Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - August Challenge!!



  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Hello there Lovelies!!

    Aly – sorry to hear about your fall but glad that you didn’t get hurt too badly. Sounds like easing back into things may be just what you need. I know you have been looking forward to getting into weight loss mode again but the slow transition may be perfect to keep you on track. Sounds like Weight Watchers will be great for you…especially since you are doing it with your mom!! I did it with my best friend at one point in time and just knowing I had her along the way and the support of all of the other members made me feel so much better.

    ComfortFood – sorry I don’t know your name!! Great job with the eating, the new recipe, the workout, and the new HRM!! Keep it up and you will do amazing things in August!!

    Meag – sorry to hear about your horrendous day!! Good thing is that it is now behind you and all we can do is hope that nothing like that comes up any time in the near future!! Hope today is much better for you!!

    Mandy – that’s cool about the firefighting in your family!! And awesome that you get to follow on with the tradition. Are you the first female in the family to do it?? That’s very interesting about Michelle but I can understand that. I am sentimental about dates like that also. When I was pregnant with my daughter, her due date was January 1st but I was hoping she would hold out until January 3rd which is the anniversary of the day my dad passed away. But she did her own thing and came earlier than both. I guess just as long as she is not suffering and goes peacefully then its up to her!! And can’t wait to hear all the updates on the house as they come!!

    GreenHuman – great job getting in your cardio, sleep, and h2o!! My bed is comfy and cozy so I struggle to get out of bed EVERY morning!! If I was a morning person, I would get so much more accomplished. I am also taking full advantage of the fact that I don’t have to be up early to get my daughter to school. So I think I will enjoy it for the next month and then its grind time!!

    Emma – congrats on the nuptials!! And easing back into a routine is a great goal for July!! I have been working on that lately also. Last month, I opted to stay away from the scale and focus on the lifestyle rather than the number reflected on the scale. This month I am working on a few more things. And hopefully it is just a matter of time before it all gets worked out!! You will get there again girly!!

    Ashley – great job opting out of the gym when you were feeling dizzy!! Any idea what is causing that?? And I am no expert on this but perhaps you should talk to a therapist or doctor about your guilty feelings. Your body NEEDS the food to fuel yourself and your workouts throughout the day. Perhaps you just need a listening ear with some great advice that will make you feel a little more comfortable about consuming at least 1200 calories per day!! I hope everything works out girly!! I am sure you don’t want to resort back to bad habits.

    AFM…have yet to get my run in. Things keep popping up and I am not a morning person. Its better for me and everyone else around me that I get my sleep!! Haha!! But my daughter keeps bugging me about it (which is a good thing) so we are scheduled to go tomorrow night. We drove by the school last night where we will be running because she keeps asking about it. I am glad that she is getting so interested in it. I just hope she enjoys it. I am gonna do W1 of C25K with her so that she doesn’t get overwhelmed too easily. Otherwise I would have no idea how to get her started. Food and water have been pretty good this week with the exception of Monday!! I am excited about August!!

    Quote of the Day – “You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.” David Viscott
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Question of the day- What is your favorite accessory?

    I think this could be split up between working out and clothing in general.

    Working out- I have to have my IPod if I am on a run or on a cardio machine, other than that it would be a bobby pins because I swear my hair does not want to cooperate.

    Daily- I never go anywhere without my purse and sunglasses. But my favorite is when I wear a fun belt or something.
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    ----Question of the day- What is your favorite accessory?

    Workout accessory -- hand weights
    General accessory -- My earrings...I'm known for them.

    ----In other news...

    I'm going strong with the 30 Day Shred. Thinking about bumping myself up to level 2.
  • I haven't exercised for 2 days in a row. My excuse for yesterday is I was just way too hungover. The thought of looking at Jillian Michaels was not fun, so I avoided. Today... I just felt meh. But tomorrow is another day, and I will pick back up my C25K and 30 DS!!!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Today has not been the most successful day didn't drink all my h20 even though some hours are still left today. I only biked 30 mins and slept less than 6 hours. Planning on making tomorrow a better day! Hope everyone else had a successful day!
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Mking & Jill - Thanks sooo much for your input!!! My only gripe about going to get fitted is the the closest running shoe store is about 45mins-an hour away, soo if I am going to drive all that way I feel that I should at least buy something ya know? Oh well, I'll figure something out!

    Meag: Go ahead a b!tch away, I'm getting ready to have one of my own =)

    emma: welcome back!

    Ashley: Don't worry you will get there! You have to train yourself to not feel soo guilty about eating! I know that you can do it, I have complete faith in you!

    Aly: I know that WW gives you alot more freedom on what you can eat based on the point system but also remember to try and stay above atleast 1200cals

    Guam: I think it is great that you and your daughter are going running together!!! Way to get her started early on wanting to be fit!

    AFM... Soo i'm going to have a little rant to help myself vent about my day, read if ya want, I'm just forwarning you.

    Today, to say the least started off horrendously and the bad part about it, I had a feeling that today was not going to be a good day. Instead of working in my usual department, Wireless, I was coming in today to work out Photo dept. First of all, I get to work to find out that the girl in Wireless called off today an I am the only person in out ENTIRE store that knows how to do Wireless and Photo. Also Wireless and Photo are two depts. that are not suppose to be left unmanned at all, there has to be a person standing there at all times! Did I forget to mention that I was the ONLY person in the ENTIRE store that knew how to run those two depts.

    The local fair is coming up next week, so the Photo dept. was booming, pictures, pictures, pictures everywhere!!! Then while doing a big poster order for one of our regular customers, we run out of paper. Yes you read that right, during one our busiest times we run out of paper and yes it was in the middle of the REALLY big poster order. Thank God by then my relief was there and she drove to another store, 30mins away, to pick up more paper.

    Finally I am off of work, yay, but then I have to deal with stupid questions from my family members, which I am not even going to go into detail about because we all have experience with that! So anyways, I get ready to go for my run, and guess what, I left my running shoes at my parents house =/ By now I am super irritated, it felt like everything that could go wrong went wrong today. So I put on my old cheerleading shoes, yes cheerleading shoes, and went for my run.

    Honestly the best part of my entire day, was going for that run. I felt sooooooo relaxed my entire run, I didn't feel like I was going too fast or moving too slow, I felt perfect! And ever since I went on my evening run, I feel a lot more calm and not as stressed. Oh the joys of what a good run can do for ya! It wasn't even my fastest run, but it was the one that I felt that best about!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey Everyone.. happy Friday! :bigsmile:

    ~Emmarie... Conrgats on making it through you wedding alive! Lol. And a big congrats on getting back here ASAP and not letting life let you loose sight of your health goals. Love the pic!

    ~CMG... :flowerforyou: I want to give you a hug! You did amazing today. You have a frustrating day but you didnt let it ruin your night and you even got in your workout. Its amazing what healthy habits do for us. I went to the gym yesterday (amist a HORRIBLE day) and also found out how good a nice burn can make me feel. Next time I get frustrated with my day and try to talk myself out of working out I will think of you and do it anyway! I was sharing at an AA meeting about a bad day and someone said, "you didnt have a bad day, you had a bad 5 minutes and chose to extend them." And thats perfectly true, i let frustrating things bother me all day. You didnt let that happen today.... Good Job.

    ~GreenHuman... (do you want us to refer to us with your sn or your real name??) Don't put yourself down just becasue today wasnt as awesome as yesterday was. Everyday is going to be different, the important thing is that you DID workout. 30 minutes is 30 minutes.. its better than nothing!~! Tomorrow is going to be fantastic as well! Keep it up.

    ~GypsyRose... I know how hard it is to workout after those 2 days of doing nothing!~! 2 days can seem like an eternity sometimes, you can do though. Dont even think about it, just get up, get your WO clothes on and DO IT!!!!

    ~Meag... crazy busy but still optomistic as usual!~! :love: Good luck with your 9miles!

    ~Ashley... Thank you for trusting us enough to share what you struggling with. I can't relate to exactly what you are going through but I deal with guilt everyday that effects me as well. I have guilt about everything.. cleaning, not cleaning, having fun, taking a bath, cooking a healthy meal for me that I know the boys wont be very excited about..... the list goes on. I try to remind myself that I am worth it. I dont care what "IT" is half the time.. but I am Worth it! And so are you! You are doing so well, 4 years you have been able to shut down those feelings that try to sabotage you. You can do it again. You know what thoughts are the good ones.... stick with them! Sometimes I get an idea that one drink wouldn't be that bad. But I need to remind myself that one drink would lead to months of misery and regret becasue I am an alcoholic and there is never just one drink. Sounds like the anorexic that you hid is trying to resurface just like my alcohlic does. But you are stronger than that and you won't let it effect the healthy decisions you are making. You are going great. Keep it up! :heart:

    AFM.... I am doing pretty good! I havent been doing that great with logging my food and exercise but I am keeping a mental most days. I weighed in at 136 on monday and from that I set my goal for the month to -6 pounds to be at 130. Well, I think some of that 136 was water weight becasue I WI today at 133. I KNOW i didnt loose 3 pounds in one week. I have been working out like a crazy person but I didnt eat all that well so I know that 3 pounds couldnt have all been REAL weight. But I will take it!~!~! Now I have 3 pounds to loose the rest of the month! I think I have enough time for that. Lol. I am relieving myself of the horror of 30 day shred. I dont know why I beat myself up about it soo much. I do it everyother day and I enjoy it. But I add this HUGE guilt and remorse becasue I dont do it every single day. And its not like I am not working out at all.. im just not doing 30day shred. So I am NOT doing it anymore. I will do it on days that I dont go to the gym and thats all! I will not give myself more ways to be hard on myself and sabotage my happiness. (Ashley I have to thank you for making me realize that I was doing that to myslef). I have come a long way and I should be proud of myself instead of putting myself down about a video that I dont even particularly love anyway. As long as I still get my weight training in, I am good!

    Sorry I didnt comment to everyone... this post is getting a little long and I need to stretch after sitting in this seat for so long. have a great Friday!~!~!~ :drinker:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Thank GOD it's Friday! Holy miserable times Batman - this has been the week from h-ell!

    Last night was catch-up and dinner out with Ty are our fave uber cheap healthy pita place. $7 for a whole wheat pita just jammed with all my fave veggies + grilled chicken. Love it! It's our go-to "fast food" because we watch them make it and we know exactly what's going into our bodies. It's also massive and delicious. And super quick. Yay for healthy fast food alternatives!

    Having a proper lunch break today for the first time in forever. I usually get to my desk at 8:50 and don't move from it until 5:30 unless I have to use the washroom or grab something from the kitchen. Work this week has been an absolute nightmare and today isn't looking to be any better (I always make my To-Do lists at the end of the day so that I don't forget anything the next morning) but I refuse to work through lunch. We've been meaning to celebrate at work for weeks and weeks (myself and my sales counterpart) but haven't been able to get a break from our tasks to actually make it happen. Decided yesterday that today's the day - and despite knowing I'm going wayyyy over my cals on Indian food, I don't care one bit. I'm going to enjoy EVERY LAST BITE!

    Weighed in today at 122.6lbs, which is basically maintenance for me. It's a little low but for racing I am happy with it. I am feeling a little bleh about my body but I can cope with it. Taking on some more strength training once 1/2 Marathon training is over so I know I'll feel better about myself then.

    Eva - LOVE your earrings! I have stretched lobes from my days of body modification in my late teens and early twenties, and I am very envious of women who can wear big, gorgeous earrings. They are definitely my fave accessory too!

    QOTD - earrings, if I could wear them, but otherwise nothing - I don't wear any accessories and I don't carry a purse. When I left school I decided to fully minimize, and that meant getting rid of everything. Accessories, make-up, shoes, you name it. I carry a small men's wallet, sunglasses for driving, chapstick and a phone. And even the phone I try to leave at home whenever possible.

    For running, it has to be a toss up between my RunKeeper app (love/hate because it's such a piece of *kitten* some days) and my HRM. Love love love. I get so much satisfaction being able to quantify and track my exercise. I also couldn't live without my fuel belt, but that's more out of necessity than *love* per se.

    QOTD - How do you celebrate personal victories - with friends and on your own? Can be divided - weight loss/health/fitness victories AND personal victories, like promotions, graduation, and all that.

    I ask because I think it's important that we take time to celebrate our own victories on our own terms, not only with friends and family around times like graduation, birthdays, weddings, etc. I really make time to treat myself a little when I know I've worked hard and accomplished something. Do you celebrate with foods, friends, shopping, spa days, quiet night's in, or what?

    Have a fabulous Friday, everyone! :heart:
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    GuamGrly- Yes, I am the first female firefighter in my family! My grandma was an EMT, but she didn't do fire. I do both! :-)
  • It has been a great start. One of the main things I find helpful is that not only have I started using MFP, but I (a first) have told a few close friends about some of my weight and fitness goals. Announcing you are training for a marathon is easy. Saying you want to loose 15 pounds is a bit more vulnerable. I have found that with some of my closest co-workers, friends, and my mom – it has been strangely liberating. (Plus, moms always want to get you something to celebrate.)

    So, from about 154 at the end of July to 147 now, I am off to a good start. I want to be down to 145 by next Friday and hit the 130s at the end of the month. Already noticing a better fit with my clothes.

    meagalayne: A reward? A fancy prix fix lunch with work friends at the end of two weeks and a new dress at the end of the month!

    Wanted to share the tiny tricks that have been helping me:
    -Every time I take a phone call, I get out of the house and go for a walk. Quick way to squeeze 2-4 miles of walking in.
    -Following South Beach phase 1 principles to kick off trimming: almonds, string cheese, celery, hummus, turkey slices - Oh my! Missing wine and fruit.
    -Walking home. I live in Chicago, and walking rather than riding the El home at night can add between 2-7 miles of reflection, phone, or podcast time while burning calories. If anybody wants to go for a walk - let me know!

    I bought 30DS a year ago and lost my DVD. Anywhere to get it for free? Need to get back on it. Though I do love the new Nike training app

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    QOTD - How do you celebrate personal victories - with friends and on your own? Can be divided - weight loss/health/fitness victories AND personal victories, like promotions, graduation, and all that.

    I hate to say most of my celebrations regarding a promotion, or birthday are around a nice dinner out, granted we keep them far and few between so I think it is a reward and a treat and I am fine with that. I also love to throw parties!

    With Weight Loss I like to reward myself with new clothes to help show off my body. I love feeling good in clothing!

    AFM- Well WW went went last night, the number was pretty high considering but it is a new starting point for me. I did weigh myself at night and the last time I weighed myself was in the morning so I know I didn't gain that much since I last checked. I tried to check my scale this morning but found that it was broken. I am taking this as an omen to not worry about the number just feeling good and positive about my food decisions and being ok with not working out until I am completely recovered. Maybe I can get a walk in tonight so I get some sort of exercise, I am dying over here!

    Tomorrow my neighbor is having a graduation party in our backyard and it is being catered by a place near us. I am not sure what the food options will be but I am saving my weekly points for it but I am going to be really good about portioning and only letting myself have 3 drinks max! This will be hard but I know I can do it. I wish I could work out to counter act some of this but Oh well. Maybe I can walk tomorrow to get some calories burned. I am ready to see the scale start going down and I think it will be good for me to have to go somewhere else to weigh myself because I leave feeling pumped for the next week. Not too much else planned for the evening, I want to make something yummy for us for dinner. Maybe walk to the market to get the groceries for it for an extra walk. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Friday Lovelies!! Although its probably nearing Saturday for most of you!!

    Gypsy Rose – good thing is that you recognize your excuses rather than sitting back and wondering why you’re not getting results. Hope that tomorrow works out better for you!!

    GreenHuman – good thing is that you still got out there and got some exercise in!! You could have used the excuse that you didn’t get the sleep you wanted or something else but you still got out there and attempted it. Great work!! Hope you get the sleep you need and make tomorrow a better day!!

    Courtney – sorry to hear that your day was less than stellar!! But great job finding what you had (your cheer shoes) and making it work!! You could have used excuse after excuse but good thing you didn’t cause it sounds like that run was just what you needed!! Hope your weekend gets better!!

    Kandace – woohoo!! I love your post!! You have come such a long way to be able to let something go like that and to no longer beat yourself up about it. I am glad that you were able to figure out something that still works for you. And if you were making 30DS a chore each and every day then it sounds like you were beginning to dread it each and every day also. We still need to enjoy our workouts otherwise they will slowly come to a halt because it will become work rather than something we enjoy. Great work girly!!! And that 3 pounds will be history come September!! I know you are going to do great things in August!!

    Mandy – that’s awesome that you are the 1st female in the family!! Definitely making your mark!!

    Aly – how are you feeling girly?? Glad to hear your positive attitude taking on this new chapter in your life. I think August will be an amazing month for you as well!!

    AFM…was doing great food-wise all weeklong. Even took the kids to get a quick donut before daycare today and I didn’t even have the urge to get one for myself. And then I went to lunch with a co-worker and it was all downhill from there. However, I actually logged it for the first time. Usually when I know I have done bad, I just let that meal (or day) slide and don’t think twice. But I know that I needed to hold myself accountable and be real with this experience if I want real results in return. Good news is that I finally got out there tonight and started 5K training. Actually, I don’t think my daughter would let me go another day without us both getting out there. Luckily there is a high school about a 5 minute walk from our house so I used that as our warm up so that once we got there we could just start running. My son’s little legs couldn’t keep up so I made my daughter stay behind and keep him company. Once I finished with my run then I let her do her thing. She wanted to sprint immediately but I told her to take it slow so that she could run longer. Next week when I don’t have my son, I will try doing week 1 of C25K with her so that she can build up some endurance. I have birthday parties both tomorrow and Sunday with no idea what the food situation will be so I am kinda hoping to eat before both of them since they both start at 1pm. That way I will be full and may just snack on fruits and veggies but won’t be tempted to indulge in whatever goodies they are serving. And we shall see how it goes with the cake situation.

    QOTD (yesterday) – I love accessories. I feel absolutely naked without my watch. I began a watch fetish until I found out I was pregnant with my son and figured I couldn’t be spending a ton of money on watches. But I also wear my earrings on a regular basis, however, they are just plain hoops and I get a lot of crap for them. I also like necklaces and have just started wearing flowers in my hair more.

    QOTD (today) – I just enjoying spending my victories with my friends and family. For my graduation this past June, my family and I went out to dinner and then I had some friends meet up with me at a local bar that also had a dance floor. For my birthday last year, my friends met up with me for dinner and then we went to a comedy club. This year will be the big dirty 30 and I am not too sure what I want do. I am thinking a day at the spa with the girls followed by a nice night out. We shall see!!

    Quote of the Day – “The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind you have to convince.” Vincent Lombardi

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    ^^Love the quote Beth!

    Well I am running late for this wedding so this is going to be uber quick. 3.7miles running today. Straight shot, no rests, just ran. Pace was 9:28 and it felt good. I know that I'm running too fast on my easy runs but I just didn't want to think about it. Just ran whatever was comfy for me.

    Wedding today and I'm semi-dreading it. I know it will be fun but suuuch a long day. Am going to eat whatever I can find that looks decently healthy and not soaked in oil, dressing, or slathered in sauces. Hoping they'll have some good protein options but it's a traditional Italian wedding, so I'm anticipating a lot of breads, pastas, and other carbs. I'll just do what I can.

    Beth, I totally know what you mean about not logging "disaster meals". I find that it's never remotely accurate anyway, so I usually just don't bother. I went for a celebratory lunch yesterday and tried to log it, but i'm sure I ate WAY more than what I actually logged. I never measure at restaurants so who knows.

    Icing my foot after my run and hoping that today's 12 hours in heels won't screw me over too badly for the 9miles I have on tap for tomorrow AM... Wish me luck. I haven't run 9 miles in a long, long time... :huh:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Kancrav and guamgrly thanks for the support. I can be referred to as Cynthia :)
    I had a great day yesterday and did 1 hr 30 mins of bike riding/jogging mainly because I a had a cupcake, lasagna and a sees chocolate lol. But I recently started new job at an autistic center in June, completed C25K and I celebrated with new clothes. For my 40th lb lost my bf and I plan on getting tattoos hopefully next month. Already up for the day and definitely making Saturday awesome. Have great one ladies!!!
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a few days.

    Em-congrats on the wedding!

    Bethany-Great job resisting the donuts, but even better holding yourself accountable! I know sometimes that is harder than resisting the food.

    Ashley- I know that is tough! I have spells where I become very anxious and nervous and every little thing seems like a big deal including eating. I myself have thought about seeing a therapist, maybe you could look into the same. Our bodies really need the energy, but you have already overcome so much, keep it up and message me if you want to talk.

    QOTD (accessory) - mascara! I were it everyday no matter what. I love my eyes and it is the once piece on my body that I can fully say I am 100% confident about, so I love to show them off.

    QOTD (victories) - for celebrations like birthdays etc my family and I go to dinner, for weight-loss being excited is more of a struggle, but I generally tell a close friend or my trainer so we can jump for joy (and get a super awesome workout in)

    AFM...Not my best day yesterday and today is okay eating wise and just in general. Anxiety is setting back in from a lot of factors, but I am having trouble relaxing through this spell which is throwing me off.

    August is going to be a back and forth month, I am in a sorority and we have rush coming up so those 2 weeks I am going to MIA trapped in a sorority house, but I will try to post till then, and make the best of everything. My work schedule got messed up, so I wasn't able to make it boot-camp yesterday and nothing next week (which was my last week), so that already put me in an off mood. Oh well though, life will go on and I will try and get to the gym next week on my own.

    I almost got my goal for 3hrs of cardio and 3hrs of weight training in last week though, (it ended up being 2 hrs of each) ! Eating out was a no go, I think I had dinner somewhere other than my house everyday, but still was disciplined and made healthy choices (grilled vs fried, veggies vs french fires for sides, no desserts, boxing half at the get go etc).

    Anywho, trying to stay positive and make the best of everything, hopefully this anxiety spell will end soon and I can get back to feeling normal. ttyl and hope everyone has a good weekend!

  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Thanks for the support and nice comments everyone! Work really isn't getting too much better, one girl just decided to stop showing up and not calling in, so my little 6hr shift today turned into 12 hours :noway: So food wasn't too much of a priority today when I knew it should be :ohwell:

    Guam: I think it is great that you and your daughter are out working out together!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wow... This weekend has just been nuts.

    Short recap - My eating has been out of control. Friday was a total binging write-off. No need for any description. I had beer, ice cream, indian food and then binged at home late at night. Epic fail. But I'm over it now. It happens. Just a really bad day.

    Saturday was wedding day and I ate a lot, but I made decent choices. Even turned away an entire course that I knew would be bad news for me from the get-go. I had wine though, which is very unlike me, but was much needed amidst the awfulness of the reception. Such a bore! I did alright, though, and we brought fruit to sustain me before the reception... Lunch was a healthy salad and edamame that I brought to Ty's, so it balanced out alright.

    This AM I ran a solid 9.76miles :bigsmile: Felt good until I stopped. Holy moley :noway: My whole body was just WRECKED. But its great to know I've still got the stuff to make it that far. I ran it at 9:53, which is a pretty speedy pace for me. And definitely bodes well for my 1/2 - I just need to learn to better pace myself over the long haul so I have energy left to finish strong. It felt good though. I know for sure that I can finish my 1/2 - I just need to be careful and not over-train. The foot and hip are a dicey situation right now...

    This week I'm going to just do more of the same, to be honest. I'm not exactly the best role model for healthy eating right now but I need to just relax, train hard when I can, and not let life get the best of me. I am not going to stop myself from enjoying my life right now and things are just way too busy to be that much of a stickler about food... It does stress me out, but I just need to learn to cope. And as long as I keep weighing myself and don't feel TOO out of shape, bloated, and pudgy, I'll be happy. I'm so incredibly jazzed about next weekend and meeting some absolutely fabulous women from this Kick *kitten* group, I am not letting food keep me from enjoying every moment.

    Hope you guys have a wonderful Sunday. I've got to run! Muchos love, everyone. :heart:
  • Bellum24
    Bellum24 Posts: 106 Member
    Guess what group!! Hit my goal the first week, my goal was to be under 200 and lost some inches, well I haven't checked the inches but today I weighted myself and broke the 200 mark. I am officially under 200 pounds and will never be over 200 again!!!
    I was shocked and weighed myself twice because I lost 4.4 pounds this week (had a slow week last week), but still so thrilled!!
    I hope everyone is doing good!!!!!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey everyone! So yesterday was my grandpas b-day and I did eat dessert and tostadas which isn't too healthy but I also did earn my meal and worked out hard. As for today I mt. biked an hour and have been pretty good with my goals. Hope everyone has had a great weekend till tomorrow!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Sorry guys, I've been busy running, furniture shopping, working out, working and going to Physical Therapy. Yesterday I went out with my only acquaintance here and we had a nice 3 hour coffee date and talked about stuff. I'm looking at going back to school (while keeping my job) so that's also been consuming my time. Broke past 600 miles running for the year, the PT has me all sorted after Wednesday's was bad enough that by the time I got to PT after work, I could barely set my foot down on the ground. I, almost, yet again, had to call it quits on the running...but we had a heart to heart and come Friday, I was doing brilliantly! Survived my 9 mile run this morning, leg was fine, but it was 82 with 90% humidity at 6 AM. I finished drenched in sweat, my skirt was stuck to my *kitten*, literally. So gross and such a mentally challenging run! Dreading this week at work, all the bosses are back, so it'll be business as usual. The highlight of my day is physical therapy, because I enjoy talking with my PT about life, sports, injury and such but it's also enjoy that I'm there being pro-active and trying to fix these injuries. Not too long ago, I would have been the person that kept running through it all, regardless of the consequences.

    Hope everyone enjoys what's left of their weekends!
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