Hypothyroid and No weight Loss



  • Beaudom91
    Beaudom91 Posts: 54 Member
    It took a month before the scale started to move for me, after that I began losing in a predictable pattern of stalls and drops which is totally normal. I didn't lose the predictided amount each week but across the course of the month I'd end up about where I was supposed to be.
  • ayshakool
    ayshakool Posts: 16 Member
    I m hypothyroidism patient myself and i have lost 15 pounds so far in two months. Make sure to use food scale everytime and log each & every thing!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    If your thyroid levels are under control, you weight loss equation is no different to anyone else's.

    Obviously you should be getting your thyroxine levels monitored regularly, like everyone on thyroxine.

    True story: Paperpudding n = 1 ..........

    lost weight to my goal over 10 months in 2013. Maintained it since.
    In 2016, developed thyroid tumour and had to have surgery to remove half my thyroid and commence on thyroxine medication
    Levels monitored, of course.

    Maintained on exactly same calories before and after this. :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    Severely hyothyroid for 17 years, properly controlled with meds (dosage of which has required adjustment a few times).

    At age 59-60, lost 50+ pounds in just less than a year, and have maintained a healthy weight for nearly 2 years since.

    Certainly, check in with your doctor, if you're concerned your thyroid hormone levels are off.

    If they're fine, look for the problem elsewhere, among common causes of lackluster weight loss. But don't go to crazy low calories (like 1000) to start: It's not healthy, and the overwhelming majority of women your weight will lose well on more.

    Best wishes!
  • SanaAnum
    SanaAnum Posts: 61 Member
    hi all finally i have started a new diet that is very strict calorie counting on Jan 1. today is 3rd and have lost 2 kgs. thank God!!
  • sjd421
    sjd421 Posts: 54 Member
    Have you been to your Endocrinologist? Make sure you are taking the correct dosage. I have hypo and and losing weight, calories in calories out.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    WardaRiaz wrote: »
    I started again my diet 5 days ago and finally the scaled moved a bit. So maybe i am going fine.

    Maybe you just being too impatient? 4 weeks on a diet and no loss. And then 3 weeks on a diet and no loss. Now 5 days on and a bit of a loss.

    How long between these diet stints? Why do you stop? What do you eat between?

    You should not have to drop your calories to 1000. If that's true then you need to contact your doctor to have your medication reevaluated. Even if you've been on the same meds/dose for a while with success, sometimes changes are needed.

    Seeing your doctor may be a good idea. At least then you'll know if that is the cause or not. If not, then try a more reasonable deficit and stick with it longer. Sometimes it takes longer to see results on the scale.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I am hypothyroid and have lost over 100 pounds. I say that to let you know it can be done. I remember when my thyroid issue was diagnosed. I thought "ok, now I'll lose weight". Nope. I didn't lose an ounce. But I did feel better. My headaches went away and my constipation went away. That feeling that I was exhausted all the time got better.

    We all have a tendency to hope that we aren't losing because of hormones but honestly it is often more a matter of how much we eat and how little we move. Definately if you have signs of low thyroid go and get it checked again but to lose weight make sure you are weighing everything and logging everything including a bite of this and a bite of that. Go for a walk or a swim or something to get some exercise. Find something you like to do. You will lose and it might take a bit longer than expected but trust me you will get there. Good luck.