Looking for friends losing 50-100lbs ❤️



  • ptoomb24
    ptoomb24 Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is to lose +100lbs.. u can add me!
  • Rnsteward1
    Rnsteward1 Posts: 9 Member
    Gained 28lbs back need to loose 50-70lbs in 1yr timeframe. Need, need, friends who log and exercise weekly for motivation!!! Please feel free to add me. Lets cheer each other on, summer bodies are made in the winter!!!!
  • nilimel
    nilimel Posts: 70 Member
    I need to lose 58 more! Lost 18 already add me. I just started a 12 week program and I'm on day 5. Let's keep each other motivated :D
  • salleymo
    salleymo Posts: 50 Member
    At least 100 pounds here. I am in my early 30's with three kids. This has to go!
  • hutchinsond2016
    hutchinsond2016 Posts: 2 Member
    I am looking to lose 60+ish pounds. I have been heavy off and on since I was in Jr. High. I want to get off that roller coaster for good, so I am changing my diet for a lifetime. I had a gastric sleeve done 3 years ago and have gained all the weight back, so it really is about what you put in your body. There is no magic pill or procedure. The sugar cravings usually pass for me after a couple of weeks. It has to get all out of my system so I don't do anything with artifical sweetners while I detox from sugar. Good luck on your journey!
  • I'm on a weight loss journey to lose 100 lbs, as well, and have PCOS/past history with EDNOS. I am more than willing to support as much as I can! You've got this!
  • darbydeshone
    darbydeshone Posts: 1 Member
    I am 25 years old and am the heaviest I have been in my whole life! 220 lbs! I would love to lose about 60 pounds to get back to a healthier state. It's so upsetting to think about how I have let myself get this way. It's time to change!
  • hansumm
    hansumm Posts: 2 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 60! I'm 19 and about 250 pounds so we're in the same boat girly! Feel free to add me I'd love to help push each other! :)
  • Robo014
    Robo014 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Kate, I know it can be hard but you have to keep at it for your own sake, I started at 143kg and am know 106kg and still working at it. I enter my food intake every day and also weigh myself daily, I find it helps keep the motivation up. Good Luck
  • pamom2003
    pamom2003 Posts: 1 Member
    I am currently 191 lbs and only 4’10” which is very overweight. I have fibromyalgia and bad knees. I am trying to lose weight and get healthier so I can be around longer for my children. I am also hoping to be able to rid myself of some of my medications I am taking. Friend me if you would like. Any extra accountability is helpful
  • Hanna10679
    Hanna10679 Posts: 35 Member
    My initial goal was to lose 145lbs. I've lost 32, so about 113lbs to go! The more friends to cheer me on, the better! Feel free to add me (anyone)!!
  • SCRN2019
    SCRN2019 Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me too!!!
  • jayjayb00
    jayjayb00 Posts: 5 Member
    70 pounds to lose overall. I'm proud of you!! You can do it, don't give up.
  • jayjayb00
    jayjayb00 Posts: 5 Member
    mz_trish wrote: »
    I understand. I have been heavy since I was in 2nd grade. I have PCOS and I will be trying the keto lifestyle since maybe it can help with hormones and weight loss.

    My goal is to lose 170 pounds...let's do this!!! :):)

    I have PCOS as well and have been overweight all of my life. I have been blessed by eating a vegan lifestyle. I would encourage you to check it out and see the correlation between PCOS and becoming vegan. <3 I hope you are in good health.
  • jrziegrl5180
    jrziegrl5180 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there! I have 80 pounds to lose by October... add me!
  • Jivebunnie
    Jivebunnie Posts: 18 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia and ME. I reckon I need to lose half of my body weight. I don't have an ideal weight, I'd love to be a size 14-16 UK. I've put loads of weight on due to my meds and I've had plantar fascitis and Achilles tendonitis in both feet and heels. It's our 25th wedding anniversary in June and it upsets me to know that I will still be fat no matter what I lose between now and then. Friend me if you want to. X
  • Dejahvoodooh
    Dejahvoodooh Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Nicole, I'm 30, and I have about 70 lbs to lose. I currently weigh 245. My highest was 309, and I got ALLLLLL the way to 203 and tore my meniscus! I've been dealing with a knee injury for a year and a half trying everything before surgery but surgery is the only option. I'm scheduled for that shortly.

    In the meantime I've beat myself up as I watched my weight rise from 203 to 245, because I didn't want to change my eating habits and due to my injury I could no longer out run/out exercise my bad habits and cheat meals. Now, I need to get my eating in shape more than ever!

    Just created this new MFP and hoping to find a new friends along the journey.
  • katie_mun29
    katie_mun29 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey Kate! I'm Katie. I'm 22 & have been overweight as long as I can remember. I have tried everything - low carb, no fat, weight watchers, etc. I did a weight loss program through my doctor years ago that was extremely low calorie - maybe 600 calories a day. It worked well, physically, at first. I lost nearly 120 pounds, but I my skin was becoming dry, my kidneys were beginning to bleed, etc. That diet helped me lose weight, but it didn't teach me how to eat healthy or maintain the weight loss. So, naturally, I gained a whole lot of weight back (more than I lost, to be honest).

    Whenever I have used MFP, the relationships I have formed with people have become incredibly encouraging in furthering my weight loss.

    Anyone can feel free to add me to motivate and support each other on our journeys!
  • ginagene84
    ginagene84 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there. My name is Gina. I have to lose over 100lbs! But no more excuses it time to finally live a healthy life! I have been big for as long I as I can remember! I can use some friends to motivate as they motivate me! Feel free to add me
  • wireman12
    wireman12 Posts: 3 Member
    I need to lose over 50lbs too