


  • Calichusetts
    Calichusetts Posts: 100 Member
    LOVE me some diet ginger ale. super low sodium, no calories, no sugar. Helped me transition into seltzer as I never particularly liked seltzer until very recently.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    edited December 2017
    joelrivard wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    cccerberus wrote: »
    Jdavis3111 wrote: »
    Currently drinking 4 cans of soda a day. how did you cut out soda?

    First off, the worst part of soda is the high fructose corn syrup, not the caffeine.
    And diet sodas are even worse with the artificial sweeteners like sucralose(splenda) and aspartame(equal).
    Caffeine pills and water are not a bad idea, or gatorade for electrolytes.

    Tea is a great idea for substitution and one i'm trying to work towards myself, but I really enjoy my coffee buzz so its been hard to give up. I'm down to just one cup a day in the morning..

    On the subject of coffee, I have a decent grind & brew automatic drip coffee maker, I make a whole pot every time, jar it while hot in one or two glass jars and store it in the fridge . Ideally i would have several serving sized glass jars so each would be vacuum sealed until opened for consumption for perfect preservation of flavor (oxygen is the enemy in flavor preservation from the moment of bean grind to consumption).
    The coffee, while cold from the fridge, is very mild and not bitter at all so I often don't sweeten it at all, nor use any kind of creamer so it's about the healthiest way to consume it.
    Highly recommended.

    In regards to diet soda it’s fine.

    Nice. I never got why people get so worked up over aspartame. I spent lots of time in the 90's looking for actual papers on the dangers of sucralose and aspartame but only found positive reports. It's very true how pseudo-science will become gospel with fringe substances that have only anecdotal evidence for it's harm. But things that millions of people die from every year that are directly linked to bad diet and lack of exercise people will fluff off like it's no big deal.

    Black coffee and water is what I drink. But sometimes I'll buy some diet soda, the way to stop is stop buying it.
    Soda with sugar is for children or a cheat meal. A liquid sugar delivery system is kind of crazy, it's not even that good, when it's time to cheat I can't waste my sugar calories on soda. Cuz soda??!?? How about cheesecake!

    Also if aspartame did cause cancer the rates of the cancer the rats got would have shown an increase since the 1970's. A dramatic increase.

    Agree. If aspartame caused cancer I'd be dead. I've been drinking diet soda since the 70's.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    For your head's sake, I would stop slowly. Cut out two cans per day for a week, then one more can, etc. And replace with sparkling water!! I drink mine plain with no flavor but there are tooonnnnsss of flavor options, all low or no cal.
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    I didn't cut it out because I really like it. I have cut way down though and find that works well for me.

    I started out drinking the big 32 oz sizes. I cut to the 20 oz with a full cup of ice so it wasn't usually more than 8-10 in actual coke. After a while, I stopped buying the fountains altogether.

    I started buying the tiny 7.5 oz cans or 8 oz bottles. I fill a glass with ice and pour the coke over it. I also bought those tiny cocktail straws and drink out of those instead of using the big ones. I find it takes me a while to get through that small amount and it's very satisfying.
  • magster4isu
    magster4isu Posts: 632 Member
    When I wanted to stop drinking soda, I realized that the only thing I missed was the carbonation. I switched to sparkling water so I could still get the fix. Eventually, I was able to stick with plain water. Now soda/carbonation actually gives me a stomach ache.
  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    I practically had a diet soda drip going for a very long time. I quit cold turkey a week ago. I have been taking 1 caffeine supp a day to keep from getting the withdrawal headache. So far so good. All I'm drinking is water with lemon now.
  • Snowdusk
    Snowdusk Posts: 36 Member
  • Switched to other drinks like tea, coffee, and water but I was drinking 2 a week max. Had a little setback today and had a coke zero but I've been doing this for 2 weeks and lost 4 pounds so I felt I deserved a treat.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    I’d look at it in the store. Then keep walking. Can’t drink it if you don’t buy it. Your poor teeth.. just drink water, I cringe everytime I see people buying pop or ordering it at a restaurant

    I've consumed mostly soda for most of my life. Diet soda for nearly three decades. At my last dental visit (new dentist due to move), a few months ago, they commented on how my enamel was thicker than average. It's called dental hygiene. If you brush your teeth after eating and drinking, like your dentist has told you to do your entire life, your teeth are most likely not going to suffer any ill effects from consuming soda. Say it again, ‘Proper Dental Hygiene'.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    edited December 2017
    jessef593 wrote: »
    I’d look at it in the store. Then keep walking. Can’t drink it if you don’t buy it. Your poor teeth.. just drink water, I cringe everytime I see people buying pop or ordering it at a restaurant

    I've consumed mostly soda for most of my life. Diet soda for nearly three decades. At my last dental visit (new dentist due to move), a few months ago, they commented on how my enamel was thicker than average. It's called dental hygiene. If you brush your teeth after eating and drinking, like your dentist has told you to do your entire life, your teeth are most likely not going to suffer any ill effects from consuming soda. Say it again, ‘Proper Dental Hygiene'.

    Are you trying to prove a point or what? Yes with proper hygiene you can maintain healthy teeth and gums. It’s probably why you, myself, and countless others do so. Sometimes though when people consume excess amounts of sugar with no regards for their health, they end up following the same practice for their teeth. I’ve known dental hygienists who brush religiously but still develop cavities.

    So feel free to continue with the passive aggressiveness and congratulations on the “thick enamel” I’m glad you have something to brag about at dinners whilst consuming your zero calorie sodas.

    Either way, acid is still acid. Hygiene doesn’t change that fact.