Maintainers weekly Check-in January 2018



  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,027 Member
    icemom011 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    @Nudgey02 I've eaten chocolate every day while losing 80 lbs and in maintenance 21 months.

    A little helps you go a long way.
    And @pkweier , same here. Chocolate every day, loosing, maintaining, gotta have some!
    I knew I'm not the only one, hehe.

    I am also one who eats some chocolate every day. As long as it fits and you aren't hungry because you "wasted" all your calories then it's all good.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member

    Happy anniversary!! :)
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    icemom011 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    @Nudgey02 I've eaten chocolate every day while losing 80 lbs and in maintenance 21 months.

    A little helps you go a long way.
    And @pkweier , same here. Chocolate every day, loosing, maintaining, gotta have some!
    I knew I'm not the only one, hehe.
    Omg, "blush". I can't edit anything on my phone. *losing *.
  • microwhisper
    microwhisper Posts: 84 Member
    Name: MW
    Age: 33
    Height: 5’2”
    Total Weight lost: ~20
    Time it took to lose: ~4 months
    How long in maintenance: 1 year
    Maintenance weight range: 110-115 lbs

    Average weight recorded from December: 110.4 lbs

    Week of...
    1st January: 112.0 lbs
    8th January:
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:

    Success/struggles of the week: Still right in the middle of my weight range which is good. Even so, I am feeling the difference from gaining weight over Christmas and now I’m not sure if I like it. I think mostly the fact I decreased my workouts has me feeling less badass and looking less toned. I’ll play around with my diet and exercise, and see if I really want to lose a bit more or keep my original maintenance goal.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    sofchak wrote: »
    @ryenday - I know your struggle, for real. Every single day. I am still miffed about how to find a sustainable balance. It shouldn’t be this hard forever, should it? I’m a year into maintaining now and I still find myself hungry and trying to fight the urges almost every single day.... you’re not alone.

    I finally realized that I have to track calories on a weekly basis not daily. On a daily basis I have 0 calories to spare for anything that could be considered a treat. But by tracking weekly, I can actually save some calories for food or drink that is just fun to have. That changed everything. Still hungry a lot, but have mostly conquered the hangries. Work in progress for sure!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,027 Member
    @kalchthaleri It is so hard not to feel that way when your weight is up. But you are not gaining back all the weight you lost. You are in fact still under your maintenance range. I struggle with this as well, so I know exactly how you feel. Try not to worry and know that you've got this.
  • pkweier
    pkweier Posts: 349 Member
    Name: Ingrid
    Age: 46
    Height: 5'4
    Total Weight lost: 216lbs.
    Time it took to lose: 3 years
    How long in maintenance: 1 year
    Maintenance weight range: 125-130

    Average weight recorded from December 2017: 123.6

    Week of December 1: 123
    Week of December 8: 127.5
    Week of December 15: 125
    Week of December 22: 122
    Week of December 29: 120.5

    Average weight from 2017: 129.59

    Average weight recorded from January:

    Week of January 4: 122

    Struggles/successes of the week:

    Last week I was 120.5 and today I am 122. So of course I worry I am on my way back to 338lbs. Didn’t binge or restrict all week and worked out every day though. So I will just keep going.

    I worry about the same and I'm just starting out. You know what to do if you keep gaining the trick is to start it right away something I will have to remind myself if I see my weight going up.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Name: Ingrid
    Age: 46
    Height: 5'4
    Total Weight lost: 216lbs.
    Time it took to lose: 3 years
    How long in maintenance: 1 year
    Maintenance weight range: 125-130

    Average weight recorded from December 2017: 123.6

    Week of December 1: 123
    Week of December 8: 127.5
    Week of December 15: 125
    Week of December 22: 122
    Week of December 29: 120.5

    Average weight from 2017: 129.59

    Average weight recorded from January:

    Week of January 4: 122

    Struggles/successes of the week:

    Last week I was 120.5 and today I am 122. So of course I worry I am on my way back to 338lbs. Didn’t binge or restrict all week and worked out every day though. So I will just keep going.

    Currently you are well under the low end of your maintenance range. Last week you had a weird downward fluctuation. Do not give any credence to that little voice that is lying to you!