5ft 8 girls/women



  • suzyluzy
    suzyluzy Posts: 78
    5'7 , goal: 150
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    5'8" and I would be very happy at 155. That's what I was at my top form as a fitness instructor ( pre kids). I got down to 145 once and looked sick, because I lost my boobs and butt almost completely:( Don't want to lose the girls again, lol.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I'm 5'8 and my goal is 175, once i hit that i will reevaluate

    Almost DIDO for me...I am 5'7"...175 is my goal now...but will reevaluate when I get close
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    I origionally said 165 (but I was 390)..still at 205-207 depending on the scale...but I think I can be 150 and be super happy there..Mind you I'm super happy to be 205 from 390 but I can see the end goal now and I want to be that size 8-10
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I'm 5'8" and my goal (before I got pregnant ;) lol) was to be at 165. I hit 170 and felt pretty good.
    Now at just about 3 months into my pregnancy I'm about 176...hoping to only gain 20-25 and be able to lose it afterward!

  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I'm 5'9.
    I am currently 104 pounds.
    Ideal weight is 89.

    Bullcrap! No friggin way! 89lb is not a suitable weight for anyone that isn't child or extremely vertically challenged.
  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    I'm 5'8 and my goal is 175, once i hit that i will reevaluate

    Almost DIDO for me...I am 5'7"...175 is my goal now...but will reevaluate when I get close

    Same here, I'm 5'7 and starting at 215... once I reach 175, ill revaluate and set and new goal
  • crdav13
    crdav13 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5'7 and weigh 137, trying to get down to 125-130 - per my doctor's suggestion. I know people have different body shapes and preferences on how they look but what is your waist circumference when you're at a higher weight? I know BMI isn't always the best calculation (especially for muscular men) but its pretty standard that your waist circumference should be under 35 inches for women. At the different weights mentioned are you still under 35 inches?
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    5'8, small frame 140 lbs trying to get back to 130-135 that I was 2 years ago. Absolute ideal is 129 b/c that's a BMI of 19.5. It's like .99 cents, it just looks sooooooo much better than $1! :happy:
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I'm 5'9.
    I am currently 104 pounds.
    Ideal weight is 89.

    Bullcrap! No friggin way! 89lb is not a suitable weight for anyone that isn't child or extremely vertically challenged.

    I really hope you are not serious about this. Please tell us this is a joke! :huh:
  • hng2101
    hng2101 Posts: 54 Member
    5'7.5" and I'm currently oscillating between 147 and 150. I'm actually okay in the 140s. I get pissed off when I hit 150.

    My goal weight is 139/140 but realistically I'm healthy and happy at the weight I'm at so I'm just going to keep counting calories and working out and living this lifestyle because I'm happy doing it.
    IAMQUEEN Posts: 52
    I hope I'm not stepping on toes however, 89 pounds and 1 post sounds trollish.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I started out at 195 lbs and my goal was 135 lbs. I did reach that and actually got down to 132 lbs but then we had a horrible thing happen in my family and my weight has gone back up a bit. But I would love to get back to 132 lbs, so that is my main goal!!!
  • diskko
    diskko Posts: 4
    It's suitable for an anorexic, yeah. I'm actually not a troll. I understand that my goal weight is unreasonable but I am just being honest. I've been hospitalized four times for my eating disorder and am fully aware of what I am doing.
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    Diskko - You keep this up you aren't going to be around very long. Don't you care about your family and friends? I mean what do you think you are doing to them? I hate seeing people giving up, that seems to be what you are doing. Please get help and take their advice.
  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    hi I am 5ft 8ins,
    Over the last 20 years I have been anything from 130lbs (too skinny for me) to 198 lbs (way too heavy for me)
    I would like to be anything from 140 to 147. Currently I am 168. I am med/large frame with large thighs!
    jayne x
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    5'9" and aiming for 130lbs - I would consider myself to have quite a small frame. Once I get to 140lbs though I might change my mind...who knows, I've got a way to go yet lol!!
  • ChezBubbles
    ChezBubbles Posts: 30 Member
    It's suitable for an anorexic, yeah. I'm actually not a troll. I understand that my goal weight is unreasonable but I am just being honest. I've been hospitalized four times for my eating disorder and am fully aware of what I am doing.

    Diskko - will you stop when you reach your goal weight?
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 5'9". My goal is 140, although I will reevaluate once I'm down to about 155.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    My freshman year of college I was 140 and that was super skinny for me. (I am somewhere between 5'8" and 5'9") my current goal is 160. Then I figure I will look in the mirror and make a call, I may go to 150, but no less than that.