Keto diet

Hi! I'm interested in the keto diet, seems difficult to eat alot of meat and stay under your daily calorie limit, looking to follow people who are doing the keto diet


  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Have you searched Groups? I think there's one for that...
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    Go here. Lots of info about keto and low carb diets.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    It works for some, doesn't work for others. If you already struggle to keep your carbs low, you may have a hard time on keto. Ultimately it comes down to CICO, keto is just one way to do that. It's not a magic bullet.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    The group linked above is great. There is also a keto mfp group too.

    There is no need to eat excessive meat in this diet. Most people eat a moderate protein amount. There are even vegetarian keto dieters.
  • DroppTenn
    DroppTenn Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new here and my recent keto experience was disastrous even though I followed it 100%. Being female and 50 it affected me very differently than the success stories I had read about.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    DropSix wrote: »
    I'm new here and my recent keto experience was disastrous even though I followed it 100%. Being female and 50 it affected me very differently than the success stories I had read about.

    @DropSix I am sorry you had a bad experience, but I am curious what experiences you attribute to being 50 and female? I know of many middle aged and older women who have had success with the diet (improved health, weight loss, better energy, etc).

    Did you add extra sodium to your diet. I think a large number of poor experiences from dropping carbs comes from not replacing the sodium that is lost once insulin is lowered.
  • jam1482
    jam1482 Posts: 1 Member
    I use this calculator to figure out how many grams of protein, fat, etc I need. Recalculate every ten pounds. It will also tell you how many calories you're eating and what deficit that is from your current weight, so you can try a smaller deficit (easier) to lose more slowly, or a higher deficit (harder) to lose more quickly.

    In addition to adding more sodium, as nvmomketo mentioned, be sure to watch your magnesium and potassium. Those are the lost minerals that give you "keto flu," or just makes you feel crappy. I take magnesium every day and use a mixture of lite salt and kosher salt, since lite salt has potassium.
  • gedanjj
    gedanjj Posts: 12 Member
    I started keto at the beginning of August 2017 after being diagnosed by my doctor as being a type 2 diabetic. My A1c result before going on keto was 10, and my triglycerides were 327. My doctor said I should go on a "low-carb" diet. So I Google'ed around and found keto because it allowed me to eat my favorite foods, such as bacon and chicken wings. I went to this calculator: to find my macros and my caloric limit. Calculated at eating only 25 grams of net carbs a day initially, then adjusted down to 20g of net carbs a day. I started eating at 1800 calories, and now I'm eating 1500 calories a day. I'm also exercising by walking around 3-4 miles a couple of times a week, and going to the gym to do some weight training about 2-3 times a week.

    So, fast forward to today....I've lost 55 lbs so far, my A1c is now 5.5, and my triglycerides are 93! Being Filipino and not being able to eat rice was tough, but I've done it before when I was on Weight Watchers so counting calories, weighing food on a scale, etc. wasn't too tough for me to follow. I went from a size 44 waist to a size 36 waist in three months! So....something's working. :smile:
  • CryingBlue
    CryingBlue Posts: 270 Member
    I have been doing keto for several months now with success. For me it helps me to control my calories as I have less cravings for sweets and I feel more satisfied throughout the day. But it hasent been a magic weight loss cure, I have been losing at a normal rate 1 to 1.5 pounds a week. Not some of the lose 30 pounds the first month like you read about. Good luck, I hope this works our for you.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    You don't have to eat lots of meat; no more than many people normally do. Also, lots of cuts of meat aren't particularly high cal. Fat is high cal and there's lots of fat in keto, but many people naturally eat less, either because they aren't eating foods they were used to eating lots of or because they were more satiated.

    When I did it I aimed for around 35 g net carbs per day, and would eat vegetable omelets for breakfast, salad with protein on it (meat, usually) for lunch, meat and vegetables for dinner, plus some cheese to accent foods, cooked vegetables in oil or butter (used olive oil in salad dressings) and ate some nuts and full fat greek yogurt. The servings of meat were about what I had before keto-ing.

    I don't do it now for other reasons, but that was my usual way of eating. (I never could have gotten in all the vegetables I ate plus some nuts in on under 20, though, not sure why so many people start with such a low goal.)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    thecharon wrote: »
    If Keto is too difficult for you and worse comes to worse, remember that a low carb diet can be as much as 150 carbs per day. A diet you can do for life is the best diet!

    This is true. I had the exact same results keeping my carbs at 100g than i did eating at keto levels.

    To clarify, I have no health conditions to warrant keeping my carbs under 50g.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    I started out with keto and intermittent fasting. I have found that I can eat more carbs and stay on track. I can eat more vegetables, which is good for me for other reasons. Currently have my target set at 40 grams per day. Some days I'm over, but no biggie.

    The IF helps because it keeps me from overeating late at night. Experiment and find out what works for you.