Complete frustration!



  • Bucky2BeBetty
    Bucky2BeBetty Posts: 79 Member
    Apologies for not replying sooner. Big shopping trip today. Got home late. Then I wrote all this out once only to lose it before posting. (stupid i-pad)
    Height 5 foot 3 inches
    Weight 167.8, started at 180
    Activity level- low although I think it is higher than that but that was what fit the description best on MFP. I am a preschool teacher so rarely sitting down when at work.
    Exercise- 6 days a week of intense cardio (heart rate 130 to 150, lots of sweat) for 30 to 60 minutes
    Bmi 30%
    would like to lose 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per week
    Medical- very healthy but menopausal. Have had my thyroid checked because I am perpetually cold but it was normal. Tend towards anemia. Family history- maternal granddad had diabetes. My dad has heart disease.


    OK look, first things first, there's no way anyone can intelligently comment on your situation without first knowing everything we need to know. I.E. at a MINIMUM we would need your height, weight, activity level, exercise schedule, exercise duration, Active metabolic rate, body fat % or at least BMI (much rather have BF% but...) and what you set your weekly goal at (although with everything else, we can deduce that). Until we receive that info, everything anyone on here suggests will simply be shots in the dark. Also relevant would be any medical conditions you have/had in the past that could (even remotely) affect your metabolic rate or exercise levels, and that includes a family history of things like PCOS, metabolic syndrome, Thyroid conditions, blood diseases, diabetes (type 1 would be more relevant, but both types would be important), liver disease, kidney problems, heart conditions, lung conditions...etc.

    These are all important factors that could play a role.

    I await your response.

  • fitnessjen9
    fitnessjen9 Posts: 9 Member
    This has happened to me as well. The best advice I can give you is to just keep trying. Maybe add on a small amount of additional cardio?
    I wish you luck.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'll add to the chorus; looks like a lot of processed high sugar & high sodium foods. I also don't see a lot of green veg, or fresh fruit. You may be able to get away with not eating 5 servings a day, but you should up the amount you eat. The fiber in fresh fruits and veg combined with water will help food "pass" trough your system faster. I'm in menopause and I find that 2 things are absolutely necessary for me to lose 1) I must work out at least 3 -4 times a week and 2) I have to eat fresh fruit and veg at least 3 servings a day. I also limit dairy, gluten and soy.
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    I looked through about a week in your diary and the two things that stood out were a pretty consistant amount of processed and fast foods (full of yuk and sodium!) and though you may be staying within your caloric limit while having treats nearly everyday -- you might want to consider treating yourself with sweets sparingly.

    Get your (healthy) fats from things like nuts and the like.

    Try making more healthy choices of food at home in advance; lean proteins, veggies, fruit. Try swapping out the Yoplait (full of sugar!) for Greek Yogurt - a much healthier option. You can get the plain and add berries, nuts, honey, etc.

    Replace some of those iced teas (lots o' sugar) with water. Many days you don't have enough water logged.

    Weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise. Make a commitment to eating cleaner. There's nothing wrong with the occasional 'bad' food - but don't let your diet consist of mostly bad foods.

    Good luck!

    this! great!
  • azingale
    azingale Posts: 74
    Hey there!

    I also (along with EVERYONE else, apparently) took a look at your diary and I have a few suggestions.

    1. Yes, eating clean will definitely make a change. I would say it probably was a drastic change for your body just to lower your calorie intake and it (originally) didn't matter where those calories were coming from, it just mattered that you weren't eating as much as you used to. But now, your body has become accustomed to this calorie intake which mostly consists of packaged "healthy" food. I would ditch anything in a package and get the right nutrition from the right foods.

    4. Cut out anything white. White bread, white pasta, and white sugar (or brown sugar, for that matter). It provides your body with little to no nutritional benefits and it will continue to disregard it and store it as fat. Replace those empty calories with nutritious food your body can use as fuel and the fat will melt off.

    I agree with everything in this post, but most especially #1 and #4: they've worked for me. The white thing you *can* have is yogurt... plain... if you want it sweetened, eat it with fruit... sometimes I have mine with honey, but not much... My skinny mom went off *all* processed foods (that includes Lean Cuisine, cans of soup, etc.) and here she is, 60 and a healthy size 6, with unending energy. I reduced my processed foods in June and *boom*, instant change in my weight and, just as good, my skin: I stopped breaking out so much. White bread - in the form of locally made olive oil ciabatta bread - is a tremendous treat reserved for when I have company for dinner. I only have white rice when I'm out for my beloved sushi. Otherwise, stick to brown stuff, which definitely will start tasting more interesting than white stuff fairly quickly. This doesn't mean I've given up chocolate entirely... or sugars in general (I love wine and cocktails) but *smart* carbs are tremendous.

    This doesn't mean I wouldn't love some sorbet, frozen lemonade, etc. - and I've had some this summer - but I've focused on making sure my nutrients are all in check, and when I've made sure I've had enough water, iron, protein, calcium, etc., I'm too full to really want anything else (except maybe a frozen cocktail!) I wasn't necessarily eating too many calories to maintain my weight on an average day before, but what I was eating wasn't real food.
  • Lorijo50
    Lorijo50 Posts: 20
    This sounds so much like me! My weight loss is extremely slow too.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    You need to eat back your exercise calories. You are under your calorie target by several hundred calories a day (over the last week). There is a reason why MFP automatically adds exercise calories to your total daily calorie target.