Afraid to run :(



  • WonderNoodle
    I was afraid to run because if I started and had to stop again for lack of being able to BREATHE :sick: that anyone watching would see me as a failure. They would think, "she's too big to run"., I LIKE people to see me run! I want them to see how strong I am!

    I did C25K and it was VERY helpful in SHOWING me I CAN do it! In the beginning, running 90 seconds was frightening. I can run 40 minutes + now!

    If you don't have a smart phone or ipod to download the C25K is the mp3 downloads I used. Pretty good music. The trainer tells you when to walk and when to run.

    Good luck to you! :drinker: You can do ANYTHING as long as you don't tell yourself you can't!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you fall, you'll get up. If you can't get up, you'll call 911. That's why I always have my phone on me when I run alone.

    I had the same fears. I'm hypermobile and was afraid I'd sprain an ankle or have my knee or hip pop out of joint while running. But since I've been running (a little over 7 months now), my leg muscles have strengthened so much that my knees, ankles and hips DON'T pop out of joint anymore. The only time I fell while running was during the Warrior Dash when I swear a tree root grabbed my foot and tripped me. But even then, I didn't even break stride. I was up and running before anyone had a chance to even ask if I was ok!

    You know what I was doing when I fell and hurt myself? Going out my back door to bring my dog inside. I slipped on ice and fell down the back porch steps. Bam-bam-bam-bam-bam-BAM. Twice. In the span of two weeks. :laugh:

    Really. Go slowly, train wisely, take your time and do it right. You're more likely to hurt yourself getting out of the shower than out running, but you wouldn't let that stop you from showering, would you?
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I agree with all those that recommend the Couch-to-5K program. I'm ending my second week, and I can't wait until my next run! 10 years ago I was in the Army and was forced to do long runs, most of the time in formations, and I HATED it. But with this program, I'm learning to love it!

    Just go for it. Do a little research on how to train and make a plan. You'll be surprised what you can do!
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    Ok Jen, I was terrified too of running! Started out slow. But you have to push yourself a little harder everytime and before you know it, you'll be there. I started out walking a mile in 15 minutes at the gym on May 25. Now, I am running! 6mph and do a mile in around 10 minutes 30 seconds. I have 5K coming up September 24th. As long as my feet are better, I will continue training and be able to complete it, if not then, definitely by Thanksgiving day for our local Turkey Trot 5K. Who knows, maybe I will do both!

    As far as your boyfriend, you need to PROVE HIM WRONG! You know that deep inside you can do it, even if some of it is walked, who cares, you got up and TRIED!

    Last thing: Aren't all things possible with GOD????

    :) Good luck and let me know how it goes.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
  • JediMaster_intraining
    you can prove your boyfriend wrong! you are strong! i never liked running or jogging either. maybe do 3 minutes running, 5 minutes jogging, and 7 minutes walking fast? that might help! but i'm no expert!

    don't EVER listen to the negative thoughts in your head! or the negative comments from your boyfriend! you CAN! just start slow and work your way up until October comes and be all you can be. :)

    then when your boyfriend sees that you are amazing and strong and dedicated...he might think twice about saying those things to you!
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    I would say don't start C25K yet. During the first month or so go out for walks at least 3 or 4 times a week and build up some endurance while you deal with your fear and try different routes.

    After that and if you feel like you can try to run, start the C25K program, its a great start. If you feel it is too hard for you at the start add another week or two and start with smaller intervals of running.

    Build up your endurance and aerobic capacity and you'll see great results soon.

    Saturday I'll be running 20 mins non stop for the first time since high school... Looking forward to it! :)

    I second this. My husband is training for his 3rd marathon. After he completed his first half marathon last spring, I decided I *should* start running, too. I tried C25k and couldn't complete the first day. I got so frustrated I quit and didn't do anything fitness related for several months. In February of this year, I started walking whenever it was nice enough outside and riding my exercise bike. Found MFP in late February. Eight weeks ago, I decided to give C25k another try. Easily completed the first day and haven't looked back. Completed W8D1 Tuesday night - walk 5, run 28, walk 5. I NEVER would have thought I could have done it. So, start with walking. Push yourself - walk up hills, walk fast, ride your bike, go faster. In a couple of weeks, give C25k a try. You CAN do this - not a doubt in my mind!!
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    What if my bf is right and I can't run/briskly walk/jog a 5k?

    A few weeks after running my first 10K I told my husband I wanted to run a marathon. He told me I couldn't. I proved him wrong 5 months later. You can prove your boyfriend wrong too.
  • nani726
    nani726 Posts: 70 Member
    im glad to know im not the only one afraid to run! but if you need a buddy to do it with, pick me, pick me!!
    ive been riding my bike here lately but i really want to tame the running beast :) and would love to be afraid along with ya!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Take it slowly, you don't need to run all out. I started C25K but used a "Week 0" where I was only running for 30 seconds. After talking with my sister, who does marathons and halves, I've decided to stick with running and walking in intervals. I can now do a 5K in under 40 minutes and went 4 miles in 52 minutes this past weekend. I run at around 5.5 MPH for 3-4 minutes and walk for 1 minute. I'm signed up for my first race, a 10K, at the end of October and although I'm nervous about it, I know that if it gets too much, I can always just walk to the finish line. The time isn't a factor for me. At my age, I'm never going to be a world class athlete and I'm not really trying. I'm out there moving, and making myself happy, and that's all that really matters.
  • melissaslagle
    I ran my first 5k in March....I was so slow, but I did don't know until you try and do this for you only!
  • rat70
    rat70 Posts: 129 Member
    You won't know if you don't try but don't go too hard at the start. I did the C25K as so many here have also said. It was great but it might help to start even slower. Check out my tips - things that I learnt while doing the program.

    Good luck!
  • LCantrell
    LCantrell Posts: 79 Member
    Bump :)
  • chubbychristianchick
    chubbychristianchick Posts: 217 Member
    Thank you all for all your positive comments. I'm printing out some info on the couch to 5k and I'm going to start the wk 1 on Monday and work my way there!
    I'm trying to not talk myself out of the 5k :)
    And as for my BF I think he 1 is afraid I'm going to get hurt and 2 afraid I will be disappointed in myself. One person asked if he was overweight he is actually very thin but he is naturally think but not physically fit if that makes any sense. Lets just say at 260 I'm in better shape!
    The couple of people who offered to train with me I will send a private message to later so that we can stay in touch <3
    All things are possible through Christ who gives me strength!