


  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I can't seem to make any progress with jogging either....even at 4mph, I can't do more than two minutes at a time. I've tried C25K and as soon as it wants you to put together more than 2 minute intervals, I am lost. I can walk a 5K in 45 minutes and can ride my bike for more than an hour plus at a time, but anything resembling jogging just brings me to a screeching halt so fast. I am not sure what to do....

    What happens when you try to run? Are you out of breath, in pain, tired? If we know more about the problem, we might be able to help.
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    I suggest going back to day 1 of C25K. I too could not get through the 1 minute jogs the first time I tried on Nov 22. I thought "whose #$%#@ stupid idea was this?! I need to throw up, and my lungs are going to explode!" I was soooooo discouraged.

    Then I got on here and read that I was likely going too fast. It was very true! Slow down to barely faster than a walk. Hey even slower than a walk if need be.

    It made all the difference in the world! It's all about building up your endurance and getting to a point where you can jog non stop for 30 minutes. Speed is unimportant at this point.

    I am on week 7, day 3 and up to jogging 25 minutes nonstop. If I can do this anyone can.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I can so relate. I could never run.Like you my chest would hurt too much. My heart would going overdrive and that was a completely scary feeling. So I didn't run. I simply started walking, moved to hiking and increased my distance and stamina. I started this all 4 years ago.
    At the same time Also had a few health issues checked out: Turns out I have a number of allergies and something called intensity induced asthma Most annoying stuff, but my heart was and is healthy. The former means that my lungs collapse if the workout intensity gets too high so I got an inhaler. The latter gave me the confidence to walk further and more often. My speed at walking increased. Initially all I did was walking Over time I added weights and the gym and longer distance cycling. I walked to work (9km per day) and loved how all made me feel.

    Last year I gave running (with inhaler) another go Did my own version of C2K, meaning I went half speed and with my inhaler. I had learned how to look after my lungs and they will learn and get better, just takes more time than with most. Now a year after I started running: No longer use an inhaler and run 10km on a regular basis.
    It can be done, learn about you, take a detour if running does not work first time around, go slow and have your heart and lungs checked out (also allergies). Patience and slow progress is the only way I could make it work, but now I am running
  • Izzyj2015
    Izzyj2015 Posts: 2 Member
    I hated running and thought I couldn’t. Tried C25K hated it. Applied for London marathon and got a place. Went out and just jogged slowly as far as I could- 1.2 km. Just tried to run 500 m further each week. Was horrible. That was October. Ran 18 km on Monday. Still don’t love it but very motivated to keep going. Still run very slowly. Will take me 6 hrs to run the marathon.