To fellow Keto fiends — let's be friends!

I'd love to friend other people who are following a low-carb (Keto, Paleo, etc) diet for motivation, to share successes, and tips for when I'm not feeling so enthused.

I started following a ketogenic diet right before Christmas, and have already lost 12 lbs over the past 13 days. And have yet to do any exercise.

I'm seriously in love with this diet so far. The best part about it (besides the results) are that I'm rarely hungry.

So, if you want to join motivation networks, send me a friend request or comment below so others can find you too!



  • idaraya
    idaraya Posts: 3 Member
    I just started as well... I have lots to learn.
  • anniemc9
    anniemc9 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been doing Keto for about 3 months. I've lost about 40lb. I'm super happy with the diet, I'm just now adding more complexing foods like soup.
  • wrogii
    wrogii Posts: 1 Member
    How do you track Paleo/Keto diet with my Fitness Pal?
  • Aqualang26
    Aqualang26 Posts: 149 Member
    Yay keto pals!

    I've been keto since August and am so grateful to have found this way of eating. So far, I've gone from 228 to 178 (50 lbs.)

    I'd love to connect with and swap recipes and support with others. Add me!
  • ggirgis44
    ggirgis44 Posts: 29 Member
    Wrogii, you can check your macro levels under your diary. The "nutrition" tab will give you that option. Keto macros are 70-90% fat, 15-20% protein, 5% carbs.
  • I have also had amazing results with keto and fell off the wagon. Please add me!
  • GoElenaGo
    GoElenaGo Posts: 2 Member
    Add me too y'all. I fell off the keto wagon when hurricane Harvey hit. I'm just restarting today!
  • pbujelly
    pbujelly Posts: 2 Member
    awesome azyaria! I was just thinking about the same thing earlier and then I saw this thread. :smiley:

    wrogii, like ggirgis said you can customize your macro ratios to suit your needs. I've set mine to 20%carb 65%fat and 15% protein for paleo/primal, in line with this article:
  • ebuswell4
    ebuswell4 Posts: 3 Member
    OMG!! I'm gonna add the lit of you. I just started and I have no idea what I'm doing. And home I'm doing it right.
  • okieteachertales
    okieteachertales Posts: 5 Member
    I have been doing keto since July. I LOVE it and would love some keto friends.
  • Sunnflwer
    Sunnflwer Posts: 7 Member
    Just getting back to Keto after a long absence. With roughly 75lbs to lose would love to be connected to others with a similar diet for motivation and inspiration! :)
  • eddie_fields
    eddie_fields Posts: 55 Member
    I have had one good run at keto...lost 40 lbs in 6 months from. Once I got there felt good. Then slowly got off keto and gained back about 15-20 lbs of it over almost two years. Started again on January 1. This time I am going to focus on health instead of the number on the scale because every time I get under a certain number I cheat a little which ends up being a lot. but I am definitely looking forward to hearing all of your stories to help me stay on track!
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    I'm planning on starting Ketigenic diet on 1 12 18. Can I join too??
  • chelseetwopointo
    chelseetwopointo Posts: 1 Member
    Started Keto today after hauling out all of my food and replacing it. Feeling optimistic— I’m getting married in November and I would like to feel good about my wedding pictures. I’m tired of hiding from the camera.
  • Christiana145
    Christiana145 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2018
    New to keto, please add me
  • QueenK3115
    QueenK3115 Posts: 17 Member
    I’ve definitely been thinking about trying Keto but so far it’s sort of confusing. I need to read about it more.