Xmas water weight gain and drop - Give us your data!

Weight goes up; weight comes down.

I'd banked calories with extra exercise this week, so I enjoyed myself on Chrimbo day here in Australia. Logged guesstimates, and was maybe 500 calories / 2000 kilojoules over my daily maintenance limit.

My scale weight rose 3 lbs / 1.4 kg on Boxing Day morning. Not to panic!...

It fell back down 2.4 lbs / 1.1 kg the next day.

Today's moving average weight in Happy Scale is the same as it was on December 24.

Let's see your gains and falls and hopefully ease some people's worries.



  • Iwantahealthierme30
    I did the same as you 500 over maintenance. Still up 3 pounds as of this morning.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I lose, because I was actually lighter on Boxing Day morning :D (was also 500-600 cals over maintenance on Xmas Day).
  • barbp7
    barbp7 Posts: 22 Member
    Up 1# from 24th to 25th, maintained on 26th, back down 1# today, 27th. Tried hard not to repeat Thanksgiving gain of 4#s. But still enjoyed everything I wanted to.
  • evilpoptart63
    evilpoptart63 Posts: 397 Member
    I ate too much for a week leading up to christmas. Yesterday I was up 3lbs, today Im still up one pound. I think I dropped most of my water weight and Im sure I have gained at least some fat.
  • Polo265
    Polo265 Posts: 287 Member
    I ate too much for about a month leading up to Christmas, so on Christmas Day was up 6 lbs. Today (12/28), down 4.2. I'm sure at least some of the remaining 1.8 lbs is a true fat gain.
  • WhereIsPJSoles
    WhereIsPJSoles Posts: 622 Member
    I’ve been steadily creeping up in .2 lb increments since Christmas, but my moving average in happy scale is on track. I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get a loss, but I guess I didn’t get a gain to lose so I’ll stop complaining. And I’m fighting a badass cold and I feel like that might be some water retention (don’t know if that’s actual science, but since everything else can cause water retention, why not my cold?)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My weigh in day is tomorrow... I'll let you know! :laugh:
  • charlenekapf
    charlenekapf Posts: 309 Member
    for the two people that were up a from going 500 over maintenance..is that a total of 500 for one day? or over 500 daily for a few days? if only over 500 on one day through all of Christmas Eve, Day, Boxing Day, that is impressive!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Lost 2.4 lbs in one day... Gotta love it. Yesterday I got on the scale for the first time post holiday... 243.4. Yesterday I stayed on track and made sure I was well hydrated. Scale today... 241.0 lol
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I am up around 5lb in Dec as a combination of too many chocolates at work plus a couple of meals out and far too much alcohol and Pringles! Hoping to see a down turn from Jan onwards when things go back to normal foodwise. Not sure how quick the weight will go though as it can't all be water weight unfortunately
  • Iwantahealthierme30
    Down all 3 pounds from Christmas Day now back to 219. Yay!
  • Iwantahealthierme30
    for the two people that were up a from going 500 over maintenance..is that a total of 500 for one day? or over 500 daily for a few days? if only over 500 on one day through all of Christmas Eve, Day, Boxing Day, that is impressive!

    For me it was one day - Christmas.
  • tar2323
    tar2323 Posts: 141 Member
    Was 165lb the morning before Christmas Eve. Ate without counting cals on Christmas Eve and Day (including 4 mince pies, sticky toffee pud with Baileys cream, roasties with oil, etc) and was 171.8 on Boxing Day morning. 6.8lbs up in two days (which is fine - I understand how and why).

    Back to deficit and each day weight has gone like this:
    171.8 (26th)
    169.0 (27th)
    167.4 (today)
  • Mrs181
    Mrs181 Posts: 36 Member
    I was around 138 sometime before Christmas. Maybe like two weeks before. I don't know, but then I fell off the wagon and didn't want to weigh in.
    Dec 26 I was 148.
    Today 142.4.
  • ClaireGleek
    ClaireGleek Posts: 15 Member
    I was 141# on Christmas Eve and after enjoying my Christmas lunch and evening buffet and boxing day leftovers and even more munchies - at least a thousand over maintenance for two days lol - on the 27th I weighed in at 144# so I gained 3 pounds of mostly water weight. I weighed myself today and I'm down another pound at 143# I think I should drop another pound of water weight and probably gained a pound of true fat but I don't care it was worth it.