Gym vs Home Workouts



  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    I don't have the space to accommodate the workouts and equipment that I use at the gym. I also have four pets and doing anything that doesn't involve at least one of them is pretty much impossible...I don't want to crush a cat with a weight plate or try to squat with a Great Dane weaving/leaning on me.
  • susanp57
    susanp57 Posts: 409 Member
    Aside from space considerations, I like going to the gym and the options that so much equipment offers.

    Also, after trying more than once, I realized that I really do not like working out to videos.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    At home, I am easily distracted by other things. At the gym, there's just my workout to focus on.

    And I would need a lot of equipment at home for my workouts. It would take awhile to build up a home gym to have all the options my current gym has.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    I prefer home, because If I've only got 15-30 minutes, I can do something quick or work in half a workout or some mobility/flexibility drills.

    I'm in a small studio and managed to carve out an 8x7 space that works for my drills and equipment. For Cardio I'm outside running with a PF Membership as a parachute/safety net/umbrella.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I have young kids so I have invested in home equipment so I can get in a good workout while my kids nap or after they go to bed. It works best for my schedule. We have probably accumulated close to $3000 worth of equipment over the last 4 years. That is a savings over what my husband and I would have to pay in gym membership over that same time period. And I save time by not having to commute to the gym.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    If I have to go somewhere to workout it's less likely to happen. I have a rack and barbell set up in it's own room, so it is nice and convenient to lift at home. Plus I don't have to wait for equipment, track down plates, or worry about weird looks when I do hip thrusts. Stationary cardio makes me miserable and I live in the country so I'd much rather do cardio from my front door. When it's too hot in the summer I swim for free in a lake or go to the roller skating rink. No need for a crowded gym with bad music in my life.
  • gvizzle74
    gvizzle74 Posts: 123 Member
    I workout at home. I like to workout first thing in the morning and the thought of putting on winter boots, winter coat, hat etc. and leaving my house at 6:00 a.m. in the dark and cold and rain and snow to go to the gym fills me with "one more snooze" thoughts. I know i won't go. I bought the equipment i need for home (adjustable dumbbells, adjustable kettlebell, stability ball, elliptical, resistance bands, and a bench) and set up the spare room as my gym. I get just as good a workout because there isn't anything i can't do with the equipment i have.
  • Lesley2603
    Lesley2603 Posts: 119 Member
    Gym for me. I leave the house with my husband in the morning, which is much earlier than I need to for work. Can be at the gym in 15 mins or less, workout, shower and be at work in good time. There is too much needing my attention at home, I would just put the washing on, just have coffee, just feed the dog and the time would be gone. Plus the dog likes to join in if I exercise at home
  • kdub2051
    kdub2051 Posts: 20 Member
    I’m a home gym person. For me it’s a matter of convenience. I converted my back porch into a mini fitness center, squat rack, barbell, dumbbells, Kettlebells, TRX, hi & low lat station. It’s all enclosed so weather is not a problem. I wake up and workout. Don’t have any excuses, it works for me.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    It works and I'm consistent. Three years without missing more than one training session.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I choose home for various reasons but the biggest are:
    1. time - don't want to spend time traveling to and from the gym
    2. preference in type of workout - I don't like classes or machines as much as I like getting outdoors. I do have dumbbells and a Total Gym at home for when the weather is too nasty for outside activities but those are only used on those occasions.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I prefer the gym because they have weights and treadmills which I don’t have a home. Right now I’m avoiding the gym because it’s super crowded so I’m working out at home. Will go back probably after February.
  • Getfit4Jess
    Getfit4Jess Posts: 21 Member
    For the most part I love working out at home. I love the fact I can workout in my living room and then walk upstairs and take a hot shower in my own bathroom and get ready as needed without having to pack everything into a gym bag.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited January 2018
    ccruz985 wrote: »
    I'm curious, what makes you pick gym over home or home over gym? I have a gym membership for the days that I'm going to be out from super early til late; I just bring my gym bag and make a stop during the day. Otherwise, I'm 100% about my home workouts. I follow DVD programs so I'm never lacking for direction or questioning what routine I should put together for myself, I find it to be so much easier.

    I only use the gym for the weight room...even if I had a home gym, it likely would not have the abundance of equipment that my gym has. Over the last 5+ years, I've also met some really great people at the gym and substantially expanded my circle of fitness friends.

    There's also too many distractions at home with a wife and a 5 & 7 year old...when I'm home, I'm husband and dad and always something going on...when I'm at the gym, it's me time and I can just do my thing and get in and get out.

    I'm also not partial to DVDs and workout videos. In the winter I use my indoor bike trainer and do YouTube spin classes a couple times per week at home, and I pretty much have to will myself to do it...I loath that *kitten*...
  • MarvinsAMartian
    MarvinsAMartian Posts: 236 Member
    I think we're missing a big point here... as evidenced by the responses I think what's important is no matter where you do it, you do it. Home or gym it doesn't seem to stop anyone from putting in work so high fives all around.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I think we're missing a big point here... as evidenced by the responses I think what's important is no matter where you do it, you do it. Home or gym it doesn't seem to stop anyone from putting in work so high fives all around.

    Hence why my response didn't directly answer. It makes zero difference why as much as just do.
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    It works and I'm consistent. Three years without missing more than one training session.

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I prefer the gym for several reasons:

    1) Equipment and variety of it. No need to come up with "alternative" ways to do something, and if I want to mix up my routine for a couple weeks, no need to buy new stuff.

    2) Focus. When I'm at the gym, I'm focused on one thing and one thing only. My workouts are far more intense. Home is my place to relax, unwind, and rest.

    3) Peer pressure. I'm less likely to "give up" before that "last" rep if there are other people around, even if I'm not working out with them. My gym at the time I go is pretty full of "dedicated" fitness types, and I appreciate being around like minded people even if we're not chatting it up.

    4) Not that I use them too often, but classes - they give that group activity, and easy variety if I'm in the mood. Nice to have a change of routine and a group to do it with.

    5) People in general. I'm single (while I have roommates, I rent the mini-apartment in the house, plus, we're all busy so mostly only see each other if we're cooking), my job has me behind a computer screen most of the day, and even my sport is a bit anti social LOL. It's just nice to have other humans around with a similar mindset who AREN'T on a screen.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    It is isn't a possibility for me to have the equipment that I want at home since I have a small studio apartment. I need a squat rack, an incline bench, barbells, a full set of plates, kettle bells up to 48kg, a pull up bar and an elliptical. My club is also always adding new equipment which is nice and worth the fees.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,424 Member
    The gym is 3 blocks away & it's meant for exercise, however I do home exercise too(videos) at times when I'll be only available for gym when they're busy, like after 5
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Home gym = no waiting, blaring dirty rap and I can lift in my unders and flip flops.