Tea drinkers



  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I drink every morning Celestial - Bengal Spice.... so very sweet on it's own as it has a lot of cinnamon.
  • sylkates
    sylkates Posts: 173 Member
    I find it useful to try a variety of teas, and adagio.com sells samples of most of their flavors. I suggest trying them out to start.

    I like strong flavors that aren't compatible with sugar, to keep me from adding sugar to it. The best teas for that for me are Genmaicha (Japanese tea with roasted rice in it, tastes like toast), Gyokuro (expensive shade-grown Japanese green that has extra caffeine and a very strong flavor, sort of like green vegetables, but not bitter), Hojicha (Japanese green tea that's roasted, it tastes smokey), lapsang souchong (Chinese black tea that tastes like a gosh darn campfire, a little overwhelming if it's not blended, but definitely memorable and incompatible with sugar), and Pu-er (Chinese aged black tea that tastes like dirt...but in a good way!).

    Adagio is good to try these all out. That's where I found them.
    After you try them, Yunnan sourcing has some exciting pu-er's, and O-Cha has a great variety of better-priced Japanese green teas.
  • rea1980
    rea1980 Posts: 93 Member
    I am a huge tea drinker. I generally drink whichever flavor sounds the best to me at the moment. In the morning I generally drink some form of actual tea, whether it be Black, Oolong, Green, White, etc. This is for some morning caffeine. In the evening I will drink some sort of herbal tea, since they generally don't have any caffeine.

    If you are want to see what you like, try picking up some different variety packs. You might like some and you might hate others. Also, if you try one variety and don't like it, don't be afraid to try it again from a different brand. Some brands excel in one type of tea but fail at others.

    When you steep your tea you should pay attention to the time and temperature is at all possible. Different varieties have different optimal time/temp. https://www.thespruce.com/tea-brewing-temperature-guide-766367
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    SnowOwl26 wrote: »
    I'm a big coffee sugar and cream type girl. But I want to give it up and drink teas. How do I make them taste good and which ones are best. How to drink tea Mm

    I can't say which ones you will like, but look for sampler boxes. Sampler boxes will let you try lots of different teas. I hate buying a box of tea I can't stand. This can at least steer you in the right direction. Look for Stash, Bigelow, Celestial Seasonings, or Twinings.

    I like flavored black tea - not sweetened - hot or cold. I make a big pitcher of iced tea using flavored (Twinings Mixed Berry) and plain black tea bags. The flavored tea bags mellow the tea out. Black iced tea - straight - may be an acquired taste. Chais are yummy spicy black (or green) teas but I tend to add milk & sugar. Bigelow Vanilla Chai is a good "beginner" chai, no black pepper in there. Celestial Seasonings Chai is an acquired taste (IMO).

    I like flavored green tea - not sweetened - hot or cold. I make green iced tea using flavored and plain green tea bags. Again, flavored tea bags (I use a store brand) mellows the tea out. Don't use too hot water to steep green tea (not boiling) or your tea will be bitter.

    Herbal tea - rooibos (red tea) is very mellow. I like Celestial Seasonings Madagascar Vanilla.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I think it's sometimes hard to make a switch from coffee to tea, or vice versa. For one thing, you need to develop the taste for either one ... and drinking either one without masking it's true flavor with sweeteners and creams, for me, is the way to drink tea or coffee. If I need to mask the flavor, then I might as well be drinking something else (just me) That said, a nice rich cream added to overly strong coffee or tea goes a long way in mellowing it out enough to be enjoyable.

    Ya gotta like the taste of the tea you drink ... and perhaps a good place to start is with herbal teas. Most of them are caffeine-free, being made from blossoms, leaves, twigs, roots, seeds/seedpods. However, should you desire the caffeine found in non-herbal teas, a good place to start might be with a sampler box of teas so that you can experiment with the different flavors to find which ones work great for you ...

    And also to make the tea at first as directed, but then to alter the steeping time to see how that alteration affects its taste for you ... I mention this because, for some people (myself included) very strong tea causes nausea.

    Some of my favorite teas ... Green tea, Jasmine Tea, Black Tea, Orange Spice Tea,
    Also on my favorites list are ... Sour Cherry Tea, Raspberry Tea, Camomile Tea, Mint Tea
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    If you're looking for black tea try PG Tips. Brew the tea with boiling water( I brew for the recommended 3 minutes), don't squeeze the bag, add 1/2-1 tsp sugar or none at all, and 3-4 tablespoons of 2% milk.

    An herbal tea I've been enjoying lately is Tazo Dessert Delights. I usually don't like lemon teas but their Lemon Loaf is delicious. It's like a lemon vanilla tea. It doesn't need sugar but you could add 1/2-1 tsp for extra delicousness.

    Tazo Butterscotch Blondie is another delicious black tea.
  • Ohhhtayyyy
    Ohhhtayyyy Posts: 49 Member
    I love green tea with a little bit of honey!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I like fruit-flavored green teas. Lipton used to (or maybe still does, but I haven't seen it in months) a mandarin orange one which was my favorite. But all of the lemon (with or without ginseng) ones are good. Aldi has really good pomegranate-blueberry-acai green tea, too.

    I don't put anything in them, as I like their tastes as-is.
  • delaclos99
    delaclos99 Posts: 53 Member
    Twinings English Breakfast. Boiling hot water, leave to steep for at least 3 minutes. Splash of whole or semi skimmed milk, drink and feel the world become a better place.

    Lipton's is the just the worst pish on the planet. Nothing worse than being in a hotel, asking for a cuppa and that insipid little bag turning up by a cup of lukewarm water.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Good tea needs to 'brew in a pot for 3 or 4 mins, preferably a china pot :smiley: English Breakfast with a splash of semi skimmed milk for me please <3
  • Vanessaloya84
    Vanessaloya84 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2018
    I add lemon or lime to mine. I truly enjoy Oolong tea by prince of peace
  • jessylynn76
    jessylynn76 Posts: 4 Member
    Apple cinnamon tea is my favorite, and a great replacement for dessert in the evenings.
  • stephaniedenise28
    stephaniedenise28 Posts: 104 Member
    My new favourite is Irish Breakfast <3, with a tiny dash of milk!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I drink my tea and coffee with no cream or sugar. I used to be a 2 creams, 2 sugars in my coffee type of girl. I widdled down my use a half serving at a time. I also dilute my coffee slightly to cut the bitterness. You can look for the same flavors in tea that you liked in coffee. I really love french vanilla, so I drink Tea Forte Orchid Vanilla (loose leaf). It has a strong vanilla flavor. I also love Bigelow's French Vanilla (bag) and Vanilla Chai (bag).

    Many tea brands offer sampler's online. Tea Forte has fantastic samplers. Once you find what you like, you can buy more economical loose leaf teas.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Black tea with milk - I'm English so it's traditional I suppose.
    Preferably made in a teapot.
    China cup and saucer not required - very happy with a mug so I can get more in. It's a major part of maintaining my hydration levels.

    Herbal teas = horrible teas in my humble, and probably unpopular, opinion but will make an exception for jasmine tea with a Chinese meal as it seems very appropriate and complimentary.

  • emcclure013
    emcclure013 Posts: 231 Member
    Already been mentioned but my favorite is Celestial's Bengal Spice. So much cinnamon flavor, it's just lovely. I love it with a bit of raw honey and a splash of milk.

    I used to be only a big coffee drinker, and I found that most teas just didn't pack the flavor punch I was looking for. Took some time for me to find ones that I really liked and they've definitely grown on me over time.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited January 2018
    My personal favorites:

    * A good, strong English (or Irish Breakfast) tea like Harney & Sons with milk and sweetener.
    * Lapsang souchang is a smoked tea that I've always liked - this one without milk and sweetener.
    * For a green tea, I like a good jasmine tea with a bit of sweetener.
    * Bancha teas, made from older leaves and stems, are also a favorite of mine - without milk or sweetener.

    For sources: Adagio Teas makes quality products and has some good samplers, both caffeinated and herbal:


    August Uncommon Teas has some high quality rather expensive gourmet blends, I've just purchased a sampler - first one I've tried is very good:

  • amyjeaninga
    amyjeaninga Posts: 36 Member
    So many teas and tea lovers! :)

    OP, why do you want to give up your coffee? There are potential health benefits to drinking coffee just as there are to tea - you just have to be careful what you put into it. I used to hate coffee. Then I discovered the mocha, which is a calorie-laden bomb if you buy it at Starbucks, but making one at home I use stevia and 2% milk, no whipped cream on top. I drink regular coffee sometimes, too but not without it being sweet and lightened somehow, so I know where you're coming from. Maybe try experimenting with things besides sugar and cream - stevia, and perhaps one of the non-dairy milks, or a lighter cream? I've had to do this myself and you can get used to it.

    But I like tea, too. Drinking English Breakfast with stevia and a bit of lemon right now :) If you're going to replace your coffee, that's the one I'd recommend starting with as it has a nice, full body. Earl Grey is good, too - it has bergamot in it which gives it a yummy citrusy aroma and flavor (actually the scent kinda reminds me of Froot Loops and always has). I've mostly replaced my soda habit with iced green tea sweetened with a mix of stevia and a little Splenda, plus some mint added, too. Very refreshing.

    Good luck with your tea-venture!
    cs2thecox wrote: »
    Semi-skimmed milk is the key - 2% fat - I think the Americans call it half and half? Full fat milk tastes great in coffee but is too rich in tea, and skimmed milk (0.1% fat) is also terrible in tea as it's just too watery.

    No, we just call it 2% as far as I know, or perhaps low fat (though I think that's usually 1%). Half and half is a mixture of whole/full fat milk and whipping or heavy cream - a lot of people use it as coffee creamer. Not as many calories as cream, but richer than whole milk (at least for coffee).

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I like Darjeerling and Chammomile.
  • Huneebee76
    Huneebee76 Posts: 2 Member
    When I first started drinking tea, I knew I was going to have at least 8cups a day so I didn’t add anything to it. If you get fruit flavored teas it’s actually not bad to taste. It’s like flavored water. My faves are pomegranate green tea or lemon green tea. I’m sure if you only have a few cups a little sugar wont hurt.