Most embarrassing thing you ever did at the gym?



  • LP_Std
    LP_Std Posts: 41 Member
    During a sweaty workout, I realized my shorts became a little "translucent" and people could tell I was wearing striped undies.
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    I actually slid off the treadmill. I was watching the tv and listening to music, and totally zoned out. A good song came on, and I started dancing to it, and bam...on the floor... It was in front of the security camera (that actually does record), so I am sure they had a laugh at it.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I was running on an ancient treadmill at my work gym and it suddenly just died. My feet kept moving and I slammed into the console in front me and then fell down, making a huge sound. Everyone stared at me - I mumbled something about the treadmill being a piece of *kitten* and used a different one.
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    The peeing thing usually only happens when I pull a max...270lbs last max.

    Between the abdominal pressure, the belt, and 2 "natural"'s going to happen.
  • KimmalyS
    KimmalyS Posts: 131 Member
    I was getting ready to leave the squat rack, so I bent over to pick up my belongings and as I came back up, my head banged up against the barbell SO HARD, and it was SO loud, I followed that with a loud “OW”— who says ow?? Heard a few giggles but this one girl was nice enough to lie about having done that herself many times before..... yea, thanks but it didn’t make me feel any better!! Lol
  • SloppyBulldozer
    SloppyBulldozer Posts: 17 Member
    I had the Roll of Shame happen, but hey, no big deal right? We all have that happen sometimes. Well, then as I get up off the bench and turn to shake the nerves out, *boof* I trip over said bench and topple to the ground with a face plant, snapping my glasses. I laid there to wallow in my shame for longer than I care to admit.
  • ZiggyRS0307
    ZiggyRS0307 Posts: 73 Member
    After reading these I feel a bit better about my relatively tame one. Dropped on iPod on the treadmill at a high speed which propelled it right across the room into the weights section. The walk of shame to retrieve it was horrendous.
  • eccomi_qui
    eccomi_qui Posts: 1,831 Member
    Oh, dear. Too many to count- I never return from a gym session without a bruise or two to show for my trouble. I don't think (I hope!) nothing will supersede what happened at my college gym, on one of the bockety old treadmills.
    I was warming up at a nice steady pace, but wanted to up the speed a little. I pressed the increase button, but it wasn't responding. Pressed it a few more times. Nothing. Finally, frustrated, I held down the button.
    Terrible idea.
    The thing shot up to 18 km/h, and I was CATAPULTED backwards off the treadmill, straight into someone on a cross-trainer behind me, and we both ended up in a tangle of unhappy limbs on the floor. Mortifying.

    You guys went straight to second base, or a violent game of twister
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    I went to a Zumba class. I had to laugh at myself because I was so ridiculously unable to follow the moves. My body just doesn't want to move that way.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I don't go to a gym, but in gym class in elementary school we were playing some sort of hockey (not with skates...road hockey?) and I scored on my own net!! I may have done that with basketball too. Just aim for a net and shoot, who cares.

    Btw I hate hockey and most team sports, never had any interest and don't know the rules...I was that girl who just stood there with minimal involvement and refused to participate as best I could.

    NOT a team player!!
  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    Back in high school, we were doing a weightlifting meet. I walk up to the bar for the last deadlift of the meet, I start pulling and ripped the loudest fart. Everyone turns and looks at me, I started laughing as I struggled to make a good lift. Then dropped the bar because I couldn't hold it any longer. I made the lift. But, everyone got a good laugh out of it. :lol:

    Some other memorable moments...

    -In a Triathlon group I used to train with, I tipped over at a stop light because I couldn't get my foot out of the clipless pedal (I'd been riding with clipless for 10+ years at the time).
    -Same group, dove into the swimming pool and my shorts went down to my ankle (they were loose cut, not jammers like I wear now).
    -Same group again, on a different bike ride, I swerved to avoid a pothole and my tire got hung in a rut and tipped me over. Bent the derailleur hanger and damaged the derailleur so it had to be replaced. I had to ride 10 miles back in the lowest gear because it wouldn't shift.
    -Out riding single track MTB with some friends, I cross rutted and went over the handlebars. Later that same ride, I overcommitted to a turn at a high rate of speed and slammed my shoulder/chest into the tree throwing me across the trail and into a group of brush. Threw my pelvis out of whack on that one.

    -When I used to compete in Scottish Highland Games, was throwing the weight for distance and it slipped out of my hand mid spin. It went one way, I went the other.
    -I get some comments on a picture of me throwing the caber because it looks like I've got the biggest boner.
    -Another picture of me throwing the weight for height, it looks like I'm crapping my pants.
    -Another picture, friend of mine claims I'm doing some kind of Mexican dance and saying "Ole!" because my hand is up over my head (bad form on my part)
    -Doing sheaf toss in competition, wind blew my kilt out and the pitchfork jammed into it causing me to spin around and fall to the ground.

    -One time, while sparring in Tae Kwan Do, person I was sparring did a round house kick and somehow their toe went into my mouth. Yuck!
    -Broke my toe in a tournament, felt like Ralph Macchiao in the karate kid trying to spar one footed for two and a half rounds.

    - Back in Jr High gym class, we were doing wrestling. I got paired up with a girl I had the biggest crush on in a practice match. On one start, I was in the top position with her on hands and knees in the bottom position. As I was placing hands in position, I accidentally grabbed one of her breasts as it was the first time we paired up and there was a good size difference. I was shocked and mortified that I had done it. But, at the same time, teenage boy hormones kicked in and I was instantly excited. Trying to wrestle her, and hide that I had a hard-on was not easy. Some of the other kids saw it, and she quickly learned of it... At the end, I did get a hug from her and she said she liked that I was excited to wrestle with her. :lol:

    Life's full of excitement and funny moments, even if we don't think so at the time. ;)
  • anjulajj
    anjulajj Posts: 148 Member
    Farted. Just thankful it did not smell
  • WhereIsPJSoles
    WhereIsPJSoles Posts: 622 Member
    Twice now (I don’t learn) I’ve violently yanked my headphones out of my phone causing it to fall INTO the elliptical in the loudest way possible and then I have to get off and go on a dig for it inside the machine while everyone watches.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm a bit shy about changing in the public area of the locker room, but the changing rooms were full. So, I begrudgingly started changing in front of the packed locker room. My damp underwire swim tank somehow got tangled on the girls and I had to spend a good minute bouncing up and down with everything hanging out to free myself. Everyone in the locker room politely pretended not to notice, but I got a simple one piece lap suit after that.