When you were 17...



  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    For most 17 year olds now is as good as life is going to get, take advantage, have fun, be a kid for a little bit longer. The drag that is adulthood will come soon enough, don't run to it.

    What?? I totally disagree. I love my life now and I would never go back to being 17 again!n Not that being that age was bad, but there have been so many great experiences I've had just because I got older

    You're missing the point. Of course being an adult can be/is great but being that not quite adult age only happens for a short time. You'll be an adult for a good 50-60 years. Being 17 is a time of freedom from a lot of adult things such as careers, spouses,kids, and being 100% responsible for yourself. Not that any of those things are bad, they are all great things but not things to rush into.Chances are you will split ways with a lot of childhood friends soon and some you may see in the future, others not. Enjoy it while you can.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I'd have to agree with the money one. It might sound super annoying, but when you're 10 years older you'll be like.. sweet i'm NOT poor. That is, if your dream is like mine to have a house a good job and a husband. i was born in the wrong decade.

    The other thing I could say is if you have something you want to do in university, just do it. Don't listen to others that say "what job will that get you" or "well how come your job now doesn't have anything to do with your degree?"... BOY that gets annoying but don't let it get to you. Or really think about that silly dream you want and go to the place that you can get it while you are not tied down. I love what I do now, but I can think of other things I may have wanted to dabble in had I not been in a relationship - such as travelling.

    the friends you have now will probably not be your friends in a few years. You will still talk, maybe, but it won't be the same. Whenever I see them, my heart strings pull a bit, but then I remember I am not that person anymore.

    Don't move in with your best friend. Ever.

    Drive a crappy car - you'll appreciate that new car SO much more :)
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    For most 17 year olds now is as good as life is going to get, take advantage, have fun, be a kid for a little bit longer. The drag that is adulthood will come soon enough, don't run to it.

    What?? I totally disagree. I love my life now and I would never go back to being 17 again!n Not that being that age was bad, but there have been so many great experiences I've had just because I got older

    You're missing the point. Of course being an adult can be/is great but being that not quite adult age only happens for a short time. You'll be an adult for a good 50-60 years. Being 17 is a time of freedom from a lot of adult things such as careers, spouses,kids, and being 100% responsible for yourself. Not that any of those things are bad, they are all great things but not things to rush into.Chances are you will split ways with a lot of childhood friends soon and some you may see in the future, others not. Enjoy it while you can.

    nah, not missing the point. the way you worded it was exactly what I responded to. you said the "drag" that is adulthood. Adulthood is not a drag. Obviously you didn't mean that, you meant the PULL, right?
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    For most 17 year olds now is as good as life is going to get, take advantage, have fun, be a kid for a little bit longer. The drag that is adulthood will come soon enough, don't run to it.

    What?? I totally disagree. I love my life now and I would never go back to being 17 again!n Not that being that age was bad, but there have been so many great experiences I've had just because I got older

    You're missing the point. Of course being an adult can be/is great but being that not quite adult age only happens for a short time. You'll be an adult for a good 50-60 years. Being 17 is a time of freedom from a lot of adult things such as careers, spouses,kids, and being 100% responsible for yourself. Not that any of those things are bad, they are all great things but not things to rush into.Chances are you will split ways with a lot of childhood friends soon and some you may see in the future, others not. Enjoy it while you can.

    nah, not missing the point. the way you worded it was exactly what I responded to. you said the "drag" that is adulthood. Adulthood is not a drag. Obviously you didn't mean that, you meant the PULL, right?
    No, to a kid adult stuff (being responsible for a lot of things) being adult is sort of a "drag". Lots kids struggle with that. I think going to college is great for bridging into adulthood, they are respnsible for a lot more but there is still some structure and people looking out for them in some ways. So, when I say "drag" I mean that from the POV of a teen.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    When I was 17,
    I drank some very good beer.
    I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake I.D.
    My name was Brian Mcgee
    I stayed up listening to Queen
    When I was 17.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I can't think of a thing I would tell myself. How boring...
    I just don't have any regrets (despite making many MANY mistakes) so I can't think of what I'd say except, "Way to go, slugger!" And I'd knock myself on the chin a little.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Focus on school, go to college, get your degrees, have fun, travel as much as you can and get your career on track! Save the babies and marriage until you're 30.

    No need to say this to myself. I did it. :tongue:
  • When I was 17, I was in JAFROTC and ready to join the USAF, but my boyfriend decided to pop the question, thinking he was losing me. I felt like I'd be rejecting him forever if I said, "Not now".

    If I'd known then what I know now, I would have said "Yes, but..." And still joined the USAF to follow my dreams of working in the fields of aerospace science and aviation, and got married when I could afford it and was mature enough for it. THOUGH, I wouldn't chance anything now--I am very happily married, he makes me laugh and smile every single day.

    I know my husband loves me (more now, then even back then) and I know if I would have explained my life goals better at the time, I know he would have supported me in my career/education/military goals no matter when we got married.

    I hope to teach our 2 daughters that, that if a man loves you enough to want to make you his wife, he'll be there before and during the bumpy ride, before you sign the marriage license. If you have dreams and goals, he has to love you and your dreams and goals too. Being a "People Pleaser" is not something you want to be labelled. I'm still trying to learn to make myself a priority, and I'm 26.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    He may be hot, but trust me, he will most likely run screaming if you have to have that awkward "I'm pregnant" conversation! lol

    Also, love your parents and siblings. You may think they are a pain in the butt right now, but some of them may be gone by the time you are 30 and you are going to wish you hadn't missed out on time with them.

    Graduate!! I was 8 months pregnant when I graduated, but I did it and I couldn't be more proud of myself.

    Get athletic! I hated running back then, did anything I could to avoid it. Now at 33, I'm trying my darndest to become a runner and get healthy. I want to be a dancer, an athlete, a singer...but I have waited to long telling myself I could never do it. So do it! Whatever it is you want to do or be...DO it, BE it!! Go for it!! Don't doubt yourself.
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    Have a blast but be responsible!

    Hug your parents!

    Go to college, it will be the best time of your life!

    Don't rush life. It will happens whether you want it to or not :o)
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    For most 17 year olds now is as good as life is going to get, take advantage, have fun, be a kid for a little bit longer. The drag that is adulthood will come soon enough, don't run to it.
    I get what you mean and totally agree. I hated being 17 and often say I'd like to go back to that age—totally not ACTUALLY wanting that, of course—simply because I'm sick of paying rent and bills and buying my own food and blah blah blah. It's a good thing to be responsible, but, in retrospect, most have it pretty easy at 17, and I know I sure did, even though I did have a job. So I would like to be able to have appreciated that a little more.

    Being an adult sucks sometimes but it's so great, too, so long as you don't get yourself into too much trouble ;)
    When I was 17,
    I drank some very good beer.
    I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake I.D.
    My name was Brian Mcgee
    I stayed up listening to Queen
    When I was 17.
    I always shed a tear for that :( Poor Homer.

    Anyway, I would tell myself to be more outgoing, too. I was pretty reserved as a kid and only opened up more in my 20s.
  • I'd tell my 17 year old self to STOP pandering! A hot spanish 17 yr old exchange student wants to sleep with you, develop a moral fiber much, much later.....
  • Talako
    Talako Posts: 79 Member
    How about something practical: I'd tell my 17 year old self to save like a mad man and buy Microsoft when it goes public in 5 years.

    Also, the knowledge that after Rebecca rips your heart out next year the future will not be kind to her. Take solace in that karma nails her. (Uh that is Karma, and not Steve Karma.)
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    Take yourself seriously, even when others don't.
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    I hope to teach our 2 daughters that, that if a man loves you enough to want to make you his wife, he'll be there before and during the bumpy ride, before you sign the marriage license. If you have dreams and goals, he has to love you and your dreams and goals too. Being a "People Pleaser" is not something you want to be labelled. I'm still trying to learn to make myself a priority, and I'm 26.

    This, this, THIS!
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Put that food down and get on the treadmill.
  • Pretty much whatever anyone has written here
    And... whatever hurt you are going through you will get through it, and there will be worse to come, but just remember you've gone through it before and will do so again.

    And more importantly play this song every morning when you wake up in the morning.

  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    Choose a lucrative career path now and stick with it. You'll be glad you did later.

    This for sure. Go into something legit.

    Boys suck, even the older ones. Takes em a while to grow up.
    Don't change your goals & dreams for a boy.
    If he's gonna cheat, it's gonna happen no matter what. So don't waste time worrying or acting crazy/jealous/supucious.
    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... It's most likely a duck!!

    Don't let anyone take away your joy.
    Safe sex ALWAYS! dont get an STD and dont get pregnant!
    Happiness takes work!!
    Choose your battles & let things go
    Be independent. In the end, at times, you are the only one you can count on.
    When you get married always work at least a little & keep your own very secret stash of money... Just in case your hubby decides to turn into a creep!
  • macaroni and cheese should not be an everyday thing and never stop dancing.. its good for u :)
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    Be very careful about the company you keep and you won't go far wrong.
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