Binge Eating/Food Craving Thread

I was looking for an active thread where i could write during a craving and get some support to stop it but i couldn't find any. I checked out some groups but no active posters there. So i will post here. Feel free to ask for support when you are craving or feeling the urge to binge eat.


  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    I just celebrated my daughters 3rd birthday today. Her favorite foods and cake of course everywhere. It was hard to organize everything for everyone and not partake.
    I almost justified breaking my low carb mentality, but I knew the cheat would feel hollow once I ate it and I’d be so angry at myself afterward. I was proud of myself for being able to mentally walk back from impulse. The hubs was proud too and made me a cup of tea to celebrate while he cleaned up❤️

    It’s getting progressively easier. Every time I have succumbed to a cheat, it’s never as tasty as I’d thought it’d be, it’s a let down. I hold onto those experiences to keep me on track.

    When did you start eating healthy? How long did it take you to manage to say no? I'm trying to maintain my weight for now but if i could end my late night snacking i'll start eating less and lose a couple of pounds.
  • debrasloan77
    debrasloan77 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a hard time Kate at nite too. I do so good during the day and then mess it up at nite. The kids food is tempting too. I love to cook and bake so I feel super deprived when I can't do what I like to do or make stiff for my family for fear I will eat it. Ugh. Any suggestions? I'm doing a low carb /high protein diet.
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    While this is a great thread, i do wish to encourage that if people are chronically struggling with binge eating on a consistent basis with no control, to seek help, this is not something you should let go and hope it goes away. There is options out there to help, I am currently medicated for my binge eating disorder and would of never made it without them.

    When did you decide to get help for your binge eating? How many times a week were you binging?
  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    It took me years to get help.
    I was eating 5-6k calories a day pretty much every day.

    There is a big difference between binge eating and binge eating disorder. When one becomes the other.. or if one isn't the other that's when it's time to get help.
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    I am craving cake right now but it is 10.30 pm and i've already gone over my maintenance calories :'(
  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    There’s an active support group for binge eating with a daily check in thread that’s very supportive:
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    edited April 2018
    I am back! I started to eat clean last week and I was doing well until yesterday. I ate half a jar of nutella. I felt like binge eating but I stopped myself and ate a healthy dinner and promised myself I won't cheat again but I cheated again today. Not a big cheat though and I ate a healthy dinner half an hour ago. I am 166 cm and 63 kg (5'5 and almost 139 lbs) so I don't have much to lose but I am angry because I just can't do it :angry: I'll post here when I feel like cheating. I hope I can do it this time :neutral:
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I struggle constantly. I am not one of those "moderation is everything!" people. If I get one bite, I'll want 100. I have to abstain completely. After a couple weeks, the sugar cravings do go away. However, I still have my weak moments. The one day of the week I telework is so hard. I'm home in the house alone and all I think about is eating. Especially wanting huge bowls of sugary cereal and peanut butter toast.
  • loe_loe23
    loe_loe23 Posts: 74 Member
    currently craving chocolate or anything "dessert" like. but I'm pmsing so there's a "reason". However, I do have a past/present battle with binge eating. Haven't in a while but the urges are always there. my dad is a binge eater..
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    edited April 2018
    I just ate a caramel & chocolate bar and full fat white cheese sandwich and also some extra string cheese. I am not sure if this was binging or was i just hungry :( i ate 2465 calories today :'(
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    I struggle constantly. I am not one of those "moderation is everything!" people. If I get one bite, I'll want 100. I have to abstain completely. After a couple weeks, the sugar cravings do go away. However, I still have my weak moments. The one day of the week I telework is so hard. I'm home in the house alone and all I think about is eating. Especially wanting huge bowls of sugary cereal and peanut butter toast.

    I am the same. I cant stop with one bite. Everything would be easier if we could eat moderately
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    loe_loe23 wrote: »
    currently craving chocolate or anything "dessert" like. but I'm pmsing so there's a "reason". However, I do have a past/present battle with binge eating. Haven't in a while but the urges are always there. my dad is a binge eater..

    I posted what i just ate. Do you think this is binge eating or did i just overeat?
  • optionsguy88
    optionsguy88 Posts: 325 Member
    Snacking at home is my biggest struggle. I could have 3 full meals but still want little sweets or tasty treats...
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    Last night was a disaster. I'd already taken around 2600 calories by 9 pm and i binged around midnight and ate almost 1000 extra calories and i am 2 lbs heavier today :angry: hoping to get rid of it in a few days
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    It took me 3 days to lose binge weight and it was frustrating. I am hoping to go for 3 weeks without cheating or binging.