How did you motivate yourself to start exercising?



  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    To tell you the truth, I don't even think about it--I just get up, get going, and do it. No thinking, no motivation, no waiting until I feel like it. I don't even consider not exercising. Once you get there (meaning that mindset) you're done.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I used to be a fitness buff. I loved the gym! Then in 2016, I became complacent. In 2017, I became depressed and stopped the working out altogether. My body is pheening to move again, but I just can’t seem to motivate myself to get into the gym and start exercising. I gained about 30lbs and I am in the process of releasing that in a healthy way.

    Think back when your first started to exercise. Was it intimidating for you too? How did you get started? I need some help and motivation to just do it. Thanks a lot!

    It helps me to break it down into steps. I know that if I can make myself GET there, I may not get a full workout in, but I won't do nothing. Sometimes the thought of going through all of it is too much. So I just do the next thing that gets me closer to getting there. Maybe that's putting dinner in the crockpot. Maybe it's changing clothes. I just do one little thing at a time.

    I've been going to the gym regularly since July. Still don't like it. But I do it.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I don't like the word, "motivation". Too many people rely on motivation too much. You don't need motivation. You need discipline. You need to want it more than you don't want it. Go, even though you don't feel like it. I've never once regretted going to the gym but I always regret not going to the gym.
  • KylaBlaze
    KylaBlaze Posts: 136 Member
    Accountability really motivated me to return to the gym. Following a program that tells you what to do on certain days requires accountability. You can always find a fitness partner to help you keep accountable as well!
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    By finding something I enjoy. Biking, bodyweights, walking and yoga are the ones I stick to the best. If it's going to end up feeling like a chore because you feel you have to do it, you probably won't stick to it long-term.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    For me it was the promise of extra calories that got me started. Eventually I realized that I felt better. But I started with trying to find something I liked to do. I was sick of trying to do what others told me I needed to do. If you like the activity you choose you are more likely to stick with it.
  • JustaJoe00
    JustaJoe00 Posts: 777 Member
    this is interesting because i've been up and down so much i can relate. I try really hard to remember when i was down in lbs and how i felt and what my energy level was. Its funny how our bodies forget or re learn the bad habits. I think you have to find a way to convince yourself that you need the exercise and you need to fuel your body like it needs and not what you think it wants. You have to decide to be a survivor, that's what i tell myself. Survive one day, then move to the next. Do i make any sense?? lol. Just me.
  • ttreit
    ttreit Posts: 59 Member
    I just decided that I have to go to the gym every day unless I'm out of town.

    Once I get there I can turn around and walk out immediately and that's totally fine.

    I've never yet gotten to the gym and just walked out. Once I'm actually there working out is pretty easy and fun. By knowing I can stop any time and have met my goal I find that I actually keep going. I stop watching the clock and just listen to my music and keep going. I set the timer on the treadmill for 45 minutes. In the beginning, around 35 minutes, I'd want to quit. And I knew it was totally fine to stop. But then my brain would go " can get one more minute in, just try it" and I end up going the whole time and sometimes adding time.

    A few times my knee or foot would hurt a bit and I'd want to keep going. But then I'd remember I should listen to my body and since I'd already met my goal (by walking in the gym) I'd stop.

    It's working for me pretty well so far and the best part is I don't have to motivate myself because it's just something I do every single day like brushing my teeth.
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    edited November 2017

    I use my Iphone that has a feature to count my steps that syncs up with exercise counter on my MFP page.

    Started slowly. What's the rush?

    Now, 3 months later:

    I walk:
    10 minutes from train station to job in the a.m.
    15 minutes at break
    30 minutes at lunch
    20 minutes from job to (different) train station in the p.m.
    Total Steps: 10K

    Saturday or Sunday I walk 3 miles, and the other day is one of rest


    I get to eat more calories if I so choose.
    I feel positive. Depression and anxiety are a thing of the past.
    I feel energetic. I smile more.
    I sleep better.
    My blood pressure numbers have improved immensely.
    My weight is heading steadly toward final goal.
    Only equipment needed- a good pair of athletic shoes (for the first 2 months not in my budget so I wore flats).
    You can do anywhere, anytime.

    I LOVE IT.
  • dfein001
    dfein001 Posts: 133 Member
    I just want to be healthy and my metabolism is slowing down as I age. I need to make changes to make sure I don't get overtaken by it. Failing an Army PT test and then being told I was overweight on the same day hit me pretty hard.
  • Thehardmakesitworthit
    Thehardmakesitworthit Posts: 838 Member
    edited November 2017
    Found a craving.....and just keep going.
  • ent3rsandman
    ent3rsandman Posts: 170 Member
    Made a habit of doing some pushups every other day. After a month I got bored of that so I started walking on the days that I wasn't doing pushups. Walking became running. Pushups became weighted pushups. Running became distance running and the days dedicated to pushups became an at-home lifting routine as I slowly acquired more things.

    Eventually the lifting routine wasn't enough so I started going to my school's gym. My school's gym didn't have a squat rack, had banned deadlifts, and only had one bench so I started going to a paid gym. Finished off my 5ks with a 10k and now bike because I like that better.

    Something every other day became something everyday, regardless of how I felt because I knew I'd feel better after being productive. I also now really enjoy exercising and physically feel awful if I do NOTHING on any day. No need to jump back into your old pace; just find something that works for you now and build off of it.
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    Ten minute rule works for me. I dress to exercise and I do SOMETHING for 10 minutes (low impact aerobics to favorite music, a yoga video, walk the neighborhood, run, what EVER). I commit to really do it, not just pretend and wait for the 10 minutes to be over.

    I tell myself that at the end of ten minutes, if I am just HATING LIFE, I can quit. And I really would let myself quit, no fight no shame... IF I EVER had wanted to at the end of 10 minutes. Had to use this again 2 days ago to get myself out the door to run - I ended up running 30 minutes :smile:

    The problem has ALWAYS been my mind, not my body, so I trick it :wink:
  • ImNancyLynn
    ImNancyLynn Posts: 36 Member
    Schedule it,like a job or an important appointment! Im not motivated but I exercise nearly every day. Its part of my routine. Im not often thrilled when the alarm clock goes off so early in the morning! I am however thrilled every day after my workout (30 min) that I got it done! Start out small, 10 minutes of walking and add whatever you can each day. I know you can do this!
  • msdawnmarievt
    msdawnmarievt Posts: 5 Member
    When I realized I couldn't keep up with my 5 year old. No like keep up, keep up (I don't think any adult can), but having a hard time finding the motivation to do anything fun with him. It's just exhausting at my size. I know kids mirror their parents behavior and I don't want him to end up like me. =(