Ovarian cyst



  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I had an ovarian cyst removed 3 years ago that almost killed me. It was the size of a basketball, and I had been weak for a long time prior. I finally got a bad kidney infection which developed into sepsis then kidney failure. The cyst was crushing my insides. I spent 6 weeks in the hospital - I had been retaining a lot of fluid that went to my legs when I went into kidney failure so I couldn't walk my legs were so big. I lost 30 lbs between water weight and cyst. I also had both ovaries out. I had already had uterus out about 10 years prior due to fibroid tumors.

    Be glad you found it before it got any bigger. Sugery went well for me, but the pain was awful. I was on a Morphine pump that did nothing for me. After 24 hours I begged them for something else, so they gave me Norco and Tylenol which helped. I never had any issues with getting "stopped up" because of the Morphine or other pain meds. I had quite the opposite actually.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld - I'm so sorry you are in such pain. That sounds utterly miserable! I've had plenty of cysts over the years but they have all resolved on their own or burst around my period. I just had a massive one in my breast that was terribly painful. I can't imagine having to live with it as long as you have been before you can have surgery. I know you want that thing out as soon as possible. Best of luck to you and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Wishing you well today @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld.

    Cheers, h.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Hooray <3
    So glad your home for Christmas.
    Hope the recovery is smooth.

    (And yeah, milk that husband waiter for a it's worth. You'll get cabin fever soon enough)

    Cheers, h.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    10 days after the surgery and I'm so frustrated, I want to scream :(

    Pain level is way better than I would have thought, just taking paracetamol a couple of times a day. (Mainly after a cough, sneeze or laugh)

    Mobility isn't great and that is driving me nuts. Managing around 1500 steps a day. Can get upstairs without touching the hand rail now.
    Feel like I want to do more but just can't, the little bit wipes me tired. So frustrating.

    Going to try to leave the house this afternoon for the first time. We have thick ice and some snow so will have to be a drive to the local shopping centre and walk around there. See how long I last, they have shop mobility available if I grind to a halt.

    Just wanted a whinge.

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    I wouldn't have lasted 10 days without a whinge on MFP.
    Sounds like things are going well. I hope the outing adds a little spice to your day.

    Cheers, h.
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,126 Member
    It takes several weeks to get your strength back after surgery. The anesthesia takes a lot out of you. I think it took at least 6 weeks before I was able to really get back to normal.