Postpartum gals...

Looking for newish mom friends that want to lose the last of the baby weight and share the challenges, success, recipes and tips and just overall support for this journey. Add me up ladies... I need all the motivation and support I can get! ;)


  • BritneeMarlene
    BritneeMarlene Posts: 13 Member
    I’m 3 months postpartum with my first baby. I need motivation too!
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    Adding both of you! I'm 13 weeks postpartum
  • nadel2016
    nadel2016 Posts: 25 Member
    My son is 2 years old and I am trying to lose 70 lbs. I almost did it and then I let myself go and gained it all back. I can really need motivation :)
    Cheers from Canada
  • Catherine_and_Hobbes
    Not newly postpartum but gained weight while breastfeeding and more after taking antidepressants. Babe is 2 years old but I have about 25-30 to lose. Feel free to add!
  • rwilmore1841
    rwilmore1841 Posts: 2 Member
    Just had my third baby and am the heaviest that I've ever been. None of my old clothes fit. My goal is to lose 30 lbs with a more balanced, Mediterranean-type diet and exercise. It's hard to exercise with three young kids in the house (and snow outside!), but I would really like to tone up a bit so I'm stronger. I ordered a pedometer to track steps and do short spurts of YouTube videos, sometimes put on good music and run around the house with the kids. Any little bit counts!

    Good luck, ladies!
  • allisonbean2
    allisonbean2 Posts: 1 Member
    My daughter is 18 months and I have lost and regained weight since she was born with breastfeeding and stopping breastfeeding. Finally getting really focused and am committed to MFP for the first time. I'm new to all this so I'm not sure what adding each other means etc. Id like to lose 50 lbs. I'm also doing the Kayla Itsins BBG. Happy to find some other mom's at different stages with similar goals!
  • christinabuvb
    christinabuvb Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, ladies!! Looking for support and to support! I'm 8 months post-partum and struggling to get started back eating healthy and exercising. Lost about 85 pounds using MyFitnessPal a couple of years ago (before baby). Please add me!!
  • KatieP_85
    KatieP_85 Posts: 7 Member
    I’m 8 months post baby too! Add me and we can do it together :)
  • jmartin1219
    jmartin1219 Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me! My second is 7 months. I'm about 20 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight and after that I want to lose another 20. My goal is to do this slow and steady over the course of the next year! I'm still breastfeeding so I don't want to do anything drastic. I want to get in my 30 mins of exercise a day and not over do the food intake! I lost weight on MFP before I had kids and also after the birth of my first! So I know I can do this. Its just hard to be back here again at the "beginning!" I didn't have any friends on here before so maybe the extra support will give me the boost I need!
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    I was looking through my own discussions and saw that I never revisited this one. I blame it on the hardcore baby brain I had going on then. Almost a year later.... HIIII! lol Added you all. :)
  • jessiebelcher
    jessiebelcher Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone I’m currently three months postpartum and my weight is a disaster! I have been putting on weight since I had the baby (as well as put on too much during the pregnancy) and I need to turn the tide urgently and get back into better habits. Would be great to have some friends on here to share the journey with and motivate one another if anyone is interested in connecting please let me know :-)
  • katashalouise
    katashalouise Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Had my little girl 18months ago and gained around 45lbs during pregnancy, managed to lose a bit just going walking/chasing after a toddler! But want to lose the rest. I’ve got around 20-25lbs to lose, going to try and eat a bit better before Christmas but hoping to really get on it after Christmas so would love some support! Feel free to add 😊
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    I struggled so much at the point too @jessiebelcher . Hang in there! It will get easier!
    Adding you!
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    My little man is almost 18 months now too @katashalouise and I'm struggling to lose the last 8 lbs or so. With my first two I didn't even have to try. This one has been a long hard process though.
    So... Let's get it done together. Adding you. :smiley:
  • JustMeJustEm06
    JustMeJustEm06 Posts: 136 Member
    Currently pregnant, but still down for the momma support and to give encouragement as well..!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    Hey guys, Ive had my 3rd (and final) baby! She's now 9 months.
    My other girls are 4 and 2. (yeah I've been busy haha)
    Anyway in August I was at my heaviest (184) leaving me with 40lbs to lose, I've lost 12 up to now.

    My way at the moment is cutting out carbs such as bread potatoes and pasta (these bloat me terribly) . And if I am going to have it it's very small amounts. (so no more than 1 peice of bread a day, and about 75g of any of the others)
    To make things easier I don't cook separately for myself., All our evening meals consist of meat, vegetables and a kind of carb.
    So instead of the carbs I switch it out for salad.
    I weigh everything (this is so important)
    I drink (or try to) 8 glasses so water a day. (about 2L)

    And my exercise.. We like a PP said with 3 it's really hard.
    But once the girls are in bed (and asleep) which is around 7 or 8pm then as long as I've kept the house relatively tidy in the day I do a 30-45 minute workout on Youtube, mainly a POPSUGAR one!
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi ladies! I have a 2 and a half year old and an almost 4 month old. I'm 30 pounds heavier now than I was before I got pregnant with my first. I need to lose those pounds!
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    Yay! More mom friends! Let's do this ladies! Sending you a request @pennyks88 @Bex953172 and @justmejustem87 😁🎉
  • connorscm08
    connorscm08 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! Had 2 kids in 3 years, my youngest is now 16 months. Need to lose 15-20 pounds. Need that prebaby confidence back! Let’s all inspire each other!
    Cara from NJ
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    Yes!!! 🙌 I'm feeling more inspired already @connorscm08 😁