Rude and miserable people vs kind and motivational people

Good afternoon MFP peeps! I’ve been using this app since 2015 I find it’s a great asset in keeping track of daily calories. I recently decided to join the community page to make new friends wanting to achieve their fitness goals. And to motivate others that are having a hard time staying focused. However I’ve noticed there are some very rude and miserable people on here who enjoy posting rude comments and replies. If you are one of those people please refrain from replying on any of my posts, I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life. Please and thank you! For those who are on here for the right reasons and are kind and motivational people feel free to add me or reply or comment on any of my posts.


  • Thr33N1N3
    Thr33N1N3 Posts: 39 Member
    I like to help when someone asks for advice, engage in discussion on pages, and offer support.. I'm not one to call someone out on something, because we each do what works for us. Debates get heated on here, so I try to steer clear because I don't have all the answers and am not a doctor. You can send me an add if you want.
  • myles1230
    myles1230 Posts: 163 Member
    Thr33N1N3 wrote: »
    I like to help when someone asks for advice, engage in discussion on pages, and offer support.. I'm not one to call someone out on something, because we each do what works for us. Debates get heated on here, so I try to steer clear because I don't have all the answers and am not a doctor. You can send me an add if you want.

    I’m adding you now! U are Exactly the type of “friends”I’m looking for on here! Good stuff bro!
  • myles1230
    myles1230 Posts: 163 Member
    myles1230 wrote: »
    It's been my experience that every helpful poster on these forums, every single one, will be called rude, mean, negative, troll, bully, know-it-all, etc. at some point or another no matter how carefully they phrase their advice. Posts like this tend not to be very helpful. When every helpful poster is called out as mean at some point or another, then making a post like this without examples or qualifications just ends up pointing fingers at everyone.

    There is some actual rudeness that goes above and beyond what should be acceptable here. Report it (use the actual report function not the flags) or call it out where you see it. It's a public forum and you won't reach everyone with a post or be able control who posts on your posts. But posts like this just add to the negative atmosphere that you're trying to combat instead of solving anything.

    Be the change you want to see instead of perpetuating the cycle.

    It’s a general statement. So if the shoe fits wear it. I am being the change by posting a respectable general statement, instead of reporting people or being rude in return. I don’t have the time to waste reporting people and so forth that’s why I created this “general “ message. Thanks for your kind reply though...

    It's the internet though. ....people will say what they want.

    I understand but this is MFP not Facebook! Just saying.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    edited December 2017
    What exactly was so rude that made you post this?
    Have you read the community guidelines? You should know what they are so you know what is and isn’t allowed. For example, you cannot attack the messenger, just the message itself.

    Also, flagging things repeatedly that are not community violations is a violation in itself.

    I have never seen “rudeness” on these forums and I’ve been here daily for a year. I’d love to see what made you post this

    ETA that I’d rather someone be “rude” and tell me the truth rather than someone be “kind and motivational” just spewing a bunch of BS.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »

    Oh god, I laughed too much. Red wine talking.

    I say this often round these here parts but support doesn't always mean agreeing and cheerleading. You don't tell your loved ones jumping of a cliff is a great idea just because they think it's a fabulous thing to do do you? Same should apply everywhere.

    Aside from that. Can we come up with a thing for MFP like "vaguebooking" because that's what this is.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    OP You realize, don't you, that the difference is coffee?
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    What if I'm rude, but happy about it? No misery here.

    In all honestly, a "rude people" thread pops up every so often. I think it's a failure to communicate effectively. I've been here off and on for years and the dominating theme when a rude people thread crops up, is it's usually (not always I know I know) because someone was disagreed with and took it super personally.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Barbonica wrote: »
    I agree with OP; but often i believe it is because people do not always consider how their words will be read ("heard") rather than the intent to be rude or mean. It is easier to be blunt on the internet, and to forget there are real, live, feeling people on the other end.

    I’m to the point. The way someone reads that is on them not me. There is no intonation in the written word and something stated just factually can be interpreted by the reader 500 different ways depending on their mood, life experiences, how their day is going etc etc etc. It’s not my responsibility to mitigate that. Post on a public forum be prepared to hear things you don’t like but the beauty of the internet is you can just disregard it.
  • Debra_LMB
    Debra_LMB Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you! Please feel free to add me too.
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