Do you think it's harder to lose weight when your older ?



  • StormChaser217
    StormChaser217 Posts: 70 Member
    I just turned 51 and I know it is definitely harder to lose weight for me now than it was 20 years ago. I do cardio 4x a week and have been very diligent about eating well. It's coming off but very slow. I'm not anxious about it though. Not anymore. No pressure. As long as the scale continues to go down I'm happy; plus eating healthy and exercising is good for my health. As far as exercise I started out walking very briskly then built up to jog and elliptical machine. P.S. I like your user name. My husband is a meteorologist and has thankfully declined storm chasing in Oklahoma when we were dating.

    I love taking storm pictures . I am the one in our house that grabs the camera and my husband is the one to run ,lol.
  • maews
    maews Posts: 39
    I'm the oldest one here, 59 to be exact... be perfectly honest,i gained weight AFTER i stopped exercising as much and stopped caring what i ate.Now, I feel more conscientious towards my eating-not only inactivity and excess weight slows ME down and i hate not being able to not fit in any clothes...but i joined Zumba and hope that helps and it's -fun-i always liked to exercise....late night are a bummer,i hope to control those late night urges
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Dear god I hope not, I'm finding it hard enough already.