hey guys, how about a poll

Just wondering....

What kind of excercises did you do today?

Me. I walked up the mountain behind my house...about an hour for up and back.....I'm pooped:sick:

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  • timetoembrace
    Just wondering....

    What kind of excercises did you do today?

    Me. I walked up the mountain behind my house...about an hour for up and back.....I'm pooped:sick:

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  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    Just wondering....

    What kind of excercises did you do today?

    Me. I walked up the mountain behind my house...about an hour for up and back.....I'm pooped:sick:

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    Im on my way out to the gym since i didnt have a chance to go this morning... Gym will include weghts today and maybe 1/2 and hour on the bike :)
  • yeahbuddy
    I'm going to go jogging with my 9 year old god daughter then go home and do the 30 day shred.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    20 min. ab workout
    40 min. weight training routine
    20 min. Turbo Jam

    I might do more aerobics tonight after the kids are in bed. I'm not sure....
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    getting ready to do yoga---
  • fitchick99
    fitchick99 Posts: 267 Member
    an hour on the treadmill, 40 minutes on the elliptical, a step class, and 45 minutes of weights, I also have a tennis game tonight at 8...busy day!
  • Julie837
    A one hour 15 min. step/toning / stretch class, 45 mins on weights, and 10 mins on the treadmill, just to watch the news.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Ooooh oooh, I can answer this since I actually DID some exercise today. Worked out a total of 50 minutes...but I did a combination of all of the below:

    -jump roping
    -walked around my neighborhood with ankle and wrist weights
    -stationery bicycled
    -Dance Away the Fat Fast DVD (2 segments)
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Ummm, how about working 12 hours at an elementary school (8 of those hours spent with 2nd graders)??

    No formal exercise for me. I'm exhausted! Mondays are the worst for me...:ohwell:
    DMORTIFF Posts: 22 Member
    i ran 9 miles this morning rested ate did some chores and rode my bike (bicycle) the same route I ran i am pooped too and sore
  • Heather7
    I am playing volleyball tonight... coed adult rec league... so much fun!

    What is this 30 Day Shred people are talking about?
  • Mattysmomma
    I ran for 25 and the elliptrical for 25, then I did some ball workouts!
  • phetzgetfit
    I'm leaving in an hour for my nightly bikram yoga class which is 90 minutes long. I'm going to try and do 60 classes in 60 days to win a free month. It's a pretty intense workout in a very hot room (you sweat like crazy) but all my aches and pains and injuries (shoulder, back, feet, athritis, etc.) are going away. I feel great and have loads of energy (but I'm eating better too so that accounts for some of it).
  • Kitten57
    I walked a mile and 1/2 this morning with my little girl...and i'm about to go do my video work out which is mostly dancing and some strength trainging for 45 mins...though i probably should do more for splergging on lunch today and having that banana pudding.:mad: :grumble: it's my weakness
  • moniike1
    hit the treadmill incline up to ten at 3- 3.5 speed for about 45 min oh yeah not to mention the 21, 5 year olds for 8 hours I am a K assistant! The kids were on full blast today Monday's are generally tough
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Walked in the park:heart:
    Dacing later!! :happy:
  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    Going to do BL Cardio Max right now!!!:bigsmile:
  • sugarpie
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    I did 35 mins on treadmill,incline up to #7 at 3.5 speed and then went outside and did some barn work. Love treadmill. All started with a question on this site. Had to go get one after that. Plus doc said had to walk half hour daily.:tongue:
  • helkat922
    helkat922 Posts: 150 Member
    nothing for me today.. its my rest day, but I did lug around a bunch of groceries today (including a 50 pound box of kitty litter ... does that count !!!):laugh: :laugh:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    None yet. But after I get home from work, I'm going to exercise to my Richard Simmons Sweatin' to the Oldies dvd. After that I'll be exhausted. :bigsmile: