
Currently drinking 4 cans of soda a day. how did you cut out soda?


  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    Coke zero!
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,465 Member
    Just quit
  • aj89mfp01
    aj89mfp01 Posts: 2 Member
    My boyfriend was drinking far too much soft drink (soda) he switched to soda water and he dropped 4kgs just by doing this in the space of 3 weeks. Stop buying, maybe try a flavoured water?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    I cut down to drinking one can a day then switched to diet. Now I usually have two a day (one in the morning when I get to work, one with dinner) and if I go out to eat.
  • RandyRoubaix
    RandyRoubaix Posts: 5 Member
    Switched to coffee
  • SAHNinja
    SAHNinja Posts: 84 Member
    Me personally.... I just started forcing myself to drink water. At first I didnt like it. Now, I almost crave it. I have slipped up and drank my favorite soda. I realized I usually can't have just one soda, so I try to avoid it.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,026 Member
    I was already drinking diet soda for the most part when I had soda. Didn't change anything with respect to my soda consumption. Ate below maintenance. Lost weight.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    I've drank water so long now that I really don't enjoy the after-taste of sugary drinks.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    Jdavis3111 wrote: »
    Currently drinking 4 cans of soda a day. how did you cut out soda?

    are you worried about the calories in soda or caffeine as your title says?
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    It's a habit like anything else.

    Just stop.
  • tabletop10
    tabletop10 Posts: 4 Member
    I got a mug for water, keeping it close by and accessible. I told myself I could have a soda after I drank so much water (64 oz). Turned out I didn’t really want the soda after that, and just continued to drink water. Remember, soda has many bad qualities, not just the sugar content. Also, the first week or so is hell, but once you get through that it’s much easier.
  • KylaBlaze
    KylaBlaze Posts: 136 Member
    I would cut one can a day out per week, so 3 this week, 2 the next, etc. I quit drinking caffeine cold turkey and was left with the worse headache of my life for 3 days!
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Switched to caffeine pills and water.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Perhaps the best natural substitute for diet soda is tea.

    Hot in cold times and cold in hot times. You can sweeten artificially or naturally. You can mix with juice. You can make it strong or weak. You can put milk in it, which makes it easier on the stomach. There are lots of varieties to taste.

    I've nearly completely transitioned to it and rarely drink soda these days. In the summer, I recover from a long bike ride by drinking a sweetened ice tea latte with lots of 1% milk. YUM!
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    I didn't cut out diet soda but I tended to drink more coffee while trying to lose. And more water or flavored water.

    I take a lot of bathroom breaks now...
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    I quit drinking Coke cold turkey. It was not easy. I didn't drink more than a can, maybe two a day, but my parents allowed me to drink as much soda as I wanted as a kid. It was as normal to me and drinking water. I never thought much about soda until I was in my 30s and realized not everyone drank it all the time! I was fat and miserable and knew that I needed to lose weight. It just felt like it was the right time to give it up. The first two weeks were awful. Migraines, intense cravings, exhaustion (it was my only source of caffeine). I white knuckled my way through it. It's been 4 months and I don't miss it at all! I drank lots of water and tea and started drinking coffee to boost my energy. Good luck!