Dream Team- Result Week One



  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Dream Team Members - I NEED YOUR HELP. I'm having one of those days when all I feel like all I want to do is eat - anything and everything!!!!! I don't know if its just because I feel like I'm having a bad day (the weather is really crappy here today, and I really don't feel like being at work). I'm at work now so there is no junk food, but if there was any available, I'm sure I would have a field day with it. I'm really worried about today. Do you guys ever have days like this? SOMEONE PLEASE YELL AT ME AND TELL ME TO BE GOOD TODAY!!!!!!!
  • labamba
    labamba Posts: 46 Member
    You will be fine, don't succumb think of all the good work you have done. To stop me bingeing on 'rubbish' I look at a pic of me at my heaviest and it reminds me that I dont want to be that size again. You go girl you can do it!!

  • keennash
    I know the feeling; I was like that on Monday that I wanted to eat everything. That day I went to starbucks and I had a lemon ice tea and a big huge double chocolate cooking. Boy that cookie was delicious. After finished eating the cookie that's when I asked the clerk how many calories was in it. I was shock (460) cal. I went straight online and to check in my food intake just for the morning and lunch and I was close to 900 cal which I have 300 more left. That evening I went to the gym and burn those 460 cal. which gain me 500cal. more cal to eat. The moral this story do not deprive yourself you can eat whatever you want. However, keep track on the calories intake. Also measure your food intake if you are not to sure, count of the number serving the package indicated. You will be fine. If you can add some work out into your plan and you will add more calories into your total calories you have to eat daily. I m a stronger believer of exercising It took me about 5 months to realized the key of loosing weight is to discipline yourself and count your calories and measure all of your food and add some exercise in your plan. I’ve lost about 32lbs in 5 months. It has been a huge challenge for me. I love sweets. Hope this help.
  • hulfan
    hulfan Posts: 11 Member
    Woo hoo thought would share with the members of the group I hit my proposed weight loss of 2lbs this week. My 'official' weigh in day today. Hope you are all doing well this week too?


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    Well done labamba!!

    Sorry I'm so late checking in, I finally got my computer fixed.
    I weighed in yesterday.........
    ...YAY.... I lost another 1.5 pounds.

    Well done everyone on your results this week
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Dream Team Members - I NEED YOUR HELP. I'm having one of those days when all I feel like all I want to do is eat - anything and everything!!!!! I don't know if its just because I feel like I'm having a bad day (the weather is really crappy here today, and I really don't feel like being at work). I'm at work now so there is no junk food, but if there was any available, I'm sure I would have a field day with it. I'm really worried about today. Do you guys ever have days like this? SOMEONE PLEASE YELL AT ME AND TELL ME TO BE GOOD TODAY!!!!!!!

    Hopefully it didn't go too bad for you. Try taking some deep breaths next time while you visualize your slimmer, healthier self :flowerforyou:
  • evajessee
    How are we doing ladies? I had the stomach bug this past week so it was no surprise that so far I've lost 2 pounds! I broke the 180's and weighed in today at 179!
  • labamba
    labamba Posts: 46 Member
    Hope you are feeling better now. :flowerforyou:

    I am hoping I will lose at least a pound this week, fingers crossed. I have slowed down a little this week with the loss too. Went out for a brisk walk earlier and it was freezing!!

    Take care

  • lamykins
    Weigh in again today, i have lost another 3lb this week. Thats now 9lb in three weeks, an inch off my waist and half inch off my neck. I am so pleased, I think i have been pushing myself, i now do boxing on a monday, kickfit on tuesday, swimming wednesday, exercise dvd or stepper thursday, gym on friday, then the weekend for my family. Just hoping i keep shedding it off nicely. Well done to all you guys who are having achievements too, those of you who are not, keep your chin up, we are all here together to help each other, and evajesse hope you feel better soon. xx
  • keennash
    Hello to all Dream Team,

    Daily Quote:

    Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness...... Know how to replace in your heart by the happiness of those you love the happiness that my be wanting in yourself.
  • lamykins
    in four weeks now i have lost the 9lb in weight and lost 3 inches off my waist. so impressed. just hope it keeps it up. i am doing exercise now most nights, so hopefully i will. i have also just brought boogie superstar on the wii, which i am love, and you have to dance and sing, so that should help too.
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Hi all, I'm not sure if tere's a new tread for today's weigh in or not. Anways, I'm down one pound and now weigh 163. Good luck to you all. :bigsmile:
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Hello Dream Team-I'm checking in. I lost 2 pounds this week, for a total of 5 so far. I had a bad day yesterday, but today's another day. Good luck to all and have a good week.
  • evajessee
    Well ladies! I hope you all are doing MUCH better than I am! I have worked my tail end off all week long getting 45 minutes a day/ 5 to 6 days a week of exercising. I am drinking 8 bottles of water a day and doing SUPER to maintain 1200 calories and eat my exercise calories.

    Lo and behold ... I GAINED A DANG POUND! Well Wednesday morning I figured out just why I am having this weight gain. I'm pregnant!!!!!!! LOL! So much for the diet now huh!!!!?!?!?!?!?

    I want to encourage you all to stay together and stay motivated as i go through the next 8 months. I'll be on here trying to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy but won't be able to get this weight off til after October when I deliver.

    Good luck to all the dream teamers! I'll be here to offer words of encouragement and updates on how I am getting along.

  • lamykins
    Oh wow, congrats on the expectant one evajessee, thats brill.

    Weigh in for me today, i have lost another 3lb this week, so am well chuffed, a total of 12lb in four weeks cant be bad. i am finding that i eat around 1200 calories a day, i DO NOT eat my exercise calories earned aswell, to me that seems pointless, its not gonna help me lose weight if i eat more than normal just cause im exercising. Im very much a tea drinker, so drink that all day, other than 2 little bottles of water that i have whilst exercising in the evening. Keep with it you guys, we are all doing so well.

  • labamba
    labamba Posts: 46 Member
    Great news evajessee very happy for you. Congratulations

  • hulfan
    hulfan Posts: 11 Member
    Hey evajessee, Many congratulations!

    I'm just checking in, I lost just under 1.5 pounds last week.
    Congrats to everyone for still sticking at it.
  • labamba
    labamba Posts: 46 Member
    Just checking in have lost a pound this week.

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