Other 5’8”-5’11” women... looking for friends and to hear your goals



  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 358 Member
    Hi there! So I’m new and I’ve been on here a month and have lost 7lb. I am taller than 95-97% of women at 5’9.5”-5’10” so my goals are a little different than someone who is 5’2”. What is your goal weight and what is your routine ? :)

    Feel free to add

    I'm 6'0". Goal weight is 170 right now (currently around 175 and 23%BF). I've been as low as 165 but starting weight was 190. I'm sort of maintaining but if I lose along the way, then that's fine. I'm eating around 2500 calories.

    You look amazing in your photo!!

    That's sweet. Thank you. That was during my higher eating days (close to 3000 calories) so I'm happy to have lost some more fluff since dropping to 2500.
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 358 Member
    Roobyzooby wrote: »
    5'8 SW was 256 GW 147... Achieved GW about 4 months ago and maintained since on about 1650 cals daily. Went from UK size 22/24 to a UK size 10 and I feel fabulous :) so to everyone at the start of thier journey, good luck, you will not regret making this change to your life.

    I feel like your maintenance calories can go up some at your height for sure. Maybe try and increase your calories about 25-50 per week or two and see if you can get those maintenance calories back up!
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    I'm 5'11. Starting weight was 193 in 2011. Since then I've been up and down 15-20lbs several times. Trying to find the best place to stay. Currently weigh 142. I've decided I'm happy anywhere in the 140's. Yet, but body likes being in the high 150's, low 160's. Maintaining lower is hard for me, but I'm gonna give it another go.
  • LizPalen412
    LizPalen412 Posts: 38 Member
    How many calories are you guys eating? 1200 net was so low for me.. I did it and lost 7lb in 3 weeks on it, but. Since moved my net calories up to 1500-1800 calories net per day and I’m still losing just way slower and I feel like I have a lot more energy... I’m losing about 1lb a week on these higher calories

    I just go with whatever MFP tells me to eat with my goal set to lose 2lbs per week. Right now, that number is 1710, it started at 1740. I readjust it each week with my weigh-in. I would STARVE on 1200! 1740 was even hard to get used to at first, but that just made me realize how much I was eating before.

    Yeah the biggest shock to me from becoming educated through this app is that I really cannot eat as much as I thought. I always thought being SO tall and so active ( I’m less active these days compared to just a couple years ago) that I could eat more than average. I was really wrong and that’s why I’m trying to lose weight now lol. I did some trial and error off the sites recommended calories and it does seem I maintain fairly high on sedentary days (~2300-2400 calories maintenance). This is high especially as I am under 150lb currently. I would probably still lose on 1700 but I’m too scared to net much higher than that.. I’ve been netting roughly 1500 a day. I’m losing fast on that.. just not 2lb a week fast. Which is perfectly fine as I only have 10-20 lb to lose. I will decide after I have my next physical with my doctor. Most girls my height would not have to weigh so little, but I am VERY small framed. I do not look sick at the lower weights of healthy BMI. I actually look quite overweight at average weight for my height. My wrists are so small I can wrap my hands around them more than once. They’re about 3.5” so I know I am super small framed and not the average girl.

    Ohh, yes if you have that little to lose, it sounds like a smaller deficit would be much more manageable! I weigh quite a bit more than you, so my "lose 2lb per week" calorie goal is still decently high, but if I got to the point where it was telling me to eat 1200-1300 calories, I think I would do what you're doing and just eat at a smaller deficit. It has to feel doable, right? 1200 doesn't feel doable lol
  • LizPalen412
    LizPalen412 Posts: 38 Member
    parfia wrote: »
    5 11- looks like I'm the fattest here at 313lbs :( My goal is 160 (so essentially half of me!!)

    I just started a couple weeks ago at 305, so I'm right there with ya! I'm down to 294 as of this morning. I'm also 5'11"!
  • DanielleFayeS
    DanielleFayeS Posts: 1,981 Member
    I'm 5'10" and started at around 200 right now at 187 and my goal is to see how I feel and do at holding at 170 for a while and see if 160 is doable. I'm trying to keep/gain muscle as much as possible.

    The worst I've ever felt in my life and for the longest time is when my weight was below 150 in college (which was a drop from high school age) so I don't think that low will be for me. I'm just trying to take it slow and sustainable.

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • KellyLekey
    KellyLekey Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5'9 1/2". Way back I started at 245ish. I stopped weighing at one point so I don't really know my actual highest weight. I've been maintaining a 100 pound weight loss for 5 years.

    Current weight is 144 and goal now is to increase strength. I've just finished a 10 week 'bulking phase' (man seeing the number on the scale go up was mentally tough after all this time wanting it to only go down!) and am cutting back to 140ish. Body fat over the summer was about 17.5%. I'm betting I'm about 20% now but in the process of cutting back to 17ish.

    I wear a size 2 or 4 bottom and a small or extra small top. Finding pants long enough is super tough since most of my height is in my legs!

    I lost all my weight using a CICO approach and still rely on that as the major indicator. I do best when my macros are 40/30/30 but have been lax about that lately. When I started losing weight my exercise was primarily a bootcamp type class 3 days a week. At the beginning I could only jog about 30 seconds at a time then would have to walk for a minute to recover. After I lost about 30 pounds I hit a plateau and increased my exercise by adding running another 2-3 days a week since I didn't want to decrease calories.

    The 'extra' days of running lead to racing in order to stay focused on a goal - I've run a handful of 5ks, 11 half marathons and 2 full marathons. Running goals: Half marathon under 2 hours (achieved 9/30/2017- 1:56:38)) Marathon under 4:10 (maybe in November 2018)

    My current routine is light cardio (I'm recovering from a knee injury and can't run for another few weeks) and lots and lots of weights. Moderate to heavy weights 6 days a week. Once the knee heals I'll be back to running 3-10+ miles three or four days a week and weights 3 or 4 days with one rest day. Strength goal is to be able to do a pull-up.

    Feel free to add me. I'm new to MFP. Previously I used a different site for logging but switched after getting a Garmin for Christmas so that my activity and nutrition would be integrated.
  • IcelandicBlonde27
    IcelandicBlonde27 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5'11. Starting weight was 193 in 2011. Since then I've been up and down 15-20lbs several times. Trying to find the best place to stay. Currently weigh 142. I've decided I'm happy anywhere in the 140's. Yet, but body likes being in the high 150's, low 160's. Maintaining lower is hard for me, but I'm gonna give it another go.

    Glad there are others with “lower” goal weights. I’m mid 140s and assuming I have a good 10-20lb to lose. Due to my small frame! 140 looks amazing on most girls our height though so that’s an accomplishmwnt :)
  • IcelandicBlonde27
    IcelandicBlonde27 Posts: 26 Member
    kellypim wrote: »
    I'm 5'9 1/2". Way back I started at 245ish. I stopped weighing at one point so I don't really know my actual highest weight. I've been maintaining a 100 pound weight loss for 5 years.

    Current weight is 144 and goal now is to increase strength. I've just finished a 10 week 'bulking phase' (man seeing the number on the scale go up was mentally tough after all this time wanting it to only go down!) and am cutting back to 140ish. Body fat over the summer was about 17.5%. I'm betting I'm about 20% now but in the process of cutting back to 17ish.

    I wear a size 2 or 4 bottom and a small or extra small top. Finding pants long enough is super tough since most of my height is in my legs!

    I lost all my weight using a CICO approach and still rely on that as the major indicator. I do best when my macros are 40/30/30 but have been lax about that lately. When I started losing weight my exercise was primarily a bootcamp type class 3 days a week. At the beginning I could only jog about 30 seconds at a time then would have to walk for a minute to recover. After I lost about 30 pounds I hit a plateau and increased my exercise by adding running another 2-3 days a week since I didn't want to decrease calories.

    The 'extra' days of running lead to racing in order to stay focused on a goal - I've run a handful of 5ks, 11 half marathons and 2 full marathons. Running goals: Half marathon under 2 hours (achieved 9/30/2017- 1:56:38)) Marathon under 4:10 (maybe in November 2018)

    My current routine is light cardio (I'm recovering from a knee injury and can't run for another few weeks) and lots and lots of weights. Moderate to heavy weights 6 days a week. Once the knee heals I'll be back to running 3-10+ miles three or four days a week and weights 3 or 4 days with one rest day. Strength goal is to be able to do a pull-up.

    Feel free to add me. I'm new to MFP. Previously I used a different site for logging but switched after getting a Garmin for Christmas so that my activity and nutrition would be integrated.

    This is amazing! Great stuff
  • KellyLekey
    KellyLekey Posts: 19 Member

    This is amazing! Great stuff

    Thanks! Great to 'meet' you! :)
  • jlmarsala274
    jlmarsala274 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. Looking to get healthier. 195 today and looking to get to 160 and maintain for my first goal. A steady .5 to 1 lb a week loss is my strategy.
  • porcelanmermaid
    porcelanmermaid Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm 5'8 or 5'9. Not totally sure. 311 pounds. Size US22. My goal weight is 230. I have a 3 phase plan and I'm hoping to lose 1-3 pounds a week.
    phase 1: staying active, refocusing on logging and measuring. eating all the food I currently own but don't want to eat in future phases. I'm also packing to move so this has dual purpose of having to move less stuff.
    phase 2: Whole30. I'm supposed to be on metformin so I'm hoping this gets me into healthy food again and i can figure out what food triggers the side effects of the evil pill.
    phase 3: Low carb high fat. I did it over the summer and dropped crazy weight stupid fast but then i had surgery and got lazy.
  • tabitha_newsom
    tabitha_newsom Posts: 8 Member
    5'10" started weight was 303lbs weight loss journey began September 18,2017 just slowly started out. Curent weight 273lbs my goal weight for now is 200lbs as I have been 135 and 150 in past and I was just to skinny didn't look healthy ,so my ideal is to just get low enough to loss my belly I seem to gain most my weight in my belly area...my profile pic is my most recent progress pic I have.
  • NannylouG
    NannylouG Posts: 9 Member
    I’m 5’8” and started Whole30 last week at 184#. I’m a serious sugar addict and I’m shocked that this plan is so easy for me.
    I want to get back down to 150# or below.
    I have developed skin and sinus issues and I believe it’s related to my poor diet.
  • anniej0315
    anniej0315 Posts: 50 Member
    NannylouG wrote: »
    I’m 5’8” and started Whole30 last week at 184#. I’m a serious sugar addict and I’m shocked that this plan is so easy for me.
    I want to get back down to 150# or below.
    I have developed skin and sinus issues and I believe it’s related to my poor diet.

    I couldn’t believe how much less snot my kids had on whole 30, dairy was the culprit. My face gets dry and splotchy with dairy.
  • andreajcasper11
    andreajcasper11 Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2018
    I've yet to read a story I could fully relate to...until now! As soon as I posted an introduction I found this thread. I'm a 40 year old woman with no children, and was a very skinny girl up until my mid-twenties. I was actually underweight as a child and my pediatrician recommended supplementing milkshakes to my regular diet to help me gain weight. I remained quite thin through high school and college. I could eat anything I wanted and not gain a pound. And all I ate was fast food, coffee and sweets. By my mid-twenties my body "changed its mind" and I started gaining weight. I'm 5' 9" and started at 255 pounds when I began tracking on MFP 5 weeks ago. I am now down to 241 pounds. I would love to hear similar stories...someone in their late thirties or early forties, taller than the average female, who was skinny most of their life and then had a similar above-mentioned downfall. And all this being said, I still find inspiring stories on here. I realize when it comes down to it it really doesn't matter how tall you are or your starting weight, but it would be so nice and reassuring to know someone else out there went through a similar scenario. Thanks for reading!!
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited January 2018
    5’9” here. Sitting at about 160 currently with a goal of 145. Unfortunately gained a few pounds after being put on a new med and finding myself unable to work out. That also meant that my eating did not stop to account for that change. But things are settling down, so I’m ready to get rid of the last 15lbs.

    As far as sizing, I have wide hips, so I wear between 11-13 sized jeans. Tops are all over the place depending on if it’s women’s or juniors.
  • JulieSHelms
    JulieSHelms Posts: 821 Member
    Apparently I represent the upper end of the spectrum on here--all these weights look so low to me. I'm 5'8" and 170 (down from 302). Since I am technically still 'overweight' according to the BMI chart, but friends and family were universally telling me to stop-I went to a dr. to sort it out. He told me to stop losing, that I had no extra fat on me, if I keep losing it won't be fat I'm losing, and I won't look healthy. That was hard for me to swallow since I still have a grabbable roll around my middle--but that's all excess skin. I'll post the picture--I've posted it before--but I just want some of the tall ladies on here not to think they have to get down so low if it doesn't make sense to them.

    My routine for the OP: I currently aim for about 1800-2000 calories for maintenance. I run about 10-12 miles per week, swim 1x, and lift weights 5x.

    Size 6/8 on top, Size 10 on bottom (that'd be thanks to the excess skin on front and back around lower middle)

  • TamraMarie93
    TamraMarie93 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone! Excited and hopeful to make some friends. <3 I'm 24 years old with a 1.5 year old little girl & I do keto and calorie counting. I started working off my weight on May 20th 2017.

    I'm 5'8"
    SW: 268
    CW: 186
    GW: 145

    I'm pretty flexible with my goal weight though. Honesty I'd be thrilled just to make it under 160. It's one of those things where I have to wait and see, I'm starting strength training so that will have an impact on how my clothes fit.

    I'd really love to wear a M top and size 8 pants some day! o:)
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I'm 5'8.5". Currently 165lbs. Ultimate goal is 150 but I don't care about that too much right now. I lift weights 2 to 3 times a week, walk my dog and ride bikes or even jog if the weather is nice.
  • dooopdeb
    dooopdeb Posts: 2 Member
    Height makes a big difference as does age. I'm 5'10 and have to say I was blessed with an amazing metabolism UNTIL I hit 40 then things slowed down and now that I'm 57 I am really seeing the difference. I weighed 120 in my 20's 130 in my 30's and since my late 40's I've hovered around 160-178. Even at this weight most people say I look thin but clothes don't fit the way I would like. I'm looking forward to a goal of 150ish
  • getmeowthofhere
    getmeowthofhere Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'11. Started at 261 and am now at 216. Don't have a goal weight anymore because I'm sitting at 20 percent body fat, but my current goal is to get between 14-16 percent body fat. Anyone on here can feel free to add me.
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    I'm just under 5'8. Started at 254.6, currently at 173-174 (tom this week), goal weight of 165. I life weights 4-6 times a week and do cardio after I lift. I look pretty good at 168. I'm surprised at some of the low numbers for goals at the heights listed. I might reassess when I get there. Comfortable size 8 is my goal and I was there at 170-171 last year. Some of my size 10's are a bit loose now. Would like to be 160-165, 25% bf. I want to look healthy, curvy and fit, not particularly thin.
  • marygauerke211
    marygauerke211 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there I am 5'10 and currently 154 (size 8) I am lucky I have never had a "real" weight issue I just realize as I get older I need to increase my strength and watch my carb and sugar intake. This app I hope will help with that. I am a mom of two and I am thankful to have healthy eating habits to keep all things in check. I love that there is a tall gals group!
  • OsageStrong
    OsageStrong Posts: 1 Member
    Hi y’all! I’m a Newbie on here and I’m just getting started. I’m 5’9 and I’m currently at 286 working towards a goal of 200. So far so good, but it’s a complete lifestyle change. Gosh, our sizes are all so varied and don’t correlate with our body types at all. I wear size 18 jeans and a 2xl top. Anyhow, any suggestions/awesome suggestions for core strengthening? I’m partially-devastated by planking activities. ;)
  • theoesque
    theoesque Posts: 36 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hey ladies! 5'8", currently 175ish looking to get below 160 - exact weight doesn't matter as much because I'm trying to build more muscle, so my main focus is to get to get below 25% body fat, whatever that means weight wise. My goals are largely core and leg strength, balance, and flexibility so I can keep growing as a dancer!

    I'm a medium in tops and a 10 in dresses/10 long in jeans (usually...you know how jeans are lmao). I'd love to be a solid size 8, though!
  • spygirl2014
    spygirl2014 Posts: 53 Member
    It appears I'm one of the shorter ladies here at 5'8 and 165 down from SW of 170 3 weeks ago, with GW of 145. My challenge is not healthy eating, I have not eaten red meat in 30 years and I don't have a sweet tooth. Gave up wine on weekdays which is harder than it should have been, but I love fruits, veg and walking. My challenges now are menopause and a very heavy travel schedule. I spend more than half my time on the road, staying in hotels with sub-par workout facilities and restaurant food. It is really difficult to track eating. Any tips for Road Warriors would be appreciated.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm 5'8", started at 255lbs, currently 220lbs (UK 18 on bottom thanks to wide set hips and UK 14-16 on top thanks to the boobs) and already have a healthy range waist to hip ratio, aiming initially for 185lbs then will recomp if necessary beyond that until I am happy with my weight/body fat. I started out logging properly in Dec 2016.

    I am taking the slow and steady approach I've made my peace with it taking time, I haven't given anything up except overeating. I am now losing at 1-1.5lbs per week, I've taken a couple of maintenance breaks and I feel fairly confident that I can make this a permanent lifestyle change.