I'm not going to meet my New Year's goal, and that's okay



  • alanahp93
    alanahp93 Posts: 56 Member
    I love your positivity!
  • jjalbertt
    jjalbertt Posts: 98 Member
    I won't be hitting my small goal either and I agree that's ok! Atleast I tried and I'm going to continue to push forward! ❤️
  • MaybeLed
    MaybeLed Posts: 250 Member
    Bumping to remind everyone thinking about setting a New Years’ resolution that it’s great to have goals if they help keep you motivated, but to make sure you stay open to what the universe brings. It’s been quite the 2017, and I hope we can all be kind to ourselves in 2018 as we keep building and maintaining healthier habits.

    I like the idea of being kind to yourself, and being open to new things. This week I have gone for a ParkRun and two C25K runs. This wasn't a New Years resolution but a coincidence. It was something I've been thinking about for ages, but had a hesitation (what if I'm awful, and it's too hard?), then had this realisation that in the past running was used as punishment. But, I'm no longer a teenager and can make it what I want.

    However slow I am, however much I decided to walk, I'm still doing loads better than if I wasn't doing it.

  • hondamann
    hondamann Posts: 1 Member
    I'm glad I clicked on this post because I was truly inspired by everyone's positive attitude. I'm just starting my own fitness journey this week... wanted to read some inspirational stories on the forums... and stumbled upon this great discussion/thread.

    MegaMooseEsq really nailed it on the head with that last line..."I bet you've done something worth celebrating". Any movement toward one's goals (weight loss, muscle gain, work, family, life in general, etc) is something to celebrate. And then when you reach your final goal, well that's worth celebrating 10x more!

    I'm glad to see so many people supporting and encouraging one another. :)
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    sun_cat wrote: »
    This is likely the best thread I've seen so far. I started 2017 at a much lower weight than I started 2018. It was not a good year for me in many ways, and one way or another the scale just started inching upward. I've been facing those unpleasantnesses and managed to halt the gain, but now I'm at my highest ever weight. But weight gain aside - those things were unhealthy and sucked joy from my life. And they are gone now, and no matter what I weigh, I did the tough thing - I made some big scary changes, as well as some little fun ones. In the process, what I did inspired others to take their lives into their own hands and make some scary, but necessary changes as well.

    Thanks for reminding me not to let the weight I gained last year become more important than all the other positive gains.

    I started 2017 much the same way - at the highest weight I’d ever been in my life, a little bit battered and bruised, but also older and wiser but ready to take my health in my own hands. Something I’ve learned from hanging out here for several months is that you can’t underestimate the importance of having a good attitude. This is a slow and steady process, and you will have setbacks, but the only real way to fail is to give up. I know you can do it!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member