Desperate: scale not moving for 14 days

I am on a 1200 calorie limit and exercising 6 days per week. I usually creep on an average up to 1300 or 1350 though, but I compensate with exercise. No processed sugar, close to no dairy, no white rice etc. Cook in olive oil and coconut oil. I am dieting with my partner who lost almost 5 lbs during the same time time period.
I need some success stories! This is very depressing.


  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    edited January 2018
    How much weight do you have to lose?

    Are you logging your food accurately (including oils etc.)?
  • Wingsont84
    Wingsont84 Posts: 335 Member
    Are you changing your diet up? Getting good carbs and protein?
    cutting calories down?
    You lifting when at the gym?

  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    I am 153 lbs and 5.4. I am trying to lose 30 lbs. Very uncomfortable in my body. I am very interested in food and have a digital scale. So I do think I am doing things correctly. But that could be the mistake of course. Now I am starting to dream about eating a bag of cheese puffs.
  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks everyone so much for the replies. I just started an exercise routine and I do eat back exercised calories. I am now super diligent with counting calories. I seem to always be over sugar, not by a much but anyway. I have been fighting fatigue, headaches, metallic taste in mouth. Is it the sugar leaving my system? This is hard. 155 lbs is the highest weight I ever had. It is shocking to see how many calories basic food items are. It is hard for me to skip dairy and gluten. I only allow myself 0.25 cup low fat cottage cheese per day, since I think I need it. OK I am going to stick to this.
  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    Also, I have the craziest mood swings. Like I want to kill something.
  • marsia1234
    marsia1234 Posts: 40 Member
    Metallic taste in your mouth is ketosis! You should be burning fat in ketosis... But it can make you constipated!
    Maybe visit your doctor, could be an underlying issue if you’re not losing the weight?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    If you just started exercising you're likely retaining water. Give yourself a couple more weeks and if you don't start dropping again, then you'll want to take a look at your logging.
  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    I am absolutely constipated.I make a shake that always resolves this, but it does not work. I used to go 1-2 times per day. My partner whom I am feeding it to is running to the bathroom constantly. It is like my body refuses to let go. I am getting more and more vigilant in counting the calories, it is not much to play with, 1200 cal. I probably did not do it right first. Good advice to not eat back 100% of exercised calories. I hope I am in ketosis. Doing this for health mostly, all my fat is stored in the center and I am scared of heart diseases etc. I have small kids, need to stay strong. I quit processed sugar, gluten and dairy since I felt great going vegan for a month two years ago. I am also checking in with my doctor for thyroid issues. I almost died from stress last year. My whole body broke down. Scary.
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    She doesn't. This site is great too. I just wanted to list what has helped me. I can't help it. I'm excited about how it worked and just want to share. I love this site for keeping track for my weight loss goals. However, I don't keep track of my food or calories anymore. It's too consuming for me.

    I'm curious are you an affiliate for them?
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    edited January 2018
    Apart from the protein and fats question that I also am curious about, are you getting enough water? There's a lot of water stored in food and since you started eating less you might not be getting as much as your body wants. I personally noticed changes for the better in my mood and bathroom habits when I started drinking more. Just saying this as it tends to be overlooked sometimes.

    As for the lack of weight loss, it happens. Just last month I only lost 1 lbs. It literally didn't move for the first 3 weeks while I was eating and working out exactly as I should have been. This week I suddenly dropped 3 lbs and it has been constant for the last 4 days. It's likely going to happen more often! Weight loss is just a matter of sticking to correct logging with CICO in mind and exercising (to not lose as much muscle in the process).

    Also, why don't you eat gluten anymore? Food with gluten tastes so good! It's not evil like many weight loss websites try to make you believe.

    EDIT: (To make the water thing more than anecdotal here is a source that tells about the relation of water to constipation: ) Of course that won't be a problem if you already do drink enough.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    OP, one thing you have to do is stop comparing yourself to your partner. Your bodies are different, what works for your partner isn't necessarily going to work for you (and sounds like it isn't). I'm curious what you set your weight loss goal to, to bring you down to 1200cal.
  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you everyone! I am struggling with drinking enough water, I just do not enjoy it. Sorry for the confusion, I am not Vegan now! I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. OK, let me tell you the diet if it interests you?
    Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal with unsweetened almond milk, coffe with the almond milk. I add toasted nuts and seeds and some unsweetened shredded coconut and cinnamon and other spices to my oatmeal. I also make a smoothie with water, half a banana, 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, 1 kiwi, 1 small orange and fresh ginger.

    Lunch and dinner we eat 80-100 g of marinated chicken breast I cook in the broiler, or grilled salmon of high quality. We use olive oil sparingly. I use a lot of spices. We eat black rice or chickpea pasta with it, or grilled cauliflower.

    I snack on rice cakes with a little cottage cheese and tomato slices,grapes, sometimes apple with a little peanut butter or an almond or two.

    For indulgence, I made a delicious date and nut roll with no processed sugar, just the dates. I like to spice everything with lemon, cardamom and cinnamon. I roast vegetables such as red pepper and mix them for sauces. I love nuts and almonds, so I am watching that.

    I do take your advice seriously!
  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    I aim for 122 lbs. I am 5.4. I might need to reconsider if I manage to build muscle, I know. I am following the Fitness Blender 4 week Bodyweight exercise routine, and do the occasional snow shoveling. I walk my son to school and pick him up. I know, it is hard not to compare. She is of athletic build, so she usually gets in shape unusually fast for a female.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    What is your weekly weight loss goal? 1lb, 0.5lb?
  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 245 Member
    The scale is not the only gauge that change is happening. Do you take measurements? Bust, waist, hips... any changes there?
    Sounds like you're doing low-carb. At 5'4" and moderately active (3-5 times a week moderate cardio and muscle training) you should be consuming at least 1350 calories. I'm 5'2" swim 2-3x a week and do crossfit 3x and consume more than 1200! And I've still got about 7-8lbs to try and drop at the same time. Do not underestimate how much you need to fuel your body.
    Have you checked out any of the low-carb or keto groups for support and advice?