Vape juice

Hi everyone, I quit smoking 25th January 2017. In this time I have gained 3 stone, does vape juice have any calories? I make my own with pg, vg, nicotine and favouring, it has literally just popped into my head that my weight loss struggle may not be food related but vape related instead. Any know if there are calories in this?


  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Personally I lost weight vaping. I found it helped me quit sugar and reduced my carb craving. Chances are you are suffering from the normal weight gain from quitting smoking. I was not a smoker when I began vaping. I generally vape 3% nicotine and my juice is commercially made with sucralose.
  • ohdear1986
    ohdear1986 Posts: 110 Member
    I use between 50ml and 100ml of it a day, I'm logging everything I eat now as of last Friday so hoping I see a loss this week. I can give up food but not my vape
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    ohdear1986 wrote: »
    I use between 50ml and 100ml of it a day, I'm logging everything I eat now as of last Friday so hoping I see a loss this week. I can give up food but not my vape

    Well, keep at it! Not smoking is huge (I'm still working on that myself) and I'm sure you can manage.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Trust me it's not the vape juice. My son goes through that much easily and he's lost 65 pounds vaping. I probably use about 30ml a day. I'm off vaping right now because I'm healing from surgery but can't wait to have my vape back. I miss the boost nicotine gives me :'(
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,216 Member
    ohdear1986 wrote: »
    I use between 50ml and 100ml of it a day, I'm logging everything I eat now as of last Friday so hoping I see a loss this week. I can give up food but not my vape

    What the heck?

    I'm 47 and quit smoking cigarettes 6 years ago - been vaping since. I use a pretty hefty setup (Alien 220w combined with 4 head at .15 ohms and 80w) and a 60ml vial of juice lasts about one to two WEEKS and I'm a pretty heavy vaper. This is typical of everybody I know who vapes. How on earth are you vaping up to 100ml a day? You would have to be vaping continuously every hour you are awake. lol
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I think the atomizer has a big effect. I use a SMOK Cloud Beast and it really chews through the e-juice. Before that my juice lasted a lot longer.
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,216 Member
    edited January 2018
    I think the atomizer has a big effect. I use a SMOK Cloud Beast and it really chews through the e-juice. Before that my juice lasted a lot longer.

    I use the same atomizer - with .15 quad heads. I still don't chew through a 60ml vial in less than a week. a 60ml vial is usually the largest you can even buy at a brick and mortar. 30ml is the standard size. Heck, a 60ml vial is typically 30 dollars, or more... I've mixed my own juice and I find it to be inconvenient. I do add extra nic since 12mg is typically the highest you see around anymore. However, if I was really blasting through a 60 a day you would almost have to be mixing your own product - or explain the $900 dollar a month vape bill to the spouse. lol

    Anyhow, I can see cloud chasers who are vaping 0mg at super high wattage burning through juice pretty quick, but even then it's hard for me to imagine 100ml a day. ;)
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Yeah, my son mixes his own but I buy commercial. Here in Canada most stores don't carry smaller than 60 ml and 100 or 120 ml is common. I may be overestimating my usage but I know before I quit for surgery I was at the store more than usual and it was definately getting expensive. Right now I'm hardly vaping anything. Not much point at zero nic.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i lost 100 pounds and vaped. never logged anything?

    how would you even log it?

    dont stress the small stuff.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited January 2018
    I've been vaping for over 2 years, it won't prohibit weight loss.

    A 120ml bottle of juice lasts me close to a month, and that damn puffer (as i call it) is pretty much permanently glued to my hand, i vape waaaay more than i smoked!! I add 2ml nicotine to 30ml of flavour.
  • jdemiest
    jdemiest Posts: 1 Member
    I've been camping for 2 years now. I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and dip a can of chewing tobacco. Sometimes I would do both at the same time. As far as seeing detrimental change in my body when vaping, I breathe better and that's about it. I've been lifting and running for some 8 years now. My cardio has improved but as for weight training I can't say. My feet get a little cold sometimes but it's because of the nicotine in the ejuice. I vape all day, I vape right before the gym and feel no loss of strength or stamina from it. My body stays very warm in the gym because of the blood flow. After the gym is I'm just lazing about my feet will get a little cold, but that's about it. I only vape Naked100 6nic e liquid.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    edited January 2018
    I's not the vape juice.

    100 ml per day is crazy though...I vape a lot and 100 ml will usually last me about a month...100 ml at the vape store I go to will run you about $ wife would kill me if I was vaping through that much cash...
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    If you drink it sure. Otherwise, not worth worrying about.
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    I can only conclude that the method of vaping varies worldwide.

    I vape (4 years +) and it’s never occurred to me it would have calories- I’m not ingesting it through my digestive system? Isn’t that like wondering if body lotion prevents weight loss!

    I’m mystified by the amounts you’re talking about though. My device has a tiny tank - about an inch tall - and I think it has maybe a 2ml capacity by the time you account for the coil which takes up much of the space. I buy vape liquid in little 10ml bottles. One bottle will last around a day and a half. So I’m using around 7ml a day at a guess. 🤷‍♀️

  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited July 2020
    My husband also makes his own, sans nicotine. He buys his items on Amazon and I honestly don't know if there is calorie info provided. But as it is food grade stuff, I imagine it would have some. BUT the amount vaped is not the same as the amount consumed. Just looked up some internet sleuthing and found some articles that indicate about 25 cals in a 5 ml tank of juice, but that by vaping (and then exhaling) you are not absorbing the juice. You don't 'drink' it.
    ohdear1986 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I quit smoking 25th January 2017. In this time I have gained 3 stone, does vape juice have any calories? I make my own with pg, vg, nicotine and favouring, it has literally just popped into my head that my weight loss struggle may not be food related but vape related instead. Any know if there are calories in this?