I just discovered nutella...I think I am in trouble!



  • greensnow
    MMmm Nutella is so good!!! This won't help but my friend recentely got back from France where she had NUTELLA CREPES for breakfast.. ohh..
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    not to corrupt you - but Nutella on a graham cracker with a marshmellow is OH SO GOOD!
  • xMissAprilx
    xMissAprilx Posts: 143 Member
    Nutella is AMAZING!! I <3 it! Is it better for you than regular peanut butter?
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    pretzels dipped in it too, are really good. You could take out 1tbls and some pretzels for under 150 cals ;0
  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    Same here! Too tempting....worse than Oreos.
    Back away from the nutella. Just . . . slowly . . . back away. There's no way I could have that in my house.
  • xMissAprilx
    xMissAprilx Posts: 143 Member
    Nevermind, I just read through all the comments.
    Now I'm leaving because my stomach is begging for some nutella now. Thankfully my husband iks gone in the vehicle and its a 30min drive to town.
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I saw that it shouldnt be kept in the fridge so I thought it would be nice to send to my brother and my other "adopted" soldiers in Afghanistan. I figured it would be a good way to send chocolate without it melting. I bought 5 jars and 5 boxes of graham crackers to mail out to each of my guys. I'm sure the cashier was wondering about me. lol
  • eryn415
    eryn415 Posts: 98 Member
    I eat it all the time. Try it on bagel thin or toast with sliced strawberries and bananas. Yum!!
  • Keelahopkin
    Keelahopkin Posts: 15 Member
    It has more carbs than peanut butter but is seriously my favorite stuff!!! I put it on salted rice cakes- it tastes just like one of those ferraro roche things that are all over the place at Christmas! Except its huge in comparison LOL The rice cakes are only 35 cal too
  • twintea
    twintea Posts: 23 Member
    yes Nutella and I are long time friends, with a spoon, toast, crackers, banana, and all of the above !!! When I was on WWatchers in the past it measured right up there with Peanut Butter..not much difference in a TBLspoon....and the two combined is sooo yummy :-)
    I host international students and the last one came equipped with a mammoth jar of Nutella because he could not live without it.....I smiled and said ok this is my test!!!!! ......it has been 5 weeks and I have only had nutella once....never thought it was possible to have it in the cupboard and not eat it !!!! baby steps and bit by bit the garden grows right !!! take care all .....
  • 1Kimbeelina
    Palm oil and Soy.. No no's lol throw it away..
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    The other day i told my husband- if i go to heaven - i will ask God to give me a river of nutella .. id' be happy :)

    Grew up on that thing !!! it's sooo hard to control yourself with it.. sooo easy to go overboard

    yes- we buy it at costco . Uhm.. can you believe it- last november costco had a 3 $ coupon on the allready low price so the two big jars came to like 5 $ .. my husband went and bought 10 jars ! Well he and the kids can afford to eat that stuff.. but me ??? nope..
    so imagine having 10 jars of nutella staring at you !?! Surprisingly i was able not to have any !

    When i do have it .. i can have it anyways.. plain.. on cookies, in sandwiches, with bananas, pretzels.. i think pretty much anything..
    warm crepes and nutella ..
    ay aya ay ..

    oh the reason why i replied on this topic was to tell you - .. run .. run for your life !
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE nutella... and so NEVER have it in the house.... its so yummy on toast or rich tea biscuits... or even better, pancakes!!!!

    they do single serving sachets in the supermarket that i think come out at about 80cals, so i might have to get one for my toast on sunday morning as a treat, yuuuuuuuuuuuuummy!!!!
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 192 Member

    Please compare the complete nutritional stats and not just the overall calories on Nutella vs. Peanut butter. Nutella is LOADED with added sugar (21 g vs. 2g). And while Nutella has less fat, it also has less protein. It's better to stick to peanut butter.

    Exactly what I was going to say. Peanut butter wont spike your blood sugar levels in the same way as Nutella, and it is less processed and more nutritious. I LOVE Nutella. Too much. Can't buy it :(
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    as weird as it sounds it taste really good on plain rice cakes

    I love that aswell! Is that weird? :laugh: Peanutbutter on rice cakes is nice aswell :)
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    Nutella is temptation incarnate.
  • seyran
    seyran Posts: 43
    My old friend nutella. When I was 18 (loooong ago) I was in Germany for language school, I was living alone and did not cook. I ate 9 jars of nutella (400 g jars) and bananas in 2 month. I did not gain weight and no allergies aswell.
    Than years later I was given a 3kg jar of nutella (in Italy) and I finished it in a week !!! I loooooove it...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    the restaurant i am going to tonight has nutella calzone on the dessert menu - served with ice cream.... yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!!
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    the restaurant i am going to tonight has nutella calzone on the dessert menu - served with ice cream.... yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!!

    OMG sounds like heaven
  • Jenicrowther
    My boyfriend is a serious chocahoic! Never seen any1 worse than him in my life, and he is convinced that nutella is good for you..... its like talking to a wall :/