Mission: break a sugar addiction and tame emotional eating



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2018
    Also I'm trying to avoid artificially sweetened stuff, even drinking straight green tea to beat my tongue into submission. I love sugar so much it's hard to break up.

    Flavored teas (they don't have sugar or artificial sweetener) are something I enjoy in the winter. Peach ginger is my current favorite. Might be easier than plain green if you miss other drinks. (For drinks I don't really like anything sweetened, which is lucky for me. I don't mind an occasional diet drink like a diet ginger ale (hmm, a theme), but my real weakness is for coffee.)
  • kimhski1
    kimhski1 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm also a sugar junky. I've been somewhat successful in the past removing it from my diet and then life and bad habits got in the way and here I am. Again. I'm a huge fan of tisano cacao tea. It's just the cacao pods that you brew just like hot tea. Smells and tastes just like hot chocolate cake. It's my go-to if I'm really struggling with wanting something sweet (its not at all and I don't add milk/sweeteners). I also have a chocolate mint tea (herbal) that I like in the evenings after dinner.

    It's a pleasure to 'meet' you all :)
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    I really like how you recognize "find more constructive ways to deal with adversity". From my experience, I really believe this is a key attitude to helping you act on the desired behavioir of avoiding refined sugars/candy etc, overeating them etc. If you are an emotional eater, as it seems you suspect, I think focusing on emotional well-being will help you be successful.

    I am trying to apply this approach to turning my diet/nutrition around.
  • rgec58
    rgec58 Posts: 19 Member
    Just my input, for what it is worth. I am a stress eater, not just sugar, but all food, especially calorie loaded food. However, I have found a few things that have turned it around for me. I have become a runner and bike rider. I participate in events, 1/2 Marathons and Endurance Cycling (60+ miles). I have found professionally devised training schedules that I follow with personal goals for each (keeps me from injury). I want to run a sub 2 hour 1/2 marathon and average 17 miles/hour on a 100 mile cycling ride. In order to achieve these, I have to lose weight, which I have. I started at 193 (I am 5'7"). I am now at 169. My goal for weight is 150-155. When stressed, I run or ride, now. I have started pursuing Clean Eating which, in my opinion, is a healthy balance between good carbs, sugars, proteins and fats, with the absence of preservatives, most processed foods and added sugars or fats. For me, having something I enjoy, making it more than just exercise (going to events with personal goals), and making eating/weight a part of achieving my goals curtails stress eating. Also, the desire to live as healthy as possible to have quality of life as long as possible to be active with my family, contributes to overcoming stress eating. I don't remember the last time I ate due to stress. Eating a balance of healthy fats, carbs, proteins and sugars also keeps me from binging on what I am mission out on. An important aspect, I do reward myself when reaching benchmark goals, chocolate and/or sorbet are great for me.
  • cshern
    cshern Posts: 55 Member
    Here's the link to their site. They have recipes also.

  • Wingsont84
    Wingsont84 Posts: 335 Member
    Mine was fast food, and sugar in coffee. Also whiskey still a problem.

    Fast food gone
    Sugar gone, apple a day

    Whiskey down to a 2 drinks a night, fine after a hard day at work, we're my fitbit reads avg 17'000 step( of what is true)
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    Me too... Late Night Snacking on gummies is my issues
  • EmperorBlack
    EmperorBlack Posts: 24 Member
    @danilovesgave that sounds like a good idea :) might adopt it myself. Learn to love the diet haha.
  • MelaniefromGA
    MelaniefromGA Posts: 17 Member
    cshern wrote: »
    Here's the link to their site. They have recipes also.


    Thank you for the link. I love all 12 step type programs. Been in recovery for 12 years and it’s definitely the blueprint/design for living for me!
  • EPmomdoc
    EPmomdoc Posts: 27 Member
    How to get chocolate wo the chocolate
    Is there a good brand of teas?
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited January 2018
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Also I'm trying to avoid artificially sweetened stuff, even drinking straight green tea to beat my tongue into submission. I love sugar so much it's hard to break up.

    Flavored teas (they don't have sugar or artificial sweetener) are something I enjoy in the winter. Peach ginger is my current favorite. Might be easier than plain green if you miss other drinks. (For drinks I don't really like anything sweetened, which is lucky for me. I don't mind an occasional diet drink like a diet ginger ale (hmm, a theme), but my real weakness is for coffee.)

    ginger peach tea is my favorite to. Mmmmm and chocolate chai or orange pekoe
  • MelaniefromGA
    MelaniefromGA Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! How is everyone?
    So many boards/groups/threads... a little overwhelming, I’m hoping to connect with 20 or people who are “eating clean” “eliminating sugar” “high protein” however you want to define it. Hopefully you get the idea. Maybe it can be us??

    Looking for help in meal prep. Do you eat most meals at home? Or how do you order when eating out? I find the planning and prep to be the most challenging part. Single mom, Work full time, teenage boys...you get the idea. I’m busy. I know you are busy too, so how do you make it work?

    All input appreciated! :smile:
  • anniekaypants
    anniekaypants Posts: 23 Member
    @MelaniefromgA Hi there! I don’t have teenage boys but I do have a busy life after I get off work so I understand the time crunch. I eat 90% of my meals at home. I try to set aside about two evenings a week to meal plan prep so I’m not constantly going to the grocery store. I try to keep it simple. Chicken thighs and beef and sometimes lamb. I buy easy to prep veggies that are often pre-washed and ready to cook, like cauliflower rice and kale and spinach blends. I cook my meats in butter and my veggies in coconut oil or eat salads with homemade “dressing” of lemon juice and olive oil with some seatings. I make deviled eggs as quick snacks and fat bombs for something sweet. I make dinner for two and immediately divide the portions in to two portions for lunch the next day. Hope this is helpful. Good luck and stay committed!
  • anniekaypants
    anniekaypants Posts: 23 Member
    Also when I eat out I eat salad or veggies with unbreaded wings and blue cheese. Or a burger no bun sub extra lettuce.
  • MelaniefromGA
    MelaniefromGA Posts: 17 Member
    Also when I eat out I eat salad or veggies with unbreaded wings and blue cheese. Or a burger no bun sub extra lettuce.

    Thank you for sharing what has worked for you. I’m off to a very slow start. I’m looking for a buddy I can email everyday for accountability. Most of my socia with friends include going out to eat, so I’ll gotta learn to eat clean while out, I am committed, not prefer not going at it alone. Would you like to buddy up and touch base everyday!
  • anniekaypants
    anniekaypants Posts: 23 Member
    Also when I eat out I eat salad or veggies with unbreaded wings and blue cheese. Or a burger no bun sub extra lettuce.

    Thank you for sharing what has worked for you. I’m off to a very slow start. I’m looking for a buddy I can email everyday for accountability. Most of my socia with friends include going out to eat, so I’ll gotta learn to eat clean while out, I am committed, not prefer not going at it alone. Would you like to buddy up and touch base everyday!
    Also when I eat out I eat salad or veggies with unbreaded wings and blue cheese. Or a burger no bun sub extra lettuce.

    Thank you for sharing what has worked for you. I’m off to a very slow start. I’m looking for a buddy I can email everyday for accountability. Most of my socia with friends include going out to eat, so I’ll gotta learn to eat clean while out, I am committed, not prefer not going at it alone. Would you like to buddy up and touch base everyday!

    I’m not a big emailer but you can message me on here. I’m super lucky that my bestie has started just a few weeks ago. I’m committed enough to do this on my own but it sure is great to have a friend to do Keto with.
  • EmperorBlack
    EmperorBlack Posts: 24 Member
    How’s it all going you guys? I blew it up cos someone very kindly (depending on opinion) bought me some Hotel Chocolat chocolate. Which is so nice and I couldn’t say no :( especially cos I had a bad week too! Scoffed the whole lot in one. Oops!
  • owlslippers
    owlslippers Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm trying to lose 20 pounds but I have such a sugar addiction! I drink iced coffees like everyday! I also have cravings for snacks and i keep trying and failing! Please somebody help. How do you guys deal with cravings?
  • anniekaypants
    anniekaypants Posts: 23 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm trying to lose 20 pounds but I have such a sugar addiction! I drink iced coffees like everyday! I also have cravings for snacks and i keep trying and failing! Please somebody help. How do you guys deal with cravings?

    Iced coffee with sugar free sweeeners and almond milk or heavy cream or a mix of the two. I make my own at home to save money. I only have coffee in the morning and I drink water with Sweet Leaf water drops until lunchtime. I do all of my eating between noon and 8pm. I make my own dark chocolate truffles so I don’t totally feel deprived of chocolate. I snack on celery sticks and cucumbers. I keep cheese whisps and Dukes sausages at my desk for emergencies. Above all else, stay busy! If I’m at home with nothing to do but watch tv, I cave in to cravings. I’ve been cleaning and downsizing all winter and creating other projects to keep my mind off of food. Before I binge, I always chug a bottle of water and wait 15 minuets. It helps me. I also tell myself that my goal is more important than food.