1st week in and no loss

I'm 1 week down and my weight hasn't changed . Looking at my food diary there are obvious things that arnt amazing ie: lots lot wine on one night but I feel so disappointed. I used to eat late every night and snack constantly so my calorie intake is a lot lower. I know it's only been a week but I just feel so dejected . I ate 2 donuts and a massive copied and feel awful. (I didn't add that to the diary Actually) My weight is 18.2 stone so I really thought I'd see an immediate loss.

Any tips or motivation appreciated.


  • TexasTallchick
    TexasTallchick Posts: 138 Member
    Weight loss takes time and patience. You most likely won’t see a loss every week either. Just keep at it and know you will eventually see results.
  • janellereasoner
    janellereasoner Posts: 7 Member
    Put that scale somewhere you can't see it for at least another week. Log EVERYTHING you eat, get those steps in and ignore the scale for a while. Weighing yourself constantly can be discouraging.
  • wdaniel2018
    wdaniel2018 Posts: 5 Member
    I am new to this community...first day actually but I noticed in the past drinking alot of water and green tea really flushes out some water weight. But as janellereasoner wrote..hide that scale !!!!!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,517 Member
    You using a food scale?

    Record everything you eat every day. If you forget, go back and fill in best you can. If you get in a tough to calculate situation, make good faith estimates. Also, be prepared to spend more time losing than you are thinking as of now. Right now you are doing the right thing, trying to adjust. Keep trying and adjusting.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    Keep at it. There are factors at play here. If it's any consolation I'm not new to this. I just started logging this week and I won't expect to see a loss for two weeks :)
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member


    Weight loss isn't linear. Water weight, TOM etc...make weight fluctuate daily. You will likely not see a steady drop.
  • KateA2017
    KateA2017 Posts: 42 Member
    Just keep going there are good days and bad but the longer you stick with it the better they both will get.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Buy a food scale in Walmart or Target for about 25 dollars. They have cheaper ones but I like ones in that price range or above. Weigh your food. Plan and put foods in your diary the day before so you know ahead of time what you will be eating.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    1st week in and no loss.

    Yep. That's normal for some of us. Took me 10 days of sticking to a net of 1250 calories like glue before I lost anything.

    You can't just give up a week in.
  • rabbitmoustache
    rabbitmoustache Posts: 5 Member
    Ah, this is really good to read. This has only been my 4th day and I put on 3 pounds, even though my calories are about 600 less than usual. I will try not to weigh until next week.
    As this is the heaviest I have ever been, for some reason, I thought the weight would go down quicker as there is more to lose. Tsk - obviously not!
  • curwhibbles
    curwhibbles Posts: 138 Member
    Give it a minimum of a month and don’t give up!!!! It feels so worth it! Everything is kind of on a delay.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Its early days. Log everything you eat accurately, move a bit more and give it time... 4 weeks at least would give you a better idea of progress.
  • Michie112g
    Michie112g Posts: 49 Member
    Don’t get discourage!!
    The scale is my enemy.
    Take photos and compare every 15-21 days.
    Also inches and clothes size !!
    At some point the scale with move

    Feel free to add me
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    This is no big deal, honestly. Drink more water to help you feel full. Drink a glass of wine if you want to, but log it and make sure it fits your calorie goal for the day. I weigh every day so that I can monitor how I'm doing. I also added the Happy Scale app on my phone and input my weight. It constructs a graph that shows your weight loss trend. Sometimes it goes up, some days it goes down. Don't freak out. Sometimes I found that the tape measure showed I'd lost half an inch off my waist, but the scale showed I was at the same weight. Weird, but that's what happens. Do not beat yourself up if you slip and eat a couple donuts. Just resolve not to do that the next day and keep your promise to yourself. I sometimes play a mind game where I see a donut or cookies and imagine that someone sneezed or spit on them, then go grab an apple or some crackers and cheese. You'll probably notice a slight weight loss within 2 weeks of your start date. Keep up the good work!
  • resale3108
    resale3108 Posts: 293 Member
    Put that scale somewhere you can't see it for at least another week. Log EVERYTHING you eat, get those steps in and ignore the scale for a while. Weighing yourself constantly can be discouraging.

    Forget the first week. Start this week by eating what you normally would. Log EVERYTHING! See what you’re eating and drinking and how the calories rack up. Don’t be afraid of it, it helps you you understand and realise and your brain really gets in gear cos this is a good lifestyle change. Weigh yourself at the start of the week, then lose the scales for a week. They’re not called the naughty step for nothing!
    Oh, and take photos of yourself- see yourself as others see you in all your lardy glory. I have just done this. I screamed and wailed, but it’s a revelation! And any time you fancy a donut or other rubbish - look at those photos!!
    Get stuck in!