Working out in the AM

I’m a school teacher so my days are busy, when I get home I have lesson planning to do and when that’s over I just want to relax!!

I want to start working out in the morning so that I don’t miss my workouts.

Any tips?? Thanks!!!


  • DocJayDee
    DocJayDee Posts: 19 Member
    I have to get everything ready the night before ( clothes, pre workout food, post workout food, lunch, work clothes, etc.) It really helps if I have a fun workout planned. I do the classes at the gym, so getting up for 545 spin is worth it rather than just doing my own thing at the gym.
  • crysgabriela
    crysgabriela Posts: 34 Member
    I used to wake up at 5 am so I could get a workout in before work. It was really hard to do but I realized I felt so much better after the workout and I had crazy amounts of energy throughout the day. Plus, it is also great to know that your workout is already done for the day.

    Put a few alarms on your phone just in case you don't wake up the first time.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Let me second what DocJayDee said, prepare the night before.

    Beyond that, shift your bedtime forward an hour or so to ensure you get enough sleep. If you are one to struggle to get up with an alarm, place it across the room so you have to get up to turn it off (spouses don't like this all that much, but hey, this you about you).

    Make sure you warm up before you get into the workout. Most group classes do a good job of this, but take it upon yourself to warm up before their warmup if you aren't getting where you need to be.

    Enjoy yourself. A good morning workout can set the tone for the rest of the day and give you even more energy.

    Allan Misner
    NASM Certified Personal Trainer
    Host of the 40+ Fitness Podcast
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited January 2018
    There’s no trick to it. You just have to get up and do it. The hardest part is getting your butt out of bed that first time. After a while it becomes easier and part of your routine. After a few days of me waking up early I found that I really enjoyed my “me” time all by myself, no kids or husband. Even if I didn’t work out I still got up early and just drank my coffee and played on my phone or whatever.

    I googled “tips for working out in the morning” “tips for waking up early” etc so many times hoping there would be some magic trick but there’s not. Just do it.
  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
    cbarn087 wrote: »
    I don't understand posts like this. There really isn't an easy button. You just have to get up and get it done.

    Essentially this. Get everything ready the night before, set your alarm, and just do it.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I get everything ready the night before, son’s lunch, coffee maker prepped, clothes laid out, everything.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Just being ready to go and have everything needed for work, coffee made, clothes prepped and any other possible distractions dealt with.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I also work at a school. I get up early and do a workout DVD/video every day. I need to leave the house at 7:30. I usually get up around 5:15-5:25am and have showered and am making my coffee by 6:30
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    As a night owl for the past 4+ decades, switching to a morning work out was not easy. Now it is up by 5. Gym by 5:20. Workout. Home by 7. Drop kids off at school by 8. At work by 9

    I avoid using coffee (which I love and will have once back from the gym). Forcing myself to go to sleep earlier the key...don't try and stay up like you once did.

    Prepare in advance. I put my gym bag and clothes I am going to wear downstairs (don't want to wake my wife by making too much noise).

    I made my routines more focused and shorter--30 minutes weights, 20-30 cardio...they are intense though. As an aside, I found that my strength and stamina decreased by 10 or more percent. Don't get discouraged if this happens.

    I don't eat breakfast until after I come back. If I want to have something small, I can grab a power bar.

    I shower after the workout.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Hm. I'm a school teacher. I'd need to be at the gym by 4 am to finish a workout and get to school on time. Can I come work at your school?
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    That's why I workout at home... I found it rather complicated to go to the gym in the morning. I save lifting for right after work...we have weights at school.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I leave all my stuff at the gym, so I just have to get out of bed and get in the car. I have a private locker at my club and they wash my clothes too so I never have to scramble for workout gear in the morning which can save time and hassle. They also supply the towels and shampoo/conditioner/hairdryers so I can get ready for work there and be on my way.

    If this is an option for you, I highly recommend paying the additional amount to have things provided. If not, make it easy for yourself and leave extra workout clothes, work clothes, towel and toiletries in your car so you don't forget anything.
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    I will ship my cat to you. He thinks 6am is a good time to get up whether it's a gym day or not.