Burnin Thru Augus(Closed Group)



  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    So, I was the fly in the ointment yesterday. I am sorry.

    I didn't get my water
    I didn't do my ups downs
    I went over

    I am sorry guys....I had a ****ty day, I went to bed at 6:30

    Today will be better..I swear, I don't normally have 2 bad days in the same week! Don't know what my problem is
    Don't fret. It happens. There are some weeks I have more bad days then good. It's part of being human.
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    So that means that anyone who missed any of the exercises could catch up either today or tomorrow right? :bigsmile:

    Yeah....NOT! Lol. Nice try though!
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    Ok, so here's another part of my story. 19 months ago, I developed this weird "groove" down my upper left arm. My shoulder and upper arm was killing me, like I had pulled all the muscles and then two days later this groove showed up. Long story short, over the last 19 months, 7 different doctors they have sent me to can't figure it out. I developed some other symptoms over the months. Extreme fatigue, headaches, chest pains, fevers, a cough, fever blisters that all come and go. The only constants have been the groove and arm/shoulder pain. The general consensus was I tore my bicep muscle. They have done MRI's of my shoulder, neck, upper arm, numerous blood tests, EKGs, Xrays, etc. You name it, I've had it. Can't figure it out. So finally, one of my blood tests threw out a positive ANA result which is consistant with an autoimmune disease. They tested for Lupus and some other autoimmune diseases. All negative. They put me on a couple of medications to help with the muscle and joint pain, but I didn't want narcotics, so I just tolerate most of the pain.

    It's been a difficult journey. No one wants a disease, but at least when you know what it is, you can fight it and deal with it. Finally, I was at an event here in town and they had all these tents set up like a health fair. I walked by a Skin Cancer/Dermatology group and one of the Drs. knew my hubby from school. As we are standing there talking, he looks at my arm and yells, "Oh Wow! En Coupe de Sabre!" I'm shocked and was like, "Umm...what?" He goes on to explain that's the French term for it, it's more commonly know as linear morphea. A very rare autoimmune disease that strikes mostly children, but does have adult onset cases. He told me it had to be in a flare up and they could biopsy it to see for sure. First time someone actually said, "I have seen that." That was a couple of months ago. Last week, I started showing signs of a flare so I called and they got me in the next day. I had the biopsy (sporting 3 stitches now) and I am waiting on the results. I go back next Wednesday to get the stitches out and hopefully they will have the results back by then.

    So bear with me. I am having to do some modifications on any of the exercises with weight bearing on the arms. My muscles are very weak in my left arm and shoulder. I am proud to say that I actually did the pushups today! It wasn't pretty by any means, and I had to do them slowly with breaks in between, but I did them!
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    Everything done for today :)
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    A very rare autoimmune disease that strikes mostly children, but does have adult onset cases. He told me it had to be in a flare up and they could biopsy it to see for sure. First time someone actually said, "I have seen that." That was a couple of months ago. Last week, I started showing signs of a flare so I called and they got me in the next day. I had the biopsy (sporting 3 stitches now) and I am waiting on the results. I go back next Wednesday to get the stitches out and hopefully they will have the results back by then.

    So bear with me. I am having to do some modifications on any of the exercises with weight bearing on the arms. My muscles are very weak in my left arm and shoulder. I am proud to say that I actually did the pushups today! It wasn't pretty by any means, and I had to do them slowly with breaks in between, but I did them!

    Wow! What a weird & wonderful story :indifferent:
    Truly - a super well done on those push ups :-) xxx
  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    Wow Velcropooh, I am impressed with you doing the push ups too! When do you find out the results of the biopsy-

    As for the challenge,

    I did my push ups
    I drank my water and then some (gotta flush that sodium)
    I stayed way under on calories

    I was a good girl today =)

    When is weigh in for our challenge
  • Meg1077
    Meg1077 Posts: 11
    Hard day today.... Got everything in but very tired...
    Thanks for your story, I hope they have found what this disease is for you so you can learn how to fight back!
    Best of luck
  • Hey Team!!

    Not sure if I did my 3 checks for yesterday but I completed everything. Yeah!

    Is anybody sore from the ups and downs. I have some sore back muscles I didn't know I had.

    3 checks for me again today. The push ups were almost as hard as the ups and downs for me. I couldn't do a "military" style push up. I modified a bit but still got a good workout from it anyway.

    Pooh- I'm so impressed with your attitude, support, and perseverance. It's a blessing to have you on the team!

    I couldn't wait till weigh in day I updated my progress today but will reweigh in when we need to, I just need to know when.

    Keep up the good work everybody.

  • Windedhl
    Windedhl Posts: 17
    you're amazing pooh! makes me feel like a big wussy for only being able to do 13 pushups. but i'm going to take the advice of my awesome boyfriend and start doing them regularly and work up to it. i even had to do them on my knees, my abdominal muscles aren't strong enough to hold me up in a pushup position for very long. it's been 3 months since i delivered i really figured i'd be in better shape than this by now. and i was super sore all over from the ups and downs, i was really surpised about that too.
  • knikkiola
    knikkiola Posts: 47 Member
    Hey Guys hope everyones having a good week!!

    So.. i have completed 4/6 of the challenges for this week which for me is good going! sady tho ive been over calories a couple of days BUT! ive ben over on water everyday!!!

    (M )Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 100 Jumping Jacks*(see below) Complete!!
    (T) Day 2 Exercise Challenge – Walk, Run or Jog 1 Mile (extra)
    (W) Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Situps or Ab Crunches* Complete!!
    (T) Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 40 UP and Downs *
    (F) Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 25 Pushups * Complete!!
    (S) Day 6 Exercise Challenge – 25 Squat Lunges* Complete!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Good Morning All.

    Well I didn't finish last night out so well, ended up at Wedny's and didn't order anything resembling "low cal" so I was over on my calories Friday .... by a lot! Well if I added in my exercise calories, I'm probably even, but I'm not adding exercise calories, so I'm over.

    Otherwise, I did really well yesterday, did 35 push ups because I did them the girl way, so hopefully the extra 10 make up for it. But Pooh is the push up winner!

    BTW my body aches from my neck to my hips, not a pretty sight watching me try to get up from laying down or sitting.

    Are we supposed to weigh in on a particular day?
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    Thanks everyone for the support and kind words. Frg, they said it would take 2-3 weeks to get the results, so hopefully when I go on Wednesday to get the stitches out, they will have them since it's been two weeks. This is going to sound weird, but after reading all about this one, I am hoping it's the one. Out of all the autoimmunes, it looks the best because it will limit itself to just whereever it strikes. The rest of them attack the whole body. So if I'm going to have one, I want this one!

    I added a pic of my arm to my profile, because when I tell people about it, they are like "groove?" I don't know how else to describe it.

    Frg, I think she said send your weight in on Sundays. I'm sending her my weigh in from today as Saturdays are my weigh in days. Last Sunday when we started, I sent her Saturdays.

    On that note: I lost 3 pounds!!!! Got team!
  • dbgirl23
    dbgirl23 Posts: 32
    Sorry I fell asleep before I could finish logging yesterday, but I did complete the pushups, ate under calories, and drank my water for Day 5!!
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    OMG! Some of the other teams are posting Week 2 challenges! Ima gonna die....
  • dbgirl23
    dbgirl23 Posts: 32
    Pooh way to lose 3 pounds!!! THAT'S GREAT!!!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Friday I did my push ups and water. Beer bingo with my kickball team combined with cancelled pilates pushed me over.
  • sorry i didnt check yesterday , i have been super busy .
    but everything for yesterday was completed !

    i'll be able to be back active next week !
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    Seriously aching after my optimistic 50 push ups yesterday, looking forward to my rest day very much :yawn:

    25 Squat Lunges completed
    Food diary completed and under kcals
    Water intake over and completed

    I'm gona weigh in on Monday morning and give my weight ASAP, but I weighed in on Tuesday so I know I've lost atleast 2lbs (or gained 2 points :tongue: )

    Night all,
    Shmoph xx
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    We are heading out with friends tonight. I already have my water and exercise in, but I probably will not get to complete my diary until tomorrow and I am attempting to stay under, but not looking good with going out tonight! I am going to try on Saturdays to stay under since I started this challenge, but my normal one day off a week is Saturday instead of Sunday. It's the only day my DH and I have off together so it's the only time we get to go do something together with friends. :(
  • Water check
    under calories check
    lunges check!