Starting Keto!

Hey! Sooo I’m starting keto. Day 1, today. I’ve literally stalked Pinterest for ideas and it’s definitely something I want to adhere to. My goal is to stick to it until Christmas and re-evaluate at that time. Is it for me? Is it sustainable? Anyone else doing keto? Anyone starting? Jut wanted to start the conversation and meet fellow keto-people!


  • kaluing13
    kaluing13 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started my Keto journey today as well! Day 1 went pretty well. Night is when I always crave my sweets though
  • knitwitgirly
    knitwitgirly Posts: 3 Member
    Today was my day one and I'm impressed by how full I was all day and how little I craved the crap I usually obsess over lol
  • newmommyk
    newmommyk Posts: 17 Member
    Yay! I went over on my calories and carbs. I went to Starbucks this morning. I thought I did good by ordering a sugar free vanilla latte with soy milk. Uhh nope. The soy milk was a huge hit! Almond milk from now on if I go! Otherwise today was a success! And I agree. Night time is when I have my sweet cravings.
  • fishmanetc
    fishmanetc Posts: 1 Member
    I started today as well. Still have a bunch of fat and some protein to eat but have met carb goal... so what do I do? Do you still lose if you don’t hit all the macros in a day? TIA
  • newmommyk
    newmommyk Posts: 17 Member
    fishmanetc wrote: »
    I started today as well. Still have a bunch of fat and some protein to eat but have met carb goal... so what do I do? Do you still lose if you don’t hit all the macros in a day? TIA

    I think the biggest part is to stay under or within your carbs and calories. Up your protein and fat by adding cheeses or avocado to meals.
  • newmommyk
    newmommyk Posts: 17 Member
    Niff314 wrote: »
    Keto has been the best thing I've ever done for myself. I started it to control my epilepsy, and after 11 months, I'm 10 months seizure-free and down 100 lbs after a year.

    That’s amazing!!! I’ve read that it can be so helpful for people who have seizures. What An amazing success story on so many levels! Thanks for Sharing!

  • newmommyk
    newmommyk Posts: 17 Member
    check out dr jason fung on YouTube great info for IF and keto style diet
    Will do! Thanks!
  • Iplanweddings
    Iplanweddings Posts: 6 Member
    Started a month ago, got off track a bit and now I am back at it!
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    My only keto advice is start basic. With keto it's SOOO easy to get overwhelmed. It's my favorite lifestyle - of course I go off a little over Thanksgiving but it always pulls me right by in.
  • newmommyk
    newmommyk Posts: 17 Member
    Been doing Keto almost a year. Lost 52lb so far with another 30 to go. For the last couple of months haven't been sticking to it due to some major life stressors, but back on track the last week. To the newbies, the first couple of weeks are hardest. You need a lot of water and extra salt. If you start to feel awful drink some chicken broth and it will fix you, I promise!

    I seem to go over the “recommended sodium” intake on a regular! Damn pickles. Should I not stress so much on that part? Also, broth sounds like a life saver! Lol
  • blondieperez
    blondieperez Posts: 2 Member
    Nope don't stress about the sodium. Most important is to keep your carbs under 20. Even with regard to calories, if you are hungry then eat. You will find that some days you have barely any appetite and others you are starving. It's much easier to let your hunger guide you when you don't have the carb cravings.
  • consumone
    consumone Posts: 139 Member
    I wish I understood Keto - I want to try it but I am so confused over it!
  • Niff314
    Niff314 Posts: 113 Member
    newmommyk wrote: »
    Been doing Keto almost a year. Lost 52lb so far with another 30 to go. For the last couple of months haven't been sticking to it due to some major life stressors, but back on track the last week. To the newbies, the first couple of weeks are hardest. You need a lot of water and extra salt. If you start to feel awful drink some chicken broth and it will fix you, I promise!

    I seem to go over the “recommended sodium” intake on a regular! Damn pickles. Should I not stress so much on that part? Also, broth sounds like a life saver! Lol

    I don't usually worry about sodium. I sometimes go over what MFP recommends but I've never noticed any ill effetcs from it, aside from being a tad bloated the next day (usually in my hands). Because my keto macros are much different for medical keto (if I have too much protein it can trigger a seizure - I have to have double the fat for each gram of protein I eat) I've found occasionally supplementing with electrolytes can be helpful. I have Medi-Lyte tabs I ordered from Amazon in addition to supplementing with bone broth (regular chicken/beef broth helps too.) 9/10 times if I'm feeling fatigued, if I have some broth and water I feel 10o% about 20 minutes later. :)
  • newmommyk
    newmommyk Posts: 17 Member
    consumone wrote: »
    I wish I understood Keto - I want to try it but I am so confused over it!

    Pinterest and Google! I have found a lot of helpful cheat sheets for a keto way of life. I have also found some great cookbooks on Amazon as well. I have a whole board of keto recipes that I am trying to add to daily and put the recipe into MFP so when I eventually use it, it’s ready to be logged.
  • newmommyk
    newmommyk Posts: 17 Member
    So, another day down. How did you all do? I made stuffed mushrooms tonight which were great! Problem was, they are for the next couple of days and testing a few took me over in all categories. I’m officially cutting out Starbucks for now as well since that sucks up a lot of my carb count! Bring on Wednesday!
  • I have been doing Keto since August, but just joined MFP to work on my macros. I started out just trying hard to limit carbs, but now I am looking into putting a little more thought into applying the principles. Especially eating more fat. My biggest challenge is social drinking... I love LOVE margaritas.