First Christmas Alone



  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    Sorry to hear, I'm horrible with being alone. It's so bad my wife jokes she'd have to be the one to end if it if it ever happened because I'd stay simply because I hate being alone so much. So my advice from a person who hates being alone is don't be alone. You must have other family/friends/etc. you can spend the time with. While it might not seem like the most fun thing in world to spend time with another family over the holidays, in my mind its better than hanging out alone. Plus you get to experience something different.
  • dwrightlaw
    dwrightlaw Posts: 804 Member
    I'm going thru the same thing right now. It really sucks, message me if you wanna talk
  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    I'm on call this weekend with both jobs. So, I am going to be home alone as well. I do not mind too much, as it it rare I have any downtime. As mentioned previously, can message me if want.
  • DAGridesagain
    DAGridesagain Posts: 132 Member
    edited December 2017
    Stupid, but I'm not 'alone' but might just as well be.

    Same roof, but that's as close as it gets! Regrets? No. Just the way it is.

    I might just get out on the bike for an hour or so, weather permitting. There's an amazing camaraderie amongst cyclists - anyone else out riding will always share a few kms of idle chit-chat.

    Philadelphia is probably a few too many kms on the 'wrong' side of the Atlantic, and a few hours out time-wise, but there's always this internet thing to exchange well-wishes. Christmas is a time for sharing with everyone. Even if you are alone :*

    It's just turned midnight here in the UK, so it is now Christmas eve. Take care, one and all.
  • karooz
    karooz Posts: 3 Member
    It's OK because there are some people alone there hole life
    So be thankful and i wich you a happy life <3
  • Mewwwww
    Mewwwww Posts: 95 Member
    Im not "alone" this year, just disconnected a bit. Reconnecting.
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Have Xmas early with your daughter, then go see one of the new movies out for Xmas. There are at least 3 good ones in theaters this year, Star Wars, Jumanji, and Downsizing all look pretty good. I really liked the new Star Wars if you're into that stuff. ;) We had to do Thanksgiving offset so we could have all our grandkids at the same time as well. Sometimes you gotta be flexible.

    We always said that if we ever have to offset Christmas day to get everyone there we would go out to a Chinese restaurant and see if we could get the to sing Christmas carols for us haha. Like in the move "A Christmas Story" lol.

    ^^ Fah rah rah rah rah, rah rah, rah rah. Best part of the whole movie! ;)
  • ProdigiousDigit
    ProdigiousDigit Posts: 49 Member
    Sorry to hear, I'm horrible with being alone. It's so bad my wife jokes she'd have to be the one to end if it if it ever happened because I'd stay simply because I hate being alone so much. So my advice from a person who hates being alone is don't be alone. You must have other family/friends/etc. you can spend the time with. While it might not seem like the most fun thing in world to spend time with another family over the holidays, in my mind its better than hanging out alone. Plus you get to experience something different.

    There's nothing wrong with being alone. It's an exercise in understanding your place in the world. Embrace it.
  • blackcomaro
    blackcomaro Posts: 796 Member
    So this is going to be my first Christmas alone (my daughter will be with her Dad)..thinking about it is giving me so much anxiety..Anyone else spend it alone? What do you do?

    First Christmas alone... lucky you. Well.....I watch tv and I come share my infinite knowledge on the forumns
  • benbacome
    benbacome Posts: 7 Member
    I too am struggling with this. My boys will be with their mother until after dinner. This is the first time in my 40 years that I will be waking up to an empty house on Christmas morning. I am coming to grips with it as there is nothing really that can be done to change it now. My anxiety/dread has shifted now to New Years. Typically a night for couples and I really don't want to be out in that mix. I just keep thinking one more week and things can return to normal...I hope.
  • LifeIs420
    LifeIs420 Posts: 150 Member
    alone every year
  • sixreps
    sixreps Posts: 2 Member
    I have been alone on this day for so long and I like it. Call it a me day. I take off for a long hike and back home to watch football.