How do you deal when cravings hit hard?



  • Thanks for your tips everyone!! I ended up having a can of tuna, and later a scrambled egg and some cottage cheese, which all fit in with my calories. I wasn't craving anything in particular, I just wanted to eat haha.

    I already take a multivitamin, however I've run out and don't have any for today, so I'll let you know if cravings are worse! And the idea that particular cravings mean our bodies are lacking something makes total sense. I've believed this for a long time, it's only logical that our bodies would seek out what they crave.

    Also, Sunday was my cheat meal, which was a spectacular cheese burger and deep fried pickles, and now that I think about it, every time I eat something like that, it's difficult to get back on track. Like a addict just having a little of something, and then they feel like they need more.

    But like I said, I managed to get through without going over my calories, so I'm pretty happy :smile: Thanks again everyone.
  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member
    I can usually distract myself and forget about it. However, if the same craving continues to come up over a few days then I'll just eat whatever it is. I'm not going to mentally torture myself if I want something bad enough to have a craving for it for days.

    For example: around Christmas time I started craving a good steak and shake burger and fries. Then it went away. Then over the last week or so I have repeatedly thought about it and wanted it. So I went and got it and made it work in my calories for that day.

    Now I'm over it. And it did absolutely nothing to derail me in my goals.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    gkkorade wrote: »
    The pain of craving is actually your dead fat getting burn out, if you eat in such situation then your fat burning will stop and your all hard day excercise will go into vain
    So be mentally strong !
    As long as you hold your cravings that much amount of fat will be burned
    Fat loss is actually a mental challenge rather than physical
    Keep going

    LOL. My fat just wont die.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member it a craving or honest to goodness hunger? That's not always so easy to figure out. A craving isn't necessarily the same as actually needing food.
  • ivonnecamberos
    ivonnecamberos Posts: 1 Member
    Some suggestions, if you want chips eat carrots you get the crunchy. If you want sweet eat yogurt with fruit or nuts and a little honey. To be honest if you are eating your 3meals plus 3 snacks you should be stuffed. But don't deprive yourself
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    find something to do. go visit a friend, talk to someone on the phone, clean your house, take a walk, clean out the fridge, organize the pantry..... something to keep busy and keep your mind off it.

    if youre TRULY HUNGRY, have a snack or indulge in a bit of whatever it is your craving. a lot of times when im craving something, ill plan it out for sometime within the next couple of days, so I can work my calories around it, and still satisfy that craving. and then i have something to look forward to ;)
  • SaraB_82
    SaraB_82 Posts: 45 Member
    If I have a crazy craving, I try to eat some baby carrots or snap peas since they're so low in calorie. Usually just having something to chomp on will distract me. Sometimes I tell myself if I still want it tomorrow, I can have whatever it is I'm fixating on. Usually, I don't care the next day. If I'm craving McDonalds, I'll go and just get a hamburger or small fry instead of a double quarter pounder meal. Usually I can fit whatever I'm dying for into my calorie goal by just eating a smaller portion of it or cutting back on other meals to balance it out.
  • jessylynn76
    jessylynn76 Posts: 4 Member
    I can usually review my food log to see if I ate something higher in simple carbs which caused me to have cravings. Sometimes it's just because I'm feeling deprived. One rule I have is to only eat foods I like. If I eat something I don't like, just to be healthy, I'm right back in the kitchen an hour later because I'm unsatisfied. I drink a LOT of liquid. I like flavored water. I realize plain water is better, but it doesn't do me any good if a glass of plain water sits on my desk untouched. I change the flavor with each glass, so I don't get bored. I usually have 5 or more 24 ounce glasses. It keeps the cravings away for me. They have dozens of choices, something for everyone. With and without sweetener. Natural and artificial.