Working out Bodyfat?

Need some advice here folks. I am trying to work of BF % rather that focusing on a number on the scales. Calipers I can't use, never have been sure how much damn fat to grab.

But using things like US Navy Caluclators. I come in at around 13% BF.

I'm 5'11
11.5 Neck
28 waist
28 hips

Comes in at 13% bf. Now the problem?? I'm skinny fat, I have no fat in these areas, it all collects in the chest and I posted a pic on here before and got told 20% bf.

So any ideas which is correct?


  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    Believe it or not this comes in at 13% bf


  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    Yes so do I. I think its because all my weight is in the one area and the areas measured have no fat, I even tried calculators that measure wrists biceps etc and they said the same in or around 11-13, its really hard to gain proportion from photos but for example my 10 year old daughter, who is not overweight has bigger wrists than me, I am very finely built.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    That's 20, not 13, sorry matey!
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    edited January 2018
    So basically we can say either A - These online calculators are crap or B - I fall through the cracks due to where my fat is stored? I think you can see that in the photos, look at my traps collar bone biceps and then look at my pecs, I am not disagreeing with either of you, I agree. I was just confused as these calculators say different
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I'd say 19-20% but there really is no way to tell. Nor does it really matter.

    Just keep eating at a deficit and keep eating a moderate amount of protein and lift heavy.

    You'll get there if you stick to it.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    I'd say 19-20% but there really is no way to tell. Nor does it really matter.

    Just keep eating at a deficit and keep eating a moderate amount of protein and lift heavy.

    You'll get there if you stick to it.

    I want to focus on BF% rather than weight on a scale though.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Weight on the scale is a mix of body fat, water and muscle.
    It is more accurate than trying to measure body fat as hydration levels effect it too much.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,835 Member
    These calculators are crap if you don't have exactly the right bodyshape and fat distribution that works for them. I have a tiny neck, but massive hips (which, btw are bone, not so much padding), and as I'm not so tall and also have a fairly wide ribcage my waist is a bit bigger as well. I get completely rubbish numbers out of those calculators.
  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 245 Member
    Only way is probably to get a dexa scan done - costs $$ though I think.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    These calculators are crap if you don't have exactly the right bodyshape and fat distribution that works for them. I have a tiny neck, but massive hips (which, btw are bone, not so much padding), and as I'm not so tall and also have a fairly wide ribcage my waist is a bit bigger as well. I get completely rubbish numbers out of those calculators.

    Yep I seem to be the same.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    DEBOO7 wrote: »
    Only way is probably to get a dexa scan done - costs $$ though I think.

    Yeah I'm not that keen lol
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    Weight on the scale is a mix of body fat, water and muscle.
    It is more accurate than trying to measure body fat as hydration levels effect it too much.

    Right OK.
  • loveisapineapple
    loveisapineapple Posts: 38 Member
    My body fat scales aren't too bad. They measure slightly over compared to a DEXA scan but it's consistent, so the decrease in body fat is the same amount as the decrease shows with a DEXA scan, they just read higher (about 2%). Since I track trends that's good enough for me.
    Might be worth looking out for some of them. I have ones with handles so it gives a segmented analysis.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    I'd say 19-20% but there really is no way to tell. Nor does it really matter.

    Just keep eating at a deficit and keep eating a moderate amount of protein and lift heavy.

    You'll get there if you stick to it.

    I want to focus on BF% rather than weight on a scale though.

    But the quickest way to reduce your bodyfat % is a calorie deficit and losing weight/losing fat.

    Would suggest using the BF pictures on as a rough guide.

  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    How can you focus on losing body fat if you don't have a way to measure it? Can you go to a wellness center for an assessment where they use calipers?
  • WhereIsPJSoles
    WhereIsPJSoles Posts: 622 Member
    Why don’t you just keep a log of your measurements and see how those change, instead of plugging them into the calculator? That way you can measure the areas you want to see a change in and ignore ones (like your wrists) that don’t matter as much.

    I’m driven solely by progress pics at this point
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    Wether you are bothered about the number on a scale or not what you need to do is eat at a deficit and lose fat.

    You can not spot reduce so it also is irrelevant where you think your fat is too.

    Eat at a deficit making sure you are getting plenty of protein and lift weights
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    So basically we can say either A - These online calculators are crap or B - I fall through the cracks due to where my fat is stored? I think you can see that in the photos, look at my traps collar bone biceps and then look at my pecs, I am not disagreeing with either of you, I agree. I was just confused as these calculators say different

    I'm going for full of crap. Because 7 percent is a big difference, and you are definitely not at 13.

    Want an accurate number? Go for BodPod testing or Dexa.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    If you’re going to focus on body fat as your metric to chase you’re going to have to use a proper way to measure, simple as that. She’ll out for the proper scans or figure something else out.
  • purpleannex
    purpleannex Posts: 61 Member
    I don't understand why you need a measurement. Is it just vanity, so you can tell people you're whatever percent?

    Lose weight until you feel you have the fat level you desire.