise, water and food challenge
    8/2 – Completed exercise, water and food challenge
    8/3 - Completed exercise, water and food challenge
  • bf41382
    bf41382 Posts: 51
    8/1 completed food and excercise
    8/2 completed food and excercise
    8/3 completed food and excercise
  • For anyone who wants a visual on the squat lunge for Friday . . . look here

    Also wanted to say great job, our team is kicking the crap out of August so far! Im hearing about teams falling apart already, but not us!!! We only have one person who may have jumped ship, but if thats the case, I do have a sub. Keep up the good work everyone!

    I am a little confused. Which of the three exercises he does is the squat lunge?

    I agree, everyone is doing great!
  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    Easy Day -- Come on -- CHALLENGE ME!! -- I Ain't Skeerd! Hahahahahaha

    8/1--Completed exercise and food challenges!
    8/2 --Completed exercise and food challenges!
    8/3 -- Completed exercise and food challenges!! Woo hoo!
  • For anyone who wants a visual on the squat lunge for Friday . . . look here

    Also wanted to say great job, our team is kicking the crap out of August so far! Im hearing about teams falling apart already, but not us!!! We only have one person who may have jumped ship, but if thats the case, I do have a sub. Keep up the good work everyone!

    I am a little confused. Which of the three exercises he does is the squat lunge?

    I agree, everyone is doing great!

    I only watched the beginning, but whatever they showed first is the squat lunge
  • ***** ANNOUNCEMENT! *****

    shawnalaufer is stepping out of the August challenge :-(, but have no fear, I have a awesome teammate who is stepping up to fill in. Her sn is BeilaLin. She has todays challenges, so is only behind 4 points. She should be introducing herself soon, but feel free to add her! Shes a great team player.

    Also, if for some reason you need to step out of the challenge, PLEASE let me know so I can find someone to step in for you. Its unfortunate I didn't know about this sooner. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 241 Member
    8/1 – Completed exercise, and food/water, 100 Jumping Jacks
    8/2 - Completed exercise, and food/water, 1 extra mile
    8/3 - Completed exercise, and food/water, 50 sit-ups
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    I am having trouble with this website tonight. It keeps resetting my browser. What a pain!

    8/1 – Completed exercise, food and water challenges
    8/2 - Completed exercise, food and water challenges
    8/3 - Completed exercise, food and water challenges
  • 8/1 – Completed both
    8/2 - Completed both
    8/3 - Completed both
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    MRI shows NO fracture! Thank goodness. I can resume running and exercise "as tolerated" the MD is no longer worried about me doing serious long term damage. If it hurts real bad I am supposed to stop ... but aside from that I am ok... and that means he is going to let me run my half marathon in 11 days ... not sure what kind of time I will post but finishing will be a good enough victory I think!

    08/01 Completed exercise (modified) and food challenge - 50 shoulder presses and 50 bicep curls
    08/02 Completed food challenge only (sorry no mile with the hip injury)
    08/03 Completed food and exercise challenge - 100 sit ups done

  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    8/1 – Completed exercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/2 - Completed exercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/3 - Completed exercise and food & water challenge!!
    Edited by piccolarj on Tue 08/02/11 09:33 PM
  • 8/1 - Completed exercise and food challenge. (100 jumping jacks)
    8/2 - Complete food, excercise and water challenge (Extra-Mile +water)
    8/3 - Completed food, exercise and water challenge (100 situps)
    8/4 -
    8/5 -
    8/6 -
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    8/1 -Completed exercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/2 -Completed exercise and food & water challenge!!
    8/3 -Completed exercise and food & water challenge!!

    Can't I just fill them all out now? :-)
  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    8/1 – Completed exercise and food challenge (and water) = )
    8/2 – Completed exercise and food challenge (and water) = )
    8/3 – Completed exercise and food challenge (and water) = )
  • Ladydi1982
    Ladydi1982 Posts: 218 Member
    8/1-Completed exercise and food challenges! (15 cups of water)
    8/2-Completed exercise and food challenges! (12 cups of water)
    8/3-Completed exercise and food challenges! (13 cups of water)
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    8/1 – Completed exercise and food challenge
    8/2 – Completed exercise and food challenge
    8/3 – Completed exercise and food challenge
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    Hi everyone! I just joined this challenge thanks to TimeforMe23!!!!


    I JUST accepted 2 friend requests from Team Bootie Busters...hmmm, now I can't figure out who those friends were...hmmm....comment on my wall if it was you! Thnx! ---->

    Also, ADD ME and comment w/ "TEAM BOOTIE BUSTERS" if you are reading this and are on the team.

    A bit about myself.... (i'll give you the abriged version, I'm sure you all are tired of reading bios by now!)..........


    -Age: 31
    -Weight (as of Sunday, July 31) = 149.0
    -Goal Weight: 130
    -Height: 5'7"
    -Location: Southern California
    -Occupation: Work at home marketer for commercial real estate comany
    -Other: Also trying to get into PA school (Physician Assistant) Fall 2012
    -Started MFP: Mid June

    Staying Active:

    -Gym: Equinox Fitness
    -Workouts at gym: Stairmaster, Elliptical, Treadmill (sometimes), Zumba (tried once--LOVED IT!), mat pilates, body barre, Tabata, VIPR (Vitality Performance and Reconditioning), spinning, kickboxing (tried once--too fast for me), tried P90X once (plyometrics killed me, sold the P90X and now stick to more gym workouts)
    -Other workouts: running in the park, Santa Monica Stairs, Power Yoga, Bikram Yoga (hot yoga), walking, and hiking!

    Other Info About me:

    -Trying to eat gluten free (to help with skin problems and allergies, not celiac though)
    -Doesn't eat meat, but does eat fish and seafood
    -Doesn't drink milk, but does have plenty of yogurt (especially greek yogurt) and likes cheese and frozen yogurt
    -Battling binge eating...has been binge free for 35+ days! I am counting the days...trying to make it to 60 days binge free at the moment.
    -Inspirations: Bethenny Frankel, Keira Knightley, Kate Middleton, Miranda Kerr....they're all skinny!

    I really need this challenge since my last challenge team seems to have died off or "walked the plank" (it was a "row your boat around the world" challenge). I hope to be a part of a team that is consistent and motivating by their presence.

    ~~~~~~"80 percent of success is just showing up" as Woody Allen has said.~~~~~~~~`

    Also I really need motivation to drink more water. THIS alone would really help me lose weight as I often eat instead of drink water when really I was just thirsty.
  • Gary6030: TEAM CAPTAINS PLEASE REPOST THIS INFORMATION! We are going to announce a modification later today regarding some important changes in the team scoring. After much thought and consideration we've decided to move towards a percentage based challenge. These changes are to accomodate those teams who have lost team members. The % will make this fair across the board. I want to especially thank all of those who have helped with this process especially jitteryspork. She has modified my old sheet and created a new point sheet. I will be emailing it later today once we're sure its set. Thank you for your understanding I believe this will provide for better results and make all teams equal. Thanks! UNLEASH THE BEAST WITHIN!
  • 8/1-Completed exercise and food challenges!
    8/2-Completed exercise and food challenges!
    8/3-Completed exercise and food challenges!
  • I feel like today might be the hardest day for me. Those up downs look brutal! I'm going to push through it though. :)